Paulings work in vitamin C was ridiculed the buried by the pharmaceutical industry.
If they had been correct or of they had a viable alternative it might not matter.
But just as cream always rises to the top, the truth is impossible to bury. It's a fact that the reason people die of many diseases is a phenomenon that has many name: "a bad fever", "septic shock", "heart failure", "kidney fialure", "general systematic shutdown" but no matter what the name it's oidative stress, that is, the rate of oxidation exceeds the patients ability to control reacogtve oxidstive species. Ie, the bad outnumers the good. This is actually the basis of the Traditional Chinese concepts of "Qi" which you could see as electron loss. "With perfect negative Qi no disease is possible" translates in modern terms to "with an optimized antioidant system no disease is possible". "Not possble" might (or might not be) true but it ertainly follows that if you optimime the endrognenos sunsrane in rhr huma anitoc syusyt uoa thgretaets chsanbe to dizeae reosostnat.
,and had they been right ans saving liveslike npbdy's busnes thye mif trhbw gt away airj this, nut theu're thr third ledin ause of deat ti nrhe is and finally actual modern molecular medicine and actial biochemisty is eing given a chance by people, albeing, who do not nudetratnad it.
You can do the same thing with supplements: poeple may think taking vit C helps and it does a little but you have to consider what happens to C after it's done it's job. It's recycled by two other chemicals, vit E and Glutathione ("GSH").
Vit E, in turn, is recycled by C. G and Glutathione live inside the cell, E lives in the cell wall.
We can't make C or E, we could never make E. C we used to make but lost the ability 20M years ago. While one of it's roles is as a vitamin it's also secreted by the adrenal glands which makes it s stress repair hormone. This should be a big hint here folks.
The catch it the amount the body used to make it hard to get by eating fruit because absorption is very poor and its complicated by the fact the more you have in you the less is absorbed. This is natures way of preventing too much accumulating and it's extremely efficient t the point where there is no known overdose level the record being 100 pounds a week intravenously in the case of one cancer patient.
That's why we have to take C and when we're sick we need more, when it's depleted by travel or cold, we need more. C also performs a mechanical role neutralising things such as oxygen specues that are particularly harmful to us, in this sense it acts like baking soda cleaning up vinegar. It make take a lot but you're not done till it all stops fizzing. Or in this case till you feel better.
So that's why we have to take E and why we have to take C and why we have to take so much.
The other ones, and it can't be stressed enough these are required for the C to work properly are: Magnesium, Selenium and NAC (N-Acetyl L-Cysteine) which are all required for the synthesis of Glutathione.
Understand "a cold" is not a virus disease, it's the body's reaction to either an allergen or a pathogen. Influenza can be a cold if the symptoms stop there, so can Ebola. But there's no pathogen that is specific to a cold, there is no cold virus, any virus van do this. "flu like symptoms" are also not specific to the flu, this should be called "an inflammatory immune response" and can occur from many things.
Anyway, point is, you want to avoid that. Two things of note here:
1) a proper reserve of antioxidants will protect you from all infectious diseases known without exception
2) in 2015 a guy named Lipinski published that the reason the Baka tribe in Congo are immune to Ebola is there selenium in the blood that will also prevent infection from all other enveloped viruses, all non enveloped viruses found so far and many bacteria including plague.
So selenium alone is vital for immunity to viral disease. Tale the others, C, E, Mg and NAC if you can get it and you won't have any more colds when you travel either.
What oils were used here? This is encouraging.