Antioxidants 101
Vital yet actually fairly poorly understood, the human antioxidant system has to in good working order for the immune system to work. When it's working properly it will prevent and cure nearly any disease known up to and including Ebola. This is not a theory from a lab, this turned out to be the explanation of why some people in Africa never get Ebola. The answer was because they were healthy.
Only sick people get disease!
Illness compounds. We induce flu in pigs to make them susceptible to Ebola. Normally they are not, but when the flu virus strips the immune system's precursors they become susceptible to the Ebola virus. Similarly so, in people it's not generally the influenza virus that kills but pneumonia and pneumonia doesn't really kill, most people survive pneumonia but the few that progress toseptic shock die at a rate of 50-70%. When one hospital in New Zealand tired IVC they saved gravely ill patient who is alive as of this writing (2018) while earlies this year a hospital in Norfolk Virgina began using this and now instead of 20-7-% losses they lsoe only 1 in 150 to septic shock - it's the septic shock and general failure to heal that is the lethal facts and the same thing reverses all of these - a functional antioxidant system.
Malnutrition counts as an illness. Unless and until this is addressed one is prone to disease. That is, the immune system when in peak condition, which implies ready and abundant access to the raw materials it needs, it is able to repel even the wost viral diseases known. Similarly so this is the cure for this "fever" and for "fevers" in general, that is the same thing that prevents and reverses Ebola virus disease also treats this syndrome, whether you call is oxidative stress of "septic shock" or a "cytokine storm", by any name this is stopped by the same thing.
The short answer is that a number of chemicals most of us are chronically short of, interact together in complex system that could be roughly stated like this: Vit C recharges Vit E while Vit E also rehcarges Vit C; additionally glutathione recharges C only, but needs Magnesium and Selenium for its synthesis.
Furthermore, seleniums importance has been rising steadily since 1991 and is now implicated in at least 19 ways in the immune system, the most recent major finds being made by Stoffeneller et. al in 2015 and Lipinsli also in 2015 who showed a virus cannot enter the host cell because of an inhibition of a chemical reaction that must take place for the virus to break trough the cellular membrane of the host cell.
This reaction must occur for the Glycoprotein spike to be able to make an initial chemical bond with the host, which is inhibited by selenium in a narrow range. Just as in the Andromeda strain where the pathogen could only exist in a narrow range of pH. Similarly so, enveloped viruses (and at least one
non-enveloped virus and almost certainly more via the same principle) can only exist in a very narrow range of Selenium. Below a certain level they can not exist and above a certain level they also fail to thrive. Fortunately this narro range is what we consider to be the normal human level for selenium.
Selenium alone does all this but it also works directly with vitamins C and E. As antioxidants, the do this by donating an electron
and they themselves become oxidized. But, this odixized form does not get thrown away, another antioxidant puts the electron back. IN fact, C does this for E, and E also does this for C. Glutathione does this for C only but needs Selenium and Magnesium.
Thus, if you do nothing else, take C, E, Se and Mg. When you do you can only only expect a bit more energy and to heal faster but
you should have the same sort of immunity as exists in West Africa where Ebola, a disease that kills 90% of it's victims, is unknown
and does not even result in the sniffles.