Vitamin A: Halibut liver oil pills. They're tiny. Five a day.
Vitamin B:
Yes it's a lot of pills to take. You'll get used to it. What seems to make it easier to remember to take them every day is put them in a place you go to. The kitchen is good, the backroom isn't because it tends to be humid in there.
You don't need to talk to "nutritionist". While there are indeed individual differences, wheat, sugar, soy are common to all, individual deficiencies tend to the things like C, B3, B6, Magnesium, Zinc etc.
A number of people over the last two decades have slowly eliminated sugar, and then wheat and soy (you missed trans fats and processed oils - strictly verboten) and all come to the same conclusions:
1) remove sugars (this includes honey, agave nectar, rice bran syrup etc, the molecules are *identical*) from your kitchen, now, and don't buy any more.
2) remove anything with wheat or soy in it and don't buy any more.
3) Buy only ingredients. All processed food is harmful. All.
4) To restore the enzyme and mineral levels to pre-agrarian society, take all the vitamin a-z and the minerals Ca/Mg/Zn/Se and the oils GLA (evening primrose oil) and EPA/DHA (fish oils).
This alone will prevent certain types of heart disease and cancer and will give you the same immunity to Ebola these people have:
High functioning people (OM4T gene variants analogous to overcooked cpus) need additional precursors to the biochemical reactions of thought and memory and the essential ones (must be eavet, can't be made) here are pyridoxine (B6) and zinc.
Above and beyond that are the general requirements of the single biochemical reaction that produces all the energy in the body (this is why you've continuously been told "the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell" - this is where it happens. And what's weird is the mitochondria is actually more like a bacteria than an organelle of a cell. Even it's dna is different from ours.
Anyway if you look at Kreb's cycle it's a circular chemical reaction always gong on that uses about a dozen chemicals.Our bodies make all those chemicals except three: citrate, ascorbate and NAD. We know these as fruit, vitamin C and Niacin.
The thing about chemical reactions is you can either have not enough, the exact amount or too much of the raw materials for the reaction so when it comes to something like C the last thing you want is too little. You can't measure exactly what you need (although if our DNA wasn't broken and we still manufactured it, we'd make 7g/day) so it's always best to take too much. Because ascorbate occurs in the body the body knows what to do with excess and can flush it safely - there is no overdose potential and the more you take the better it works, the opposite of synthetic medicine which all has side effects because the body has never seen the molecule before.
You'd need to eat 5000g of skeletal meat a day to get enough niacin to supply our bodies theoretical requirement for this, so i end sup just taking a gram of c and of niacin a day has a rather profound effect on people. Then when you see how well that works try the B6 and zinc and then you'll notice an increased mental stamina as you don't run out of pyridoxine at 2 o'clock every day. Then take the rest,
Frankly the cheapest way to get ascorbate is in the canning aisle at a bulk food store it's the preservative that stops peaches from turning brown when you freeze them. When you think antioxidants, remember that. Pure ascorbate crystals are half the price of pills, if you do get pills get the 1500mg ones and take 4 each day. Above 7 you'll get the runs. If you don't keep adding 1g a day until you find where that happens, back off 1g and talk to a doctor who can tell you why that just happened and what happens next because cancer eats C and prevents this from happening except at very high levels of up to 100 g/day.
Niacin has been fond to be the only chemical that reduces cholesterol and for this doctors now routinely prescribe 500 mg/day for that, or double for high functioning people (the brain takes so much more energy than anything else it's ridiculous - if the heart has 30% less energy you can walk but not run, if the brain has 30% less energy you're unconscious) of non flushing niacin. This is rather acidic and you won't take this on an empty stomach twice, full stomach only and something more substantial than salad.
The other vitamins are easier, just buy the strongest version of each you can find and take of those each day. A and D are best had from halibut liver oil which are tiny spheres and you actually need at least a half dozen of those, for reasons I don't understand they just don't make large ones.
The only food that contains more than their equivalent pill is Brazil nuts because of the selenium in them. The selenium rich soils of Senegal and Bolivia are what led scientists to notice in medical statistics that HIV was extremely inefficient in those areas and it is now felt both ebov and hiv are of the same modality as Keshan's. - note for example REBOV does not contain any Se and can therefore not encode for a human homologue of glutathione peroxidase (GPx3, a lipid peroxidase inhibitor) like the African strains can - that's what makes them lethal. The immunity occurs in the forest where the Gabon nut grows. and we know them as Brazil nuts. The national dish of Gabon is a chicken nut curry btw.
The quick way to shut detractors up (who criticize but have never read any of the work and are not familiar with it and therefore not able to judge) is to point out that this has been going on long enough now that we can say people who do this add 20-30 years to their lives while their detractors die much younger. Sure Pauling died of the cancer he said he could cure, but he was 93 and didnt start till his fifties. To this day he has to be proven wrong once and remember also Watson and Crick did not so much discover the shape of the DNA molecule as they did point out the DNA molecule had to be a double spiral alpha helix that if you look was discovered by Pauling.
I haven't had a cold in maybe a decade now since I glommed onto this. I'm sure that's a coincidence. The patent medicine industry is quite certain it is.