So I looked at the vaccine stuff for a year and noticed it's bass ackwards as usual.

If you look back far enough the first inoculations where done by homeopaths in 1720. What Salk (a med school dropout that believed there was a vaccine for every disease and whose lifes dream was to commerciale vaccines) did was made this shelf stable. So you have a 20th century industrial version of a homeopathic cure that used ous from a cows udder. Charming. Vaccines if done properly are invaluable but there are some molecules yo do not want to introduce into the body and some of the preservatives fall into that category.

They're a tool, not the tool.

What's more shocking is Pauling had in 1933 figured out the nature of the chemical bond and this did to biology more than what splitting the atom means for physics, fair enough Pauling did get two Nobles to Feynman's one :-)

Pauling had heard of C being used to treat polio an duplicated the results himself. And figured out why it worked. For this genius he was denigrated in the press - by only the pharmaceutical industry take note, during the time in which he was earning his second nobel for humanitarian work on the nonproliferation treaty.

It's always amused me that Feynman started off in Physics but switched to Pauling's area of study once Pauling's work had created the fields of biochemistry, quantum chemistry and molecular biology while paying wa snow mostly for molecular biology but his second Novel was for for something very non-biological that involved Feynman's work, or rather preventing its use. I'm not sure those two ever met.

Anyway. I think Salk was the worst person in 20th century medicine. He was a horrible person irl apparently and act like the md scientist from a bad war movie. So he figured out antifreeze makes a good preservative, so what? Pauling otoh actually figured out what molecules were affected by the pathogen and figured out how to compensate.

And this is routine procedure only in New Zealand why exactly? I know it's hard to believe but it appears industry is ling to us and the pres is more than happy to go along with it.

They've got us believing a centuries old homeopathic remedy is the "science" while the biggest medical discovery in all of human existence is "quackery" despite solid hard evidence of both safety and efficacy continuous lye 75 years.

This is a western problem - the us, uk and europe. Asian and African countries don't give a fuck for what US pharmaceutical companies say and there's nobody else saying this stuff doesn't work. So they use this stuff on MRSA for example and it works fine. Meantime Americans die of this, needlessly. It's just shocking.

If you have experience with it you know it works. If you don't you're not really qualified to speak about something you know noting about other than what some other guy said. Chances are he was not on the level.

"Klenner's paper (Klenner FR. The treatment of poliomyelitis and other virus diseases with vitamin C. J. South. Med. and Surg., 111:210-214, 1949.) on curing 60 cases of polio in the epidemic of 1948 should have changed the way infectious diseases were treated but it did not." - Robert Cathcart