
"Try Exercise"

So... they're giving up? Pills don't work and after 30 years the suggestion is "try more exercise" ?

Insect, bug and snake

The way animal venoms and toxins work against the body had a common biochemistry that is remediated with vitamin C ranging from small to large doses depending in the degree of toxin or envenomation.

Anxiety is just deficiency disorder

It's very common, serious as it can develop into other problems but easy to correct as it's just a deficiency disorder cured with vitamin B3 (niacin). Think of it as brain scurvy and not a behavioural anomaly. (more...)

Not everyone gets Cancer. What do some people have others do not?

The answer to that is a properly fed immune system and a fully charged antioxidant system. There are esoteric biochemical reactions, newly discovered, that lead to an enzyme remediation causing the natural death of cancer but not human cells. This explains why gene P53 is inactivated in most cancer patients if nothing else.

Biochemical imbalance

Depression and acre are the same deficiency expressed in different areas of the body. Both the brain and the skin are formed from the same germ plasm and if one experiences a deficiency the other seems to as well. Abram Hoffer made extensive notes on this and determind a lack of B3, B6, and Zinc was the most common remediation for this: B3 and C are to support the citric acid cycle while B6 and Zinc are the two substances the body can not make that are involved with the processes of thought and memory.

It's not gone as we'd like to think

Schizophrenia and bipolar disorder seems to be chronic subclinical pellagra and respond well to the obvious remediation techniques. This is more important than it ever was.