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RS: Oh please. Have a look into it little bt Barry. Clearly you have not.
You don't even have kids.
You can only catch any disease if you're sick already. Malnutrition is often the cause of that.
When your immune system works properly don't get cancer or flu. Notice only a very small percent do?
We spent s much time studying sick people and almost none on the one that never get sick. Ebola changed that.
What vaccine do you think we need Barry? Would you care to look at Polio, HIV, flu or something other than an Ebola vaccine which can not physically ever work but that does not stop them from spending billions on fnu stuff like making aerosolized zebov on the sly for fun.
Do you know how to tell vaccine research from germ warfare research Barry?
Neither do I, it's a serious question.
1) The 1976 flu shot kills 32 poeple. Only 1 died of the flu. And it was an accidental leak by an army lab doing "vaccine" research on the 1918 flu that had been recovered. Now it's out and a permanent part of our virus ecosystem
2) Polio vaccine from 1953 to 1962 all had an SV40 oncogene as a contaminant. Have a look how many papers are published these days on this one thing, for: reasons.
3) Years when the flu shot didn't work at all: 1947.... 2017, 2018. You can look up the figures in between all you want. We have no shot that prevents you getting the flu and we've never had one.
Frankly you could cancel all vaccines and tell poeple to take a couple of vitamins and watch flu all but go away. Only sick people get it and the thing that prevents it, also cures it, duh. Double duh.
There's an army quote that says "we opened our new vaccine research here because all you have to do is wait and they show up. Funny thing is that's true no matter where you put these labs they break out, because: accidents. And the ones we know about are bad enough it's the ones we don't know about ("What happened to the samples" "Rats ate them" - Zaire hospital) that just may explain the unexplainable jumps. Look ar Marburg. Was that a vaccine accident or a germ warfare incident. You have to admit when a shipment of sick monkeys from africa and I mean known to be sick in the first place, gets diverted by Israel to the UK then to Germany (whose borders represent the sle Se deposit in Europe btw) and hello filovirus, you literally can not tell who did what or why. Maybe it's man made, maybe it's natural. I'd like to think so but there is actually no way of telling. That's bothersome. It's also bothersome to see reports of very ancient discoveries of these viruses which we now know contain gene from modern humans instead. Why would they lie about this?
Plus they are so not telling us everything. The immunity to ebola wasn't discovered in 2010 there are quite a few papers on it and it turns out we've known since 1976, the first ebola outbreak that there are people that catch catch the virus and there are some that do and don't get sick and he rest all fucking die.
The explanation for this is "we didn't think it was statistically significant". Sorry, the one person who doesn't get it is the one you want to study, you don't care how they die you care why they're immune!
Lipinski 2015 showed the gp120 spikes can only penetrate the ER only when serum Se is < RDA. So by our own rules only people with malnutrition in the first place can get (very nearly) ANY virus in the first place.
The idea we can't do anything for people with a virus is not true, this ha been tested in court in NZ. Address the merits of that case and we'll talk until then most poeple don't even know the argument and one from ignorance will not save lives. It's sort of the problem.
How is patching up a malnutrition program without addressing the root cause going to help anything?
America was a great idea. You put in place a wonderful system, arguably the best ever devised. But now its sloppy, imprecise and immune to evolution or wisdom as if ossified.
So, you want to convince me vaccines have any place today? Ok, here's how you can even begin to do that:
1) take the total amount of money used to cure a disease u, call it v 2) take the total amount of money used to causes diseases x call it y
for the set of all u1...un and for the set of all x1..xn is v > y ?
If not, why?
Keep in mind these words of wisdom above are from an industry that kills more poeple that anything in the US except heart and cancer, which if they wern't so damn incompetent would it be at the rates they are. Thus, they are the #1, #2 and #3 causes of death in Americans today and it's not the surgeons, they get better each year.
I'm sure some poeple may disagree about a point or two here, this stuff is all fresh in my mind and I can cite you a dozen references to back up each point in a heartbeat so check your sources before you disagree, this is serious and I'm no mood. Let somebody else go first.
I'm sure we all know somebody that died of flu. Were you aware that drain was extinct until we made a point of digging up the 1918 virus?
That's right, you probably know somebody that died because of the works deadliest flu the army asked to dig up, we said no, they did it anyway then it got out and is now a component f most flus worldwide. Think the last ebola outbreak was bad because was on all continents? Hah. There are four flus that have 20 the death rate of SARS and grow each year and absolutely will be here soon. Plus we know ducks host and amplify lethality so the best is yet to come. Stuff that makes you wish for the halcyon days of aerosolized ebola.
None of which can affect you if the levels of a couple of things are ok in your blood. But like a cat without taurine or popeye without spinach, lac these and natures little clean up molecules will kill you basically. That's their job, take out the sick and weak.
Did you know all three great extinctions were preceded by an complete loss of Se from the oceans? Make ya think dunnit.
So, Barry. WTF are you talking about? Maybe you'd better ask questions rather than dictate policy, eh?
BS: A picture is worth a thousand words...historical polio cases, US:image
RS: Polio has been replaced in the ecosystem with flu, mers, sars and now ebola.
Tell me how the vaccine helped here. Especially in the first week of November.
As for polio, are you kidding me?
"Klenner's paper (Klenner FR. The treatment of poliomyelitis and other virus diseases with vitamin C. J. South. Med. and Surg., 111:210-214, 1949.) on curing 60 cases of polio in the epidemic of 1948 should have changed the way infectious diseases were treated but it did not." - Robert Cathcart
Repeat that test as often as you like. We never needed to make a single vaccine, ever. But we did. There's a real cost for that.
1) Why don't you look at the least few accessions of wild polio virus and explain to us why it isn't extinct, ok?
2) Look up how much HIV was spread during polio vaccine campaigns with used needles.
3) Marburg. Would that have ever come into existence if it were not for the polio vaccine? Not really. We owe filoviruses to this.
4) SV40. From 1953 to 1962 we made polio vaccine of all types with a cell line we did not know was contaminated by an SV40 oncogene, which immunized people now carry. We owe filoviruses and oncogene discovery to the polio shot.
5) Recent evidence suggests the simple act of creating new flu vaccines drives flu virus evolution.
5) The shot was never needed! Ever!
Now here are the Ebola curves. Care to explain the role of vaccines here after 35 years of trying and knowing since day one certain people are immune to it, which wasn't exactly made public now was it?
Or influenza. Care to sum up how well that's worked? In 1947, 2018 and 2017 it didn't work at all. You can look for the years in between.
The big thing now is asymptomatic flu cases or as they refer to them "the carriers".
The other word for these people is "healthy" with working immune systems. It's been shown, jusd D by itself prevents influenza. It's been shown selenium by itself prevents influenza. It's been shown ascorbate y itself prevents influenza. Imagine a human body with correct amounts of all these substances - they really don't get sick often, experience but are not made ill by any viral disease known. They're called "pygmies" and the vaccine industry literally spilled and spread their blood worldwide instead of figuring out why they don't get sick. Now we have viral pollution, errant rna and dna in more places than youcan shake a stick at and instead of killing the polio and flu viruses we - and I hope to god we didn't do this intentionally- but we started a biological arms race between our immune systems and the ecology of the rna viral landscape.
Not only do we approach the whole thing wrong but then we fuck up as well. A perfect example is patient P from Liberia in Tejas who was given tetracycline for zebov. You only give an antibiotic if its been proven by culture it stil works on that strain. Tetracycline for a virus? They perhaps did not know you cannot grow HIV or ebov in a lab if you add tetracycline it not only grows, it goes crazy, it stimulates viral replication like an old pc in turbo mode.
Have a look at those polion points, it won't take you long then explain this is the right strategy for the 21st century Barry.
If they have such an handle on things why have they been saying this about the flu since at least 2002:
"Chemotherapy, though still primordial, must eventually provide the ultimate solution to vaccine failures"
That's right, pile on the tech and don't pay any attention to innate immunity.
It's just not for everyone.
Ignore labels, examine evidence. Here's some. Why don't you read all this and give us your opinion?
https://www.uow.edu.au/~bmartin/dissent/documents/AIDS/ BS:The author, Brian Martin, has since abandoned this claim that contaminated polio vaccine was responsible for the HIV epidemic (known as the OPV-AIDS Hypothesis.)
And this is because numerous studies have shown that the hypothesis contradicts the facts, you can read all about that below I don't need to rehash it.
But even if there were a grain of truth to it it doesn't argue against the efficacy of the polio vaccine, it only argues that AIDS was spread via contaminated polio vax.
Did the recipients, I don't think the claim is that every single or even a majority were infected with AIDS if for no other reason than millions were given the vax (in that region) in the late 50s / early 60s and at that time AIDS was very rare. Was polio stopped or not? Did they get polio?
Certainly it would be an unfortunate result if the vax stopped one disease but spread another, but that doesn't refute the efficacy of the vax.
At any rate it's a long-discredited theory, it was looked into and it doesn't gibe with the facts for several difficult to refute reasons.
Whether large Vit C infusions cures polio is another irrelevant claim. It's also been refuted as bad science but even if it were true it doesn't say the polio vax was inneffective, only that once one got polio there may be this other method to treat patients.
So what? Let people get polio and then do heroic Vit C infusions? Why is that superior to what we did which was vaccinate about a billion people and, clearly (from the epidemiological data) stop it from spreading in the first place?
If the vax was so ineffective how did we go from many tens of thousands of cases in the US to literally zero coincident with mass vaccination?
Polio was a fairly common disease before the vax, only a few per cent became paralyzed etc, for most it was similar to the flu which it's related to if I remember my molecular biology right. Both are enteroviruses. Polio was sometimes referred to as "the summer flu" as it tended to have outbreaks in the summer rather than winter like influenza. This probably has more to do with its vectors than anything inherent in the virus, that is, via common summer activities particularly among children.
And we vax'd, and it quite literally disappeared from vax'd populations.
Same for smallpox, a scourge if there ever was one.
My conclusion: I looked into this, I concluded looking into it is a total waste of time, there's nothing there but some conspiracy theories trying to refute what should be sufficient /prima facie/ evidence that vaccines are effective -- they have eradicated the diseases they sought to eradicate and generally safe -- nothing is 100% safe but then again neither is coming down with some horrible disease.
RS: "In Africa, CHAT vaccine was administered only in Belgian-ruled territories: the Belgian Congo (now the Democratic Republic of Congo) and the former UN trusteeship of Ruanda-Urundi (now Rwanda and Burundi). These are also the countries that represent the epicentre of Group M-related Aids. The Laboratoire Médical de Stanleyville (LMS), which tested CHAT vaccine for safety and co-ordinated the early African vaccinations, was situated just a few miles from a chimpanzee colony, Lindi camp, which operated between 1956 and 1960."
Forget what they injected, they reused the needles.
The polio vaccine spread HIV, period. They was debunked (by opinion, not science) was that it created the virus. We have no more firm answer as to how HIV came about than we have a firm answer on how Marburg came about. We know for a fact the SV40 gene was in all polio vaccines from 63 to 62 and that that these cause human cancers. Again over ten thousands papers were generated on SV 40 just last year.
And why is it we're cutting African monkey kidneys open in Germany? Because we made one wrong decision in 1944 and instead is using a shot that cured the disease we decided for political, not scientific reasons, to go with the more profitable monoculture of prevention though injection, which works nearly all the time except when it doesn't and and like all synthetic remedies has side effects. The gene pollution done in the name of vaccine research is staggering.
As for your other points Barry, I'm aware of the consensus view, now why don't you go and examine this in detail. What I said stands your informative and entertaining opinions on the consensus view notwithstanding.
You don't agree IVC can kill the polio virus? It preserves apple juice, maybe it'll preserve the virus. No no it kills it That's what we found when we tired to use it.Turns out it'll kill it dead.
If anybody has ever repeaters that test they'd know it's true.
If you don't run this test all we know is you won't run this test, not that it doesn't work, other have shown it does and this has not been falsified.
It's harder to lie about poeple that should be dead and are not.
I asked you questions in the first post Barry, can you give me a lone line answer otr comment to each instead of a long rambling post about something else backed up by pseudoscience and homeopathy?
Otr were you not aware vaccines are actually the foundation of the school of homeopathy that predates modern medicine? By "modern medicine" I mean Hypocrites. You've not read Marcus Aurelius epic poem from 75ad? It's in both Latin and English now, there's no excuse. That's the first mention of what became known as the "like protects from like" which is the foundation of the school of homeopathy.
In 1931 we learned how atoms worked, the same year viruses were isolated. By 1933 we know the molecular structure of ascorbic acid, the mystery substance we die without and within a decade we knew it killed polio and nearly all virus disease.
If we'll just wiped out polion that way, Marburg would be unknown, there would not be 28 strains of flu, plus MERS plus SARS now, and we'd have had a solid foundation to protect against worse viruses to build on. Onstead we have the hydra approach. Kill one virus 5 more replace it. Fucking brilliant.
Do your homework Barry, you haven't written anything I could't get from Poeple Magazine. Now look at what the scince actually says. It's shockingly different.
What you can do is try to do a vaccine research timeline and a germ warfare timeline and a virus biology timeline.
Now try to keep them seperate. I'm having difficulty with that part. an you fix that? Would you like to help?