Very highly pathogenic viruses

We can only catch the flu or any highly pathogenic virus if our diet sucks. There are people that are physically incapable of caching any of these.

Have a look at Lipinski 2015. Keyword: enveloped. Turns out people with bad diets need vaccines but they can't make vaccines that work or make them fast enough because they've done so much vaccine research and have polluted all genomes worldwide.

It's even funnier than that, the only polio we're fighting now is that lefts by inoculating poeple. Is that great or what? The only reason we give injections now, the wild stain of polio being long extinct, it because inoculated poeple spread the lab cultures virus when they poop for the first week and that's all we find in nature any more.

To say noting of the problem that anybody who got one between 53 and 62 (thats me and probably you) is also carrying an extra cancer causing gene called sv40 that was an a monkey virus in all polio vaccines in that period Add to the fact HIV was spread in Africa by the UN reusing needles and you have to wonder what the polio vaccine ever did that was any good given this:

"Klenner's paper (Klenner FR. The treatment of poliomyelitis and other virus diseases with vitamin C. J. South. Med. and Surg., 111:210-214, 1949.) on curing 60 cases of polio in the epidemic of 1948 should have changed the way infectious diseases were treated but it did not." - Robert Cathcart

Anybody sounds like a nut that says all these things, but they're true it turns out. Oh and there's lots more.

All because our diet sucks. This is going to look really embarrassing to future science historians, it's comparable in scale to the slow adoption of germ theory which took 300 years. In the last 5 years the medical industry has finally approved niacin and fish oil as essential, previous to this they were "quackery" despite having been proven 100 and 60 years ago respectively.

The worst part Neal is it's the Democrats are the ones that do this. The GOP actually knows what's what here and the Democrats just claim they don't know science. The numbers suggest the opposite. Oh they know, they just have a realistic sounding delusion but it is an utterly false narrative.

Look at all the effort they spent since the 40s to try to prevent a disease that trivially cured by a vitamin injection in every case ever tested. Industry decided to use the 300 year old homeopathic paradigm of "like protects against like". Uneducated poeple don't actually understand vaccines are homeopathy.

That were known in Roman times. They'd be right at home with today's injections and would recognize them. Explaining how molecular biology works would freak them out though. "Think of tiny gods, lots od them, with super powers".

So here's 50 years of virus research in a nutshell.

Viruses take your ascorbat away because they build new viruses out of it. How fast they take this determined how sick you get. If it can take all of it you start to turn into soup as were made of the stuff. Collagen is ascorbate. Ebola can do it all in week. Flu can do it in two. It's the same end result just faster in one than the other.

This is fixed by replacing it. If we had home test kits like poeple do for blood sugar but for ascorbate it owuld be easy - every time your ascorbate reads 0, add some. People do actually do do this and cure otherwise incurable diseases. Like Marburg.

What Lipinski found - and we knew Selenium conferred immunity to Ebola and other diseases but he found it prevents the chemical reaction that lets he virus enter the cell.

That it, it's actually the magic bullet against all enveloped viruses, which includes all the highly pathogenic ones.

"Magic bullet: Or, sometimes, silver bullet. 1. The perfect drug to cure a disease with no danger of side effects. The term magic bullet was first used in this sense by the German scientist Paul Ehrlich to describe antibody and, later, the drug salvarsan that he created to treat syphilis. 2."

Geography played a huge part here. If you look at world selenium deposits some freaky patterns occur. It's in the midwest in the US but nowhere else. It's on the coasts of australia and africa but nowhere else. China has some the rest no. Germany has the only stuff in Europe. If you told me this was an insane Nazi experiment it would fit the facts. If these things get out only Germany would have a chance. And the pygmies in the congo and some poeple in Bolivia. The rest would be toast except for one in a million here or there.

This shit reads like science fiction. Sadly every bit of it is true.

Lipinski: "In this communication evidence is discussed showing that the chain of disulfide exchange events can be inhibited by a small redox molecule – sodium selenite."

"It is suggested that this inexpensive and readily available food supplement can be an ultimate inhibitor of Ebola and other enveloped viral infections."

Other enveloped viruses include: all flus, mers, sars, marburg, herpes, hiv.

We've actually known this since 2007. Since then two million poeple a year die of HIV while industry made over a tenth of a trillion dollars selling drugs that do not cure the disease while actively suppressing the thing that does in government science databases.

Do you know that turns out to be more than that that guy did in wwii to those other people?

You'd think at some point America could snap out of its stupor long enough to recognise this. These are monstrous numbers we're talking here with hard evidnce of suppression and theoretical and examples in nature, a race of pygmies in th congo has been studied for 15 years to figure out why they're immune to ebola (which we know, hiv and flu as well per Lipinski, possibly hidden) and two years ago a paper came out that says "here's the dozen or so studies that show the pygmies are immune to ebola, we didn't think it was statistically significant but now that we're in the middle of the crisis and we find poeple that have been infected but don't get sick we thought we better mention it finally.

Even the news picked it up and ignored it. So now you have to wonder why we put so much time and money into something that doesn't work and for good reason can never (in the case of ebola Se both prevents and cures it. Even if a vaccine did work and trained antibodies, without selenium they won't work. With it, youdon't need a vaccine) ever work while ignoring people that cannot catch the disease nominally, and if they do, it does not make them ill at all. We've known since 76 this was true and every study since then confirmed it.

We just sort of ignore it.

At some point evry so one of the 50% fatal flus will hit. MERS in the middle east, a camel virus and avian flu in china both perk up every year and kill twice the number last year. The US lost eggs for a year because of the avian virus, it's here now. The rate of mutation is such than human to human transmission of a 50% (or greater) transmissible virus is a certainly if it does not exist already.