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After the US civil war the new federal government had a lot of mouths to feed in the form of newly freed slaves. They looked to Mexico and the US Southwest and observed a corn substance and the US grew lots of corn for animal feed and whiskey so this seemed like a plan.

The problem was, indigenous use of corn involved a step called "Myxelation" use for 500 years, whereby Calcium hydroxide ("Slaked Lime") was mixed with the corn. This made certain enzymes bioavailable. Without this step you don't get niacin for example, one of the fundamental enzymes in energy production in all animal life.

So they ignore this and began feeding everyone corn. They died in the millions. In the 1920s an obscure German biochem paper from 1850 identified these symptoms as a niacin deficiency ad in the 1930s we began adding niacin to all white flour.

The amounts added in the 30s were not correct for all persons. It's enough for many but not others and to them it is a mere homeopathic amount, enough to prevent death to be sure, but not enough to prevents all symptoms of the disease and that is the problem.

Pellagra was characterized by "the three D's": diarrhea, dermatitis and dementia". In that era, the only two mental diseases were "dementia/hysteria" (Schizoaffective disorders) and "melancholy" (depression). In clinical cases this is obvious, the problem is subclinical cases because you see "dementia" is the first symptom to manifest. These people are not so much crazy and are just actually ill. Presently we execute these people own way or another, an odd way to address a disease in the twenty-first century.

While exact exact details of the chemistry are complex and technical, the bottom line is these people experience the exact same thing ads an LSD trip. All the time. Just as Niacin was used in the 1960s by deadheads were used to fix "bad trips" so too does the correct amount of niacin in the diet (we can't make it and have to eat it) will also prevent this biochemical fault from happening. In all cases of mass shootings it can be shown the levels of niacin in the shooter is far below what it should be. We know this disease is strictly biochemical because patients are asymptotic during fever/inflammation. Right as rain. As soon as the inflammation is over, the symptoms return. It's strictly biochemical in nature and this chemical is why.

The amounts added to bread in the 1930s are a tenth of the amount they should be and in a nutshell we're being killed at random because only a homeopathic amount of a chemical that is added to prevent madness is being added instead.


Fix the flour

Every now and then a culture adds a grain to its diet. Sometimes corrections and adjustments are made, but not in a hundred years and perhaps it's time to question the 1920s wisdom of pre-molecular biology science.

America's obesity and mental health crises have common cause: poor diet mostly from industrial processing of food. We add chemicals to food t prevent people from dying, but we only add enough to prevent death, we do not add the amount require for optimal health - and let's be clear here these two levels, while different, and still both in homeopathic amounts. Oddly enough we learned this from animal care, stressed pigs don't taste good and sick guinea pigs don't work well in lab tests. We give guinea pigs more vitamin c than soldiers in the army, the care sheet for these animals is 1 gram a day, for a soldier its 75 milligrams, up from 30 a level established decades ago. Unless we give large (not homeopathic but therapeutic) doses of the B vitamins so animals like pigs and rats they become psychotic and kill each other.

This issue needs or be placed on the table and will be until people will no longer put up with the ill mental and somatic health caused primarily by industry.

On the origin of faith

Coincidentally domestication of grain and widespread organized religion appeared at the same time in the human experience and there is a biochemical explanation for that.