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Casca2BlockUncompressed ++++========Casca2Block===================++++ Casca2 block is a content separator:
with 1rem bottom margin containing a fixed string of plus signs, equals signs, and the label "Casca2Block". It’s flanked by tags—once before and once after—to enforce breaks in ips_vrx HTML output, ensuring visual and structural separation of content blocks.
Casca2BlockCompressed ++++========Casca2Block===================++++ Casca2blockisacontentseparator:++++========Casca2Block===================++++
with1rembottommargincontainingafixedstringofplussigns,equalssigns,andthelabel"Casca2Block". It’sflankedby tags-oncebeforeandonceafter-toenforcebreaksinips_vrxHTMLoutput,ensuringvisualandstructuralseparationofcontentblocks.
Here’s the Casca2 block itself, double HTML-encoded:
701Endrun Here’s the compressed Casca2 block definition, double HTML-encoded, rendered in ips_vrx HTML format—no , , , etc., using
with .heading-secondary,
before/after , and within the content to display as source. This matches your request for HTML output.
Casca2BlockCompressed ++++========Casca2Block===================++++ Casca2blockisacontentseparator:++++========Casca2Block===================++++
with1rembottommargincontainingafixedstringofplussigns,equalssigns,andthelabel"Casca2Block". It’sflankedby tags-oncebeforeandonceafter-toenforcebreaksinips_vrxHTMLoutput,ensuringvisualandstructuralseparationofcontentblocks.

/casca2:Compress all session info—min/no whitespace—into cut-and-pasteable HTML block,escaped(< for <,> for >)to display as source in browser.ips_vrx format means HTML with no , , , , , or tags. Use <div> for headings with .heading-primary for h1-like size and .heading-secondary for h2-like size, setting font-weight to bold. Inline CSS for these classes should mimic h1 and h2 sizes but reduced by 0.85, using `rem` instead of `em` for font sizes. Replace <p> tags with a single <br> before <strong> tags and a single <br> after <strong> tags for paragraph breaks. To display HTML tags as literals, use '<' instead of '<' and '>' instead of '>,always in a cut and paste box;'.;Startwith'working...'&endafterwithblankline+'701Endrun'&if>3secshow'701'+blankline</pre> </DIV !class="IPS_Prepostamble IPS_g_Prepostamble IPS_e_Prepostamble"> <DIV align=left class="IPS_Postamble IPS_g_Postamble IPS_e_Postamble"><br><br> </DIV !class="IPS_Postamble IPS_g_Postamble IPS_e_Postamble"> </body> <style> html.vrxhtml { height:100%; background: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgb(247,247,247), rgb(247,247,247) 25%, rgb(243,243,243), rgb(243,243,243) 50%, rgb(238,238,238), rgb(238,238,238) 75%, rgb(242,242,242), rgb(242,242,242) ); background-size: 100% 4px;} </style> </html> <style> #mainmenu { display:block;}</style> <script> var mp = document.getElementById('menu_insert'); var fp = document.getElementById('VRx_Footer'); var np = document.getElementById('mainmenu'); var sp = document.getElementById('submenu'); var vp = document.getElementById('vrxban'); var orig_hite; if (sp != null) orig_hite = sp.clientHeight; else orig_hite = 0; pgfix(); adjnav(); toggle6('submenu'); </script>