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Macronutrients: proteins. fats. For billions of years we ate fish and leaves; there's a reason our blood resembles seawater. Fats were balanced (omega 3/omega 6) which is critical because our brains and algae cells are both the same 40% OM-3 fats. We do not require dietary carbohydrates any more than are in leaves and fish and an excess (> 30% by calories) messes up gut flora, the primary cause of somatic and mental illness, most commonly obesity. (this happend last week, slowly they learn what's been known for 30 years - http://is.gd/Pouzx8)
Micronutrients; basic science nutritionists don't get: when born our cells are perfect and 100% efficient, as we age this efficiency increases and micronutrient intake must be increased. Compounded with the absurd RDA numbers (these were derived by the army withholding individual micronutrients until death to determine the minimal amount required to prevent death. Guess which army this was?) the fact we get 1/5 to 1/10 the micronutrients of our paleolithic ancestors is the primary cause of chronic illness today. When you combine this with the patent medical system (which is the third leading cause of death after heart disease and cancer, both of which are trivial to prevent now with correct nutrition, see Wiki:Iatrogenesis) you have a recipe for disaster.
We have long past evolved beyond our ability to derive nutrition from basic foods like other animals. For example to supply enough niacin to supply Kreb's cycle with optimum amount you'd have to eat 5000g of skeletal meat a day and depending on genetic complement niacin must be supplemented 100-500mg/day. We got this so wrong i the 30s 50,000 people a year died of pellagra for a decade until an 80 year old German paper clued us in that this was pellagra; niacin was added to all white flour to replace what industrial processing the south and the disease went away. Mostly, anyway: http://is.gd/KSCreH
That's how important one enzyme (vitamin) is, one mineral, Selenium, is the difference between life and death: consider Selenium and the coxsackie viruses: Keshans, HIZ, Ebola, all mutated at one point to pick up a gene for a homologue of the human lipid peroxidase inhibitor glutathione peroxidase (GPx3) and since they encode for this, they strip this rawmatrial from the body. When Se is removed and the body can't make GPx3 the immune system is dead and death follows quickly. However in the presence of sufficient selenium the virus uses that, the immune system can still make GPx3 because there's enough to go around and it kills the virus in a week with no symptoms ever emerging. But, because the CDC and WHO are funded by the vaccine industry they ignore if not actively suppress this for commercial gain. I know for a fact the US government knows this because I explained it to the NIH n Oct 17 of last year, that was the week the virus stopped doubling in Africa because I also told anonymous.
We need to take all the vitamins and minerals and in large enough amounts our increasingly inefficient rate of absorption permits, A-Z, plus the essential minerals ca/mg/zn and Se.
We learned in the 40s viral disease can be mitigated by putting back in what the virus takes out of us. That is where the viral rna/dna encodes for an essential (ie we have to eat it and cannot make it) micronutrient molecule, if we keep levels of these at normal levels in the blood, the symptoms of the viral infection do not occur and can be reversed. Scurvy is cured by C, in the 40s it was shown Polio was too:
"Klenner's paper (Klenner FR. The treatment of poliomyelitis and other virus diseases with vitamin C. J. South. Med. and Surg., 111:210-214, 1949.) on curing 60 cases of polio in the epidemic of 1948 should have changed the way infectious diseases were treated but it did not." - Robert Cathcart
Klenner also showed he cold dry up measles in 24 hours the same way, so there's that too. The vaccine industry is worth trillions now and are in charge of our public health institutions and don't car to hear this. Instead they fake data: http://is.gd/Tte4Mk and, for example, denigrated Pauling at a time he was earing his second Nobel for humanitarian work after getting thre first for inventing biochemistry and moelcular biology which was then able to explain why Klenners work had succeded and that perhaps it was time to reevaluate the AD 1720 practice of esentially squeezing pus from cows into open wounds and coulld instead look at what the pathogens molecules do, and correct for it. Crazy, I know.
But it does work and the thing is if the medical profession had woken up to the 2007 discovery that HIV can be reversed with Se, glutamine, cysteine and tryptophan then 14 million people need not have died (note this is two holocausts worth and we didn't notice it happen any more than farmers in rural Dachau did) but at the cost of billions of dollars to the drug companies for antiretrovirals that manage but do not cure the disease. And this is just one disease. Pauling also showed heart disease and cancer with both nutritional deficiencies, this information was also actively suppresses in the day and keep in mind these are the first two major causes of death in the US today and the third is the medical system. So really the top three causes of death in the US are all the same thing: commercial greed from one industry who all have their head offices in new Jersey - it's one bunch of guys that determine everything, and they're wrong and doing this on purpose.
2007 was something of a watershed year, it was also the years Potter discovered the enzyme unique to cancer cells that reacts with a natural mold killing chemical tangerines and plums make that turns into another chemical that kills only cancer cells. This activates the P53 gene otherwise inactive in cancer patients. That is, we fond the chemical the body needs to kill cancer naturally and just as getting enough C prevents scurvy, getting enough of this plant sterol ensures we don't et cancer. Look up Gerry Potter Cancer in Google scholar and you'll find all the peer reviewed papers where this was proved and if you google for salvestrol case studies you can wach cancer being cured. The last time I looked a year or so ago, there were no cases documented where it had failed. If you find the cancer stats for Morocco (where most tangerines are grown) and compare these to the WHO worldwide stats, its rather apparent - worldwide cancer is 250-350 per 100K. Morocco is an outlier, it's only 100. So they leave it off.
The Cytochrome P450 enzyme CYP1B1 [1]only occurs in cancer cells [2][3]. When certain phytoalexins such as resveratrol and salvestrol are ingested these phytoalexins are converted by the P450 enzyme into piceatannol [4], which is fatal to cancer cells but not human cells [5][6].
[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CYP1B1
[2] http://cancerres.aacrjournals.org/content/57/14/3026.short
[4] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piceatannol
[6] http://www.orthomolecular.org/library/jom/2007/pdf/2007-v22n01-p039.pdf