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What if this is how it rolled out in 2016:
"Hillary you have to run in 2016.""Fuck that, I hate doing this shit. I'm a lawyer not a politician."
"We have nobody else."
"Rub it in. But I don't see why your lack of planning necessitates my help as an emergency. Again."
"You can't lose. They have nobody either and you're better than any of them and the country has done so well under Barry we're on a roll. The party wants you to do this and it's not really considered optional".
"Fine. I'll do it. Maybe third time lucky. Now what's your plan B if it fails huh? Have you given that any thought?"
"We won't fail. We broke the record on financing, we can outspend them nearly 6 to one and Republicans are only 40% of the country. Fuck them."
"So you have no plan B. You hope they fail. What if we could disassemble that teabag infested swamp? Would you like to hear my ideas?"
"Okay, whatever..."
"We run Donald Trump on the Republican ticket. He can can say anything to sell anything... he's not stupid he just looks that way like Biden, he's very very good at what he does - arbitrage - which is, go in, wreck the place, then sell it off to make a lot of money quickly and he can do what he wants while all this is going on."
"Have you lost your mind Senator?"
"Yes Steven, I traded it for a plan B - the one you don't have. Now hear me out here. We really are getting influenced too much by our dear patrons and we all know that and spend a fortune denying it. What if I butter them up and we install a guy that hastes them all. They fail, we look golden, and while I love Don - we've known him for years - getting him off the street and into a place where can't do anything for a while is a big plus. He's an arbitrage expert, the best there as at because he seems to have an almost preternatural Godsent ability to slice and dice organizations up in a way nobody recognizes in too it's late. I'm telling you Steven he's the undisputed master of devolving and deconstructing organizations but he works best from the inside out. He's right out of Tsun Tzu.
He can go in - he can go in and wreck the RNC, push though policy as a Democrat that we could never get passed and get the GOP to do it. They'll impeach him as if they find out - but it'll make them look more stupid than they already do so maybe not. Plus you know Donald - he says all sorts of silly things -he's a New Yorker and they bullshit each other all day there - he doesn't even remember what he said 15 minutes later, we'll have a field day roasting him in the press."
"Does he know his?"
"We've talked. He thought it would be fun but now he's not as sure. we can talk him into it though. We've having dinner together tomorrow night. I need to know before then if I have the support of the party here."
"Jesus Hillary. That's the worst plan I ever heard that actually had a chance of succeeding. I want no part of this. But I can't say I don't want it to work, I'd just be surprised if it did."
"You have no part of it. We'll run it through the foundation."
"Will we have to become Republicans after this Hillary?"
"Like we're not already. I have to fly now, pardon me while I change my fucking shoes."
What I want to know is, if Trump is more racist than Hitler, something the media points out every day you'd think from my Facebook feed, then why have the Clinton's been such long and good friends with him?
Are they racist too so they don't care? Is that where the "super predators" quote came from?
Or are they not racist themselves but are tolerant and good friends with him?
Or is he no more and no less racist than they are, which is to say, not really. Fake news distorts for poetical gain.
Ben Norton wrote in Salon:
In its self-described “pied piper” strategy, the Clinton campaign proposed intentionally cultivating extreme right-wing presidential candidates, hoping to turn them into the new “mainstream of the Republican Party” in order to try to increase Clinton's chances of winning.There are two possibilities here. Either she really wanted to be elected or, she didn't really, it's just her job when the party told her to. If she really wanted it she could risk excluding Bernie, she might win, but if she loses, her man in the white house will give her more access than anybody else in the world. If she was reluctant to try a third time - it's hard on a body - then this is the perfect plan - this way the DNC don't have to win to rule, they can rely on the loyal Clinton to influence Trump. Of course the DNC pays a lot to say "Russia influences Trump":
"To get away with something awful, first accuse the other side of doing it."
Obama punked the GOP 7 or 8 times by my count, things like making a quid pro quo deal then after Obama got what he wanted the GOP discovered the concession Obama made was ruled unconstitutional so they gave something away and got noting in return. This happened at least once during the health care negotiations. Obama is, don't forget, a constitutional scholar. It sounds like the GOP should have taken one of his courses, perhaps the judge actually did.
Could they have punked the GOP again on a more grand scale? There's no way to really tell but it pleases me to think so and it's amusing how well certain facts fit. I've never particularly thought of Hillary Clinton as a bad person, but I do think she, like Obama, has to do a lot of things they don't want to to keep their own party happy which meant keeping the most onerous of corporate sponsors happy as well. In that sense I feel sorry for her. If she actually did do this, that will be her legacy in my mind.
Absent this, her legacy looks far more grim, and few people have done as good a job at documenting this Thatheresque revolution in politics and business and the rise of the business class to political power that Adam Curtis who has hours and hours on the backgorund to what just happened in America that he has been putting together for about fifteen or twenty years now.