The Science of Food

Coconut oil

High in Lauric acid this saturated fat is good for you but very poorly understood by some of the people you'd least expect to make a mistake like this.

Coconut oil may not be what you think, but then neither might the AHA be.

Virgin  Upper class

You get what you pay for.

What's interesting is as cost becomes less of an object, other than the wine it's not really true the ingredients in the first class meals are particularly any more expensive than they are in the economy class meal, it's just that there's just a lot more ingredients and they have greater diversity and as the price goes up and while it's true you get more, it's not as much more as one might think.

In fact in one the, shrimp is in the economy meal, first class gets salmon, which is cheaper than shrimp.

This portrays very graphically the single most important characteristic of human diet: diversity. The best meal isn't the same as the cheapest meal, but with more expensive ingredients - it would have been easy to make an extremely expensive version using exotic ingredients such as white truffles, wagyu beef, fugu and what have you, but that is not what makes meals "better" a larger number of more diverse ingredients does and that is very literally what's meant by "balanced diet".

Articles about milk

Issues around MSG

when I was younger I used to brag MSG didn't affect me. Past 40 years of age I had to stop eating it as it most certainly did.

The evolutoin of nutrition.

The shift from a hunter gatherer to an agricultural society that occurred between five and ten thousand years ago carried with it certain dietary changes to the human society on a widespread basis. An examine of those changed and their effects reveal besides benefits there is also a certain dark aspect to this shift.

"Roundup" is Latin for "Cancer"

Monsanto insists their product is safe despite doctors, the W.H.O. and now a Court finding it causes cancer. Court documents show Monsanto knew this a priori, which in no small way is why they lost that lawsuit.

In Response to:

"A yogurt a day could relieve depression"
Probiotic bacteria have been found to have a noticeable effect on mood, according to new research from the Netherlands
April 21 2015 - TELEGRAPH.CO.UK