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Too much of a good thing? The 1961 measles shot is failing us and helps spread the disease.
Too much of a good thing? The 1961 measles shot is failing us and helps spread the disease.

Headlines like this are not uncommon in 2018: "Measles cases break record since disease was eliminated in United States in 2000 – “The suffering we are seeing is avoidable”.

But it's not true. The thing they think makes it "unavoidable" is actually the root cause of the problem.

Focusing the media's dire threats, the role of nutrition, and comparisons with media impressions, as well as historical impacts on indigenous populations. It aims to address the interest in downplaying the scariness of measles, emphasizing good nutrition, and exploring the importance of subclinical scurvy and redox levels over vaccine distribution, while incorporating statistical comparisons, citations, and historical context, including the impact on indigenous diets.



the vaccine that is supposed to prevent the disease but in fact amplifies it

First look at what the discovery of germs did to it. Note the shot came out in 1961 when it was nearly extinct:

Look at the graph of measles in the last century. Notice that by 1961 the year the measles shot came, the virus had all but gone away.

Keep in mind it took *doctors* 300 years to accept "germ theory" because they knew disease was really caused by "foul humors". When they started washing their hands the disease was on the extinction track.


Banning backyard pools would save more lives.

It's possible to ban backyard pools to save more lives. measles is a cold and a rash for a week. Complications in adults whose diets are bad can lead to pneumonia but since Marik's 2017 protocol that's 100% non fatal now.

Wild type measles was eradicated by 2002 in the Americas.

"measles virus (MeV) was interrupted in the Americas in 2002. Wild-type viruses of genotype A are no longer circulating." The e wild type virus is now extinct.

So where do the cases come from? A small number come in from other countries while many are caused by the vaccine:

"13 out of the 16 immunized measles cases had measles from the vaccine strain"

In this case, all the people had been vaccinated against measles and all got measles and 13 out of 16 got it from the vaccine.

Industry knows the vaccine spreads the disease.

The problem here is we used to think the recently vaccinated were infectious for only 2-3 days but instead it turns out it can be up to a year.

"We demonstrated excretion of the Schwarz measles vaccine virus in a child with a vaccine-associated febrile rash illness in urine and in pharyngeal excretions."
"Competing interests: Maja Santak is an employee of the Institute of Immunology, Zagreb, the national vaccine producer."

Polio can not become exticnt unless we stop spreading it with vaccines - World Health Organization - W.H.O.

The problem is worse with polio which is out of control now because of this. The virus wil not go away until we stop vaccinating.

Economist 2018: "As of 2017 vaccine-derived polio cases now outnumber those from the wild polio virus"

nyt: Polio in Nigeria Traced to Mutating Vaccine

Rotary 2017: Understanding the recent polio outbreaks

who-vdv: WHO definition of a "vaccine derived virus" (vdv)

Who 2004: "stopping oral polio vaccine use as soon as it is safely possible to do so" knowledge

Vaccines have made no viruses extinct.

There is no such thing as a virus made extinct through vaccination, even smallpox outbreaks happen - again because of the vaccine: 007 American soldier vaccinated for smallpox three weeks before shipping out to Iraq returns home to visit his family. His two-year-old son, two weeks later, develops a severe and dangerous skin infection caused by vaccinia virus. Critically ill, the child spends seven weeks in the hospital and is successfully treated with new anti-smallpox viral therapy. Soldier’s wife also ill from smallpox, has a mild case, and recovers.
Soldier’s Smallpox Inoculation Sickens Son

The biochemical basis for immunity To Ebola as observed by the Pasteur Institute

Ask yourself, why don't these guys get it or ay other viral disease known to man. http://www.nytimes.com/2014/09/06/health/ebola-immunity.html

Observations of immunity to other pathogens

Why does it show up here: An eighth conundrum – one not addressed by Hope-Simpson – is the surprising percentage of seronegative volunteers who either escape infection or develop only minor illness after being experimentally inoculated with a novel influenza virus. The percentage of subjects sickened by iatrogenic aerosol inoculation of influenza virus is less than 50% [3], although such experiments depend on the dose of virus used. Only three of eight subjects without pre-existing antibodies developed illness after aerosol inhalation of A2/Bethesda/10/63 [4]. Intranasal administration of various wild viruses to sero-negative volunteers only resulted in constitutional symptoms 60% of the time; inoculation with Fort Dix Swine virus (H1N1) – a virus thought to be similar to the 1918 virus – in six sero-negative volunteers failed to produce any serious illness, with one volunteer suffering moderate illness, three mild, one very mild, and one no illness at all [5]. Similar studies by Beare et al on other H1N1 viruses found 46 of 55 directly inoculated volunteers failed to develop constitutional symptoms [6]. If influenza is highly infectious, why doesn't direct inoculation of a novel virus cause universal illness in seronegative volunteers? On the epidemiology of influenza https://virologyj.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1743-422X-5-29 Note this very odd phrase to see in a medical journal: "...in vitamin D, apparently part of Japan's World War II biological weapons research. (The American CIA confiscated Midzuno's papers after the war.)"

The explanation of this "mysterious" immunity

So no, the answer to the measles problem is not more vaccines, you can't solve the problem with the cause of it. I got all my shots, my four kids did. But this is serious and not right. The answer to the mysterious immunity was uncovered by a resehers at HArvard i 2015 and covered exactly once by world newspapers. Not only does it work on ebola but it works on "an enveloped viruses" which is all the bad news ones that affect humans. Non-envelopes viruses are plant pathogens and it works on at least one of them too, the rest have not been tried, and it also works on plague bacteria which is why maps of plague outbreaks correlate to soil selenium levels which are spotty all over the globe except Bolivia, Senegal, Germany and Finland. Finland added it to all farmed soil for health reasons and eliminated rabies as a side effect. Slowly the world is learing towith wotrhnature as the Baka poeple with the Ebola immunity have been doing for about 400,000 years. It's no great shock we learned this from African natives. Look at the "medicus" symbol. We have these to snakes because the Greeks and Romans who invented medicine got what they knew from African natives; in 75 ACE Marcus Lucanus documented a practice of acquiring immunity drinking snake venom and nothing they could tell the kind of snake by the tate of the venom. In an era when disease and poisoning were the only real worries it became an obsession. This led to the school of homeopathy based on the principle of "like protects from like" and 300 years ago vaccination was invented. But we're well past the point of no return with a 300 year old homeopathic practice and in the era of modern medicine "small molecule therapeutics" are the answer ot vaccine failures is now the order of the day. Industry is looking at a couple of dozen of these and the problem for them is selenium keeps working best and the other 29 man mand (and therefore patentable) ones not so much so this makes it into medical journals but not the media. It turns out two brazil nuts a day is all you need. It's has been known in traditional chinese medicine (in the form of astragalus) for 5000 years as an antiviral and i Ayurvedic medicine for 7000 years. It's been known to western medicine for four years at this point and may as well be a secret for all the publicity it got despite being the cause of the cessation of an Ebola pandemic tht was on every continent except Antarctica. "29 Jan 2015 - Liberia: Harvard Scientist Claims Selenium Can Treat Ebola" https://allafrica.com/stories/201501291709.html "29 January 2015 Last updated at 00:55 - We've now seen several cases that don't have any symptoms at all, asymptomatic cases," said Anavaj Sakuntabhai. http://www.bbc.com/news/health-31019097

Eating two Brazil nuts a day will do more to keep you save from any virus that all the vaccines that have ever been made.

Here's how it works: in a nutshell, the right amount of selenium inhibits the virus ability to make the initial chemical bond it needs to make to get into the host cell. When that fails the virus can not reproduce and just withers away and it eaten by the macrophages of the immune system. he first thing Ebola does is infect the macrophages which is why its so bad. There is no working vaccine for it nor can there be. Claims there are are false - read the fine print. Selenium status alone determines if you're going ot get Ebola or not, antibodies have zero to do with it, they're the first ting it eats but can not in the presence of not too little and not too much selenium. Two brazil nuts a day is usually enough. Eat two handfuls a day for a week and you'll get a stomach ache. http://ajcn.nutrition.org/content/87/2/379.full