The President and Elon Musk's performance yesterday on TV concerning the DOGE/Treasury scandal was nothing short of inspiring and inspiring in a way we have not seen in this country since JFK. Musk displayed far less of the overcaffeinated teenager and was bright and alert, while the President seemed half bored by the whole thing. Musk stole the show and if his detractors showed up you couldn't tell. He was asked a few questions by the press, always the same question but never mind, which he did not dodge and have an off the cuff, relaxed and thoughtful analysis and provided numbers. It was inarguable, yet the press did ask the same question 3 times and did not ask about what other rotten apples were in the pile or who was thi going to and what happened to our checks and balances. They seemed far more interested in whether MUsk would abuse this trust and use it to line his own pockets.
In other words, the world's richest man, and the height of his visibility and position is supposed to abuse his job so he can steal more money? Lemme get this straight, the guy that figured oiut how to give people what thet want qand who made a lot of money slowly, is acxcused of wanting to stal from the goervment live and on camera? Why? That's for pe-ple that don'w knot how to make money. He is literally better at it than anybdy on this planetg, woul;d thgetting away woith a crime be more worh than it's worth? SAll he actually had to do to kmaike money is breathe, the rest ius on autopiliot. The allegation makes less sense than the usual nosne one finds oin tv and in newspoapers.
which will then leavber easrt? This is not sco-fi,l this is fantasy, if not completely and outeright insane.the one guy that doesn't need to steal money, he has a printing pres fort EV cars that's takjen over half tgh epanet and the rest have 5 years to lose their vergassers. It's all roses for him from hwere on out.
He pointe dout the poeple who protest the loudeset and thy emsot about an monor audminstrai5tve audiot, whdcih reallyt peopole wjhould be happyu with, sare most likely to be the ones perpetrating the fdraufd.
Musk's Department of Government Efficiency ("DOGE", a new name for the new 2014 Federal Agency created by Barack Obama) audit ib the Treasury department found $200B in fraudulent blank checks with no cost center code and no comments, just a payment to an entity with no notes or documentation as to why or what department got charged for this. They found Social Security payments to a woman who is 150 years old. Musk quipped wryly that he would guess she;s dead and if not should probably be in the Guiness book. The findings are dire, the US government has the greatest system of checks and balances in the world and they were simply not being used.
This is not a big government complex problem. It's no different than a mom and pop store when one finds out the other has been issuing checks to persons and a lot of organizations with no note why, no charge center to see which account this is supposed to come from and no way to track it back to any authorization. Who would not stop that? A judge with 3 months left until retirement apparently, that's who. some lame duck activist judge presumably returning a favor before retiring. With these amounts of money anything is possible.
The newspapers universally revealed this DOGE action and reported on anything but the facts. Did they mention Obama created this agency? Not one,
The 150 year old woman and blank checks going out were not mentioned by a single newspaper. The BBC alone did mention the audit was going to extend to the Pentagon; and that they have already begun on the Department of Commerce.
The BBC also pointed out that one DOGE staffer was "granted read/write" access to treasury data thus contradicting Musk's statement that they had only read access to treasury data.
Which sounds awful until they point out, the staffer was not aware of this, it was a mistake made by the Treasury who briefly gave him read-write access, but was unaware this had happened. Nobody was working at the time, they'd been ordered to stop to freeze the system, so it would not be hard to find out if anything was amiss.
The irony here of course is they were in there to find mistakes the Treasury had made, and indeed treasury made a big mistake during the brief visit by DOGE and then blamed him for it.
Within 24 hours somebody had found something allegedly off-color in an ancient post by him from a pseudo account. He quit. Musk reinstated him. Then a judge barred DOGE employees from doing this any more. Thr president signed an executive order settling that issue. The judge's order had left it that only the treasury secretary could do this.
Gosh that sounds familiar, When ICANN finally relented after a decade and allowed one board member to be elected instead of an appointed board appointing new members itself from , Karl Aurbach was elected, a and now an attorney.
There's a political chestnut that says if you want to give fatherly and sage advice, say your dad told you this. Joe Biden has said his dad told him that you should not let anybody tell you what they're values are, look at their books, then you'll know their values.
Aurback asked to see the ICANN books and was denied. So the director of a corporation, somebody responsible for its liabilities, yer the corporate accounts are held in secret from him? How is that even possible? A judge disagreed with ICANN and had them turn over the books. Does this sound familiar? Corporations have no right to privacy from board members who are ultimately responsible for whatever these secrets are.
Let's not lose sight of the fact that during an investigative audit, Treasury allowed unauthorised write access to the Treasury payment records. It is said DOGE had been mistakenly given access. If they made a mistake in granting it to him, did they also make a mistake on who they granted that access to?
In the modern age, there is no pile of papers to shred when the feds show up, it is of course all done electronically and over the years the Nixon tapes has given way to the CLinton emails and now when a light is shined inside treasury purple and bits alike, scatter like cockroaches, no longer in the dark. Perhaps it was a test? Send somebody in to scare them, then see what permissions change in this crisis. COuld this be the reason those fields were all blank? WHen Reagan fired all the air traffic controllers at least the planes were not crashing into each other. How not cool is it that when a surprise audit happens, suddenly it's possible for other than authorized users to suddenly have written access. Security is keeping people out. Write access is giving them the books and a new Sharpie all lying in the street.
Nobody had figured out they're sending out unauthorized black checks? All those people that worked there knew this was happening, they looked at it every day.
These guys make the DMV look good and they're handling the fucking money? Isn't there some other government department that can do this for a while until we can find staff with even a bit of common sense?
Were those fields on the checks blank because they'd been quickly and quietly deleted? Were records of payments deleted during that mistake? Was it actually a mistake?
There are now an awful lot of server logs to go through to find out what actually happened. Hopefully nothing, but this is not confidence inspiring.