Modern medicine and cancer: a tale of two molecules

A pharmaceutical researcher in Leicester England named Gerry Potter researching Cytochrome enzyme pathway drugs discovered two anti cancer drugs in the early 21st century. The first, he created and works only on prostate cancer. Because it's synthetic it's eligible for patent rights. It's based on the CYP 17 variant of Cytochrome P450 enzyme family and is called Abiraterone Acetate. [1][2].

He then found by accident tangerine peel contained the CYP1B1 variant as a bitter component of the peel, and it works on all cancers, but because it's not eligible for patent not being synthetic, there is zero commercial interest in it. This is Salvestrol which in my opinion should be called vitamin F, it pretty much does to cancer what vitamin C does to scurvy. [3]

"An intriguing strategy for treating cancer is the design of prodrugs for specific activation by cytochromes P450 (CYPs) that are highly overexpressed in cancer cells, such as CYP1B1 (Murray et al 1997; Potter et al 2002a).In our laboratories this work has led to the discovery that the well-known dietary anticancer phytochemical, resveratrol, is metabolised by CYP1B1 in vitro cytotoxic derivatives (Potter et al 2002b). Recently we have discovered several further natural dietary phytochemicals that are specifically activated into cytotoxic metabolites by CYPs overexpressed in cancer cells. These phytochemicals comprise diverse chemical types and have been given the collective name,Salvestrols. "[4]

You got that right zero interest in a chemical that kills all cancers. There's no money in it. Explain THAT to me.

This is the same bad thinking that in 1948 when it was proved beyond the shadow of a doubt intravenous C killed polio but the vaccines model stood to be the source of immense profits so we went with the circa 1720 AD technology from the school of homeopathy and ignored the safer treatment that came from the new field of molecular biology.

Because it's a chemical in the body already it tolerated much better than a chemical the body has never seen before which in every case produce unintended side effects for this reason.

Pauling was quite right when he said this:

Everyone should know that most cancer research is largely a fraud, and that the major cancer research organizations are derelict in their duties to the people who support them.
-Linus Pauling

To me, finding a molecule that blows up cancer calls would be exception to this rule. Why is it nobody, least of all doctors, have heard of it?

The thing is, tangerine peel happens to be the ancient Chinese traditional medical cure for cancer as well.[4][5][6][7][2]


Noting has wiped out mankind like flu, killing 5% of the world in 1918 from a virus reported to be 3% fatal.

The herb Boneset used by people in Pennsylvania both a traditional herbalist cure for scurvy and influenza in the same way it was for the native americans. Yet as late as 1900 the medical profession was adamant that "we have nothing to learn from savages" and it would take another 100 years before transfusing the active ingredients - which turns out to he vitamin C, would save lives medical science had given up on and was ready to pull the plug.

Even Wikipedia, which is headily edited by the Pharma Co's to match their beliefs missed this:

While it's true Boneset per s has never been tested on flu it's active ingredient, vitamin C has having pulled many people out of a coma. They do mention however it seems to cure malaria. Have you seen how much bill Gates as given to fight Malaria? Or how much he wants to put into vaccine research for Ebola?

Scurvy, influenza and Ebola are all the same thing or rather different ways to make the same thing happen to the body, think of influenza as fast scurvy and ebola as faster scurvy and you wouldn't be too far wrong.

If you were shrunk down to atomic size and watched what happens in a human body you would not be able to tell the difference in what happens at the molecular level - you would not be able to tell which disease is causing it, merely that this thing was happening again. Giant foreign molecules were ripping electrons out of cells leaving them damaged is all you'd see. You might be able to guess by he rate at which this happens what disease was causing it but that doesn't really matter, it's a distinction as useless as "swamp fever" or "sea fever" or "high altitude fever" - it's like having 58 ways to describe running out of fuel in a car: " stopping in the middle of the road", "stopping on the median, "coming to a stop at a gas station" (benign) and so on.

Fix the problems and don't worry what caused it!

This is simply oxidative stress where a toxin steals an electron from a cell and C simply puts it back being an electron donor. A simple concept but not one you'll run not in Medical school it's strictly the purview of 4th year graduate school steds in molecular biology. It should instead be taught in grade 6 science.


Cyp 1B1



Tangerine peel