The hearings began on Wed, Jan 28, today is friday and this is what the newspapers have for us today. Sampled are Politico, BBC, CBC and The New Yorker. Percent of content that was substantial varied, with the extreme having a greater percentage of rhetoric with a more dire tone. All were short on facts and data, but at least the Beeb was polite about it.
It's been claimed about Robert Kenndy during his confirmation hearings as Surgeon General that "he did good work but he's strange".

Well, perhaps we can delineate the good work he's done, from however strange his personality might be, not that any of us aren't strange personalities are all no way uh uh.

There are lots of organizations that do what Kennedy does, there's Ionnedes project with Goldacres, whose talks (yt) on bad science in medicine make a compelling case, Ionnedes of course is the guy that proved 9 ouf ot 10 medical papers are not true.

This is one of the few places battling bad science in the US, the Cochrane Foundation in Scandia is one of the more active and better known ones in Europe but they recenly got taken over by industry and booted out the Peter G, who started and and who has done the bulk of the heavy lifting for the past few decadeds.

Dr Peter Gøtzsche (7 mins each)

The switcheroo of Kenedy and Trump, both Dmeocrats to the GOP is interesting, because Kennedy and Trump still both want to do as Rupublians now, that they always wanted to do as Democrats - end wars, reign in bug pharma, fix roads and instead we got more roadd decaay and bridges too, more wars and a hysterical US medical system so wrong in so many ways.

So they switch sides, being tiold you can do what you want here and suddenly liberals the left has a coggnitive disconbnect and is now being told by the DNC to oppose thet fucker Kennedy's ideals while Kennedy found that fighting big pharma as a Democrat is not possible even though the scope and breadth of the problem is such that not only does everyone know about it, it's so well known it's even changed our labguage: "big pharma". Remember, we used to call this patent medicine, and slowly, any curative or theraputic agent nbot covered by a patent is of any iunterest in any industrial sense, worse we're getting to the point where some of these natural substances are being regulated (google:"are vitamins regulated in Europe") in some countries.

It is not rational to hate on bobby jr if he is still doing the same thing we always admired him for, and if not him then who? Dr. Oz?

This really applies to Musk as well, and it's even more fun. The Republicans are not the most EV friendly bunch, but now they are, boom, conversion. The left doesn't need to be told to buy EV's, then want clean air. So they buy them anyway, but eww not Tesla so fund other EV ventures? Isn't this what we as liberals wanted?

A few folks may find it hurts sitting down for a while, but this is actually an impoortant and historic moment in history I think, for no matter what anyone things or complains how things are at least we'll all on the correct path now. If we could just get rid of those fantasy hydrogen ads I'd be a happy panda.

So, list the good things rfk has done, and the the issues against him, he loks funny, he talks weird, Caroline said he's an attention seeker - which isn't a bad thing if you have something important to say but most of all I thinkit tells us a lot about his character. Most people whose folks went into politics went home after, he uncle didn't, his dad got stopped just for trying and to channel that immense pain into something good, similar to the way Van Gogh channeled his pain into expressions of ecstatic beauty of the world around us, instead of just giving in and giving up. If I wer given a choice between having every Van Gogh in my living room or finding what rfk has in mind for the next four years then I would prefer the latter.