Image Preservation - Experiment One

Raw scanned image, not a terrific scan, saved with JPG so there's artifacts, and it's not a very big image either, its shown here full size:

JPG artifacts removed with a filter:

3X Doubled in size

3X + texture preserving smooth

3X + median filter

3X + salt and pepper filter

3X + edge preserving smooth

3X Doubled in size

3X + texture preserving smooth

3X + median filter

3X + salt and pepper filter

3X + edge preserving smooth

So we apply a jpg artifact remover, double the image, apply a median filter, double the image, apply an edge preserving smooth, double the image, apply an edge preserving smooth:




Enlarged and HSL bumped up.


Color corrected.


Bump up the gamma.


Add Contrast.

While there's a noticeable difference at this resolution images that need to scale up look better when using this technique. Consider the following scaled up images:


Scaled up and processed version.