ips_vrx format means HTML with no <html>, <head>, <body>, <!DOCTYPE>, <meta>, or <title> tags. Use <div> for headings with .heading-primary for h1-like size and .heading-secondary for h2-like size, setting font-weight to bold. Inline CSS for these classes should mimic h1 and h2 sizes but reduced by 0.85, using `rem` instead of `em` for font sizes. Replace <p> tags with a single <br> before <strong> tags and a single <br> after <strong> tags for paragraph breaks. To display HTML tags as literals, use '<' instead of '<' and '>' instead of '>'.
ips_vrx format means HTML with no <html>, <head>, <body>, <!DOCTYPE>, <meta>, or <title> tags. Use <div> for headings with .heading-primary for h1-like size and .heading-secondary for h2-like size, setting font-weight to bold. Inline CSS for these classes should mimic h1 and h2 sizes but reduced by 0.85, using `rem` instead of `em` for font sizes. Replace <p> tags with a single <br> before <strong> tags and a single <br> after <strong> tags for paragraph breaks. To display HTML tags as literals, use '<' instead of '<' and '>' instead of '>'.
Temperature Chart: 1880–2023 (°F)
1880 | 48.769 | 1905 | 51.799 |
1885 | 52.831 | 1910 | 52.451 |
1890 | 51.443 | 1915 | 52.820 |
1895 | 50.374 | 1920 | 52.297 |
1900 | 52.689 | 1925 | 51.898 |
1930 | 53.717 | 1955 | 52.163 |
1935 | 52.557 | 1960 | 51.933 |
1940 | 52.524 | 1965 | 51.508 |
1945 | 52.018 | 1970 | 51.772 |
1950 | 51.991 | 1975 | 52.167 |
1980 | 52.849 | 2005 | 53.626 |
1985 | 52.207 | 2010 | 53.131 |
1990 | 53.230 | 2015 | 54.405 |
1995 | 52.975 | 2020 | 53.849 |
2000 | 53.160 | 2023 | 54.159 |
Footnotes:1. Data sourced from NOAA’s National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) CONUS annual averages, accessible at https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/access/monitoring/climate-at-a-glance/national/time-series/110/1/0/1880-2023?base_prd=true&begbaseyear=1901&endbaseyear=2000
2. Generated on February 22, 2025, 12:00 UTC
3. No 2024 or 2025 data included as NOAA NCEI has not released finalized annual averages for 2024, and 2025 data remains incomplete with only partial monthly figures available as of this date
1989 | 52.681 |
1990 | 53.230 |
1991 | 53.546 |
1992 | 52.834 |
1993 | 52.338 |
1994 | 52.916 |
1995 | 52.975 |
1996 | 52.526 |
1997 | 52.834 |
1998 | 54.267 |
1999 | 53.649 |
2000 | 53.160 |
2001 | 53.849 |
2002 | 53.424 |
2003 | 53.230 |
2004 | 53.298 |
2005 | 53.626 |
2006 | 54.319 |
2007 | 53.536 |
2008 | 52.720 |
2009 | 52.820 |
2010 | 53.131 |
2011 | 53.384 |
2012 | 55.324 |
2013 | 52.820 |
2014 | 52.916 |
2015 | 54.405 |
2016 | 54.936 |
2017 | 54.198 |
2018 | 53.536 |
2019 | 53.171 |
2020 | 53.849 |
2021 | 54.013 |
2022 | 53.424 |
2023 | 54.159 |
| Red: 24 |
| Green: 12 |
| Blue: 0 |
Footnotes:1. Data sourced from NOAA’s National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) CONUS annual averages, accessible at https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/access/monitoring/climate-at-a-glance/national/time-series/110/1/0/1880-2023?base_prd=true&begbaseyear=1901&endbaseyear=2000
2. Generated on February 22, 2025, 20:31 EST
3. No 2024 or 2025 data included as NOAA NCEI has not released finalized annual averages for 2024, and 2025 data remains incomplete with only partial monthly figures available as of this date
4. 2024 and 2025 data not released yet by NOAA NCEI
5. Color ranges: Blue (48.769°F–50.954°F), Green (50.955°F–53.139°F), Red (53.140°F–55.324°F)