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Omar and Bayan
Omar and Bayan

"Omar Khadr was 15 years old when he was severely injured in a fire fight in Afghanistan in which a US army medic was killed. He was interned and tortured at Guantanamo Bay Prison with the complicity of the Canadian government. Because of his age, Omar is considered a UN Convention child soldier, a treaty to which Canada is signatory and that our government has violated through it's treatment of him. Khadr was convicted of "war crimes" in a US Military Tribunal, not recognized as a legitimate court room by any jurisdiction in the world, including the American and Canadian Supreme Courts. When EVERY other western nation (Britain, Australia, etc) petitioned to have their nationals repatriated from Guantanamo, the Harper government fought to keep him interned at Gitmo, and had to be forced by the Obama administration to have him serve the balance of his sentence in Canada. His "confession" was extracted by torture and would be inadmissible in any Canadian or American courtroom. No credible evidence was presented that he was responsible for the death of the Army Medic. What part of this, Luke Allen, do you not understand? I recommend you read Michelle Sheppard's book "Guantanamo'" - Andrew Munger

Facts and fallacies of Omar Khadr case
A guide to vital issues involving the fate of the Toronto-born Guantanamo detainee. http://www.thestar.com/news/gta/2008/07/19/facts_and_fallacies_of_omar_khadr_case.html

There's zero proof Omar Khadr hurt anyone. There is proof he was shot. For all you know the soldier he's alleged to have killed was killed by friendly fire. and the record of (North) American treatment of Arabs and Muslims is despicable. Change "Muslim" to "Jew" and see how it sounds.

In 1982 I went to work for a company in Los Angeles that built the fist bilingual English Arabic computers (S-100, CP/M) - a company of about 60 people. 3 of us were non-muslim, my boss was Jewish, he was VP of software. There I learned the hatred between Muslims and Jews was a myth, they hate Israeli politics but see the Jews as their brothers a s they share ancestry and worship the same God (they're not fussy about Hindus though "they worship cows")

My bosses name was Greg, his bosses name was Bayan El Ashi and was was truly a nice man, soft spoken, calm, rational and fiercely intelligent. He bought a new watch once and being a bit of a watch freak noticed he wasn't wearing the very cool old Rado any more and instead had some Seiko. I asked what happened to it and he said he worse it in the shower and it stopped working and he threw it out. I asked if I could have it and she said sure. $200 later this $1200 watch was fine and I still have it.

Greg and I had a bit to do with bringing the net to Los Angeles with Brian Reid's help who got us a feed from NASA/JPL; I did this because I was interested in tropical fish, greg simply lied reading everyone's mail.

What I know from what Greg showed me is they sent money to a legitimate Palestinian orphanage

Fast forward to 911.

Ashcroft needed a test case to prove DHS was valuable. By this time Bayan was the guy in the Americas for computers if you were Muslim and had an international rep - we'd taught him Unix and C.

He'd shipped some mice to Libya drop shipped through Italy and at the time there was an export ban to Libya and never mind those mice went to the guys the US backed to topple Gaddafi. If a white guy does this he gets a wrist slap and at most a $500 fine.

Bayan's sister married a guy who two years prior had been in Hamas, but quit when he realized a better life awaited if he stopped that and became a family man and a professional.

Bayan, who at one time ran the .iq Iraqi top level domain was found guilty and spent 7 years in a prison in Texas.

If he ever had anything to do with terrorism it sure wasn't' in any email in Arabic he ever sent in private, not even once not even a hint. He was a profoundly non-violent man and we talked at lengths at how Palestine might peacefully sort out the middle easy mess. He came to my wedding and was about as likable a man as you'd ever meet.

For political reasons he was railroaded by Texas and the Bush administration.

Ashcroft needed desperately ti put a terrorist in jail and the problem was there weren't any. Of the hundreds of people they've arrested 2 have been found guilty of plotting something.

The FBI even embedded agitators into mosques to find the terrorists, the result being the people there reported this guy to the FBI.

So,given any hard evidence Omar did anything and given the propensity of political regimes in both Canada and the US to play fast and loose with the rules any guilt Omar is purported to have is very seriously in question.

If you've got proof, great.

If not we shot and tortured a child and have kept him in the worst conditions of this century for no reason other than to make political points.

They would have had to try hard to find a photo of Bayan where he wasn't smiling, and they got the name wrong.

"Ghassan Elashi holds a press conference and denies any connection to terrorist funding. [Source: Associated Press]"

The photo this caption applies to is Bayan. Ghassan is his brother the accountant


"For their part, the Bayan and Basman Elashi experienced two years of solitary confinement between their arrests and their 2004 trial. “I was only allowed to receive visits from my immediate family visits from my wife, my children and my mother, not my brothers or my friends,” Bayan said."

Solitary. For mice. As a muslim in a Texas prison.

We had a lot of visitors. Academics mostly, people whose intelligence was just stunning. I got to talk to Sheik Yamani, the Saudi oil minister. I was brought up to hate Arabs as a Brit and I'm glad I worked there because it dispelled me of this notion very quickly and I'd rather spend time with devout muslims than most Americans, they'se just nicer people. You can prove this to your self by greeting a muslim with "Allah Akbar" instead of "Hello" and the beaming smile and change in attitude now they now you don't hate them is worth the effort.

I learned they're really very nice people in bad circumstance and one day everybody else will too. Inshallah.

I was also brought up to hate Germans too, and my time in Germany roved to me I'd rather be among Germans than most brits, again, nicer, more soft spoken kind rational people than you'd find in most placed in the UK.

Prejudice and politics put Omar in prison, not evidence. And the worst prison on earth and no place for an innocent victim of Mr. Bush's oil war.