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Calif. Drought 2015
Calif. Drought 2015

When it became very obvious to the people of california that they weren't using most of the water, but instead industry was, then like a pack of rabid dogs industry began to devour each other in the press. First up as a target? Almonds.

1) When we use water to grow lettuce most of the water is wasted, the 98% of the lettuce that is water is shipped out of state. Wave goodbye to that water. The ground is depleted land needs chemical fertilizer to support crops. it's the desert ffs.

Water you invest in a tree isn't gone the instant you harvest. Chop off a head of lettuce and throw away the root and there's nothing left of a years worth of water investment.

But trees are different. Look how much less water there is in an almond compared to a lettuce. That's less weight to ship, or more nutrients per shipping dollar, however you want to look at it.

2) Anything that adds trees and doesn't desertify the soil is a good thing. If you don't know why you haven't been reading the news of the past 35 years.

Trees are hydraulic pumps that circulate water vapor in between soil and sky in a local area,ethiopia is re greening the desert this way an digventhe choice between lettuce and trees the smart choice is the trees not some junk food of a cash crop that harms and not instead remediate the environment.

We killed half the world's trees in the past 40 years (which is the real reason co2 rose, but it's stopped now) in the US southwest and this created the dustbowls and deserts where we now try to grow lettuce. We're just geniuses, I swear.