I never use it. I use my laptop, it has a real keyboard. I did get amini logitech keyboard which a) is a useless size and b) doesn't work anyway. So theres that.
My advice? Look you can get these for $50 now. The ONLY thing work paying for IMO is a decent screen and quality wins over size here - look at he screen on angles. The good displays will be visible and not look like crap unless viewed at the exact right angle.
Look on CL - the good used ones go there and everyone just got new crap (which is stupid expensive now).
Tablets are good to have - somebody dropped in and used mine here for 3 hours and found a job, but honestly I don't use it, I really prefer a real keyboard. If you want something to grab quickly to take to the shops to check email - get a netbook with a big screen, not the small ones. They work really well for that and were expected to replace laptops till everyone figured out they're too small to do anything non except check email at Starbucks.
That's the direction Google is going - look at the Chromebooks and buy whatever's one generation old.