Were the truckers used as unwitting pawns of the US petrochemical/military industrial complex?

Is anyone else bothered by the fact that the day Trudeau said he would not provide lethal aid to Ukraine (for a war that doesn't actually exist!) - that day trucks started rolling towards Ottawa. When Trudeau gave in and said he would supply lethal aid to Ukraine, the truckers backed off. On the face of it the truckers protest was about vaccine mandates - then why were they still at it when those mandates were removed, a Provence a day at a time when countries (UK, Russia) also dropped them. Were the truckers used as unwitting pawns of the US petrochemical/military industrial complex?

Spearheaded by Alberta, (some call the 51st state due to the US domination of the economy there via the petrochemical industry) one has to wonder at the timing of this. The US has found Canada to be rather unwilling in it's invasions overseas, maybe this was a way around that. We're giving 7 million in arms (from where) and $500 million in credit - presumably so Ukraine can buy arms from the US - for a war that doesn't exist.

Aren't there better things Canada can do with half a billion dollars during this time than fork it over to the US defense industry?

During Biden's term as VP under Obama, Biden authorized 10 Billion in "aid" to Ukraine just after Chevron by virtue of regime change to frack all of Ukraine while Hunter Biden was also given a board seat at a Ukranian gas company.

This all just smells. Bad.