There is a odd moral relativism based on political ideology and not reason, that applies at the intersection of medicine and politics.
"Instead of being tried for war crimes after the war, the researchers involved in Unit 731 were secretly given immunity by the U.S. in exchange for the data they gathered through human experimentation.[5] Other researchers that the Soviet forces managed to arrest first were tried at the Khabarovsk War Crime Trials in 1949. The Americans did not try the researchers so that the information and experience gained in bio-weapons could be co-opted into the U.S. biological warfare program, as had happened with Nazi researchers in Operation Paperclip.[6] On 6 May 1947, Douglas MacArthur, as Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces, wrote to Washington that "additional data, possibly some statements from Ishii probably can be obtained by informing Japanese involved that information will be retained in intelligence channels and will not be employed as 'War Crimes' evidence."[5] Victim accounts were then largely ignored or dismissed in the West as communist propaganda.[7]
As above, under the American occupation the members of Unit 731 and other experimental units were allowed to go free. One graduate of Unit 1644, Masami Kitaoka, continued to do experiments on unwilling Japanese subjects from 1947 to 1956 while working for Japan's National Institute of Health Sciences. He infected prisoners with rickettsia and mental health patients with typhus.[64]
Shiro Ishii, as the chief of the unit, was granted war crime immunity from the US occupation authorities, because of his provision of human experimentation research materials to the US."
This guy infected mental patients with typhus. Sounds awful doesn't it? As part of the narrative for what is alleged to be a Japanese biowarefare lab, the horror or somebody doing such things then going out and doing them again is incalculable.
"Julius Wagner-Jauregg (7 March 1857 – 27 September 1940) was an Austrian physician, who won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1927, and is the only psychiatrist to have done so.[1] His Nobel award was "for his discovery of the therapeutic value of malaria inoculation in the treatment of dementia paralytica".
"In 1887 he investigated the effects of febrile diseases on psychoses, making use of erisipela and tuberculin (discovered in 1890 by Robert Koch). Since these methods of treatment did not work very well, he tried in 1917 the inoculation of malaria parasites,"
I am unable to see the difference here. The same act, in context can be seen as either life saving medical intervention worthy of our highest scientific accolade or it can be seen as the worst of humanity, the justification given, something so abhorrent it's one of two things to make it sounds more horrible, something from the most horrific experiments our enemies in German and and Japen ever performed.
This is similar to reports of cannibalism, practiced by "savages". Clearly the shrunken heads are evidence. Actually they're done out of respect to a warrior by the man that killed him. No tribe admits to cannibalism, but are very certain the other guys do it, the problem being the other guys say the same thing. Despite it's association with savagery cannibalism hae never been proven in any other than incidents in the USA in the Donner pass and in Peru with a soccer team. We'd best make sure these savages never hear thar white people eat each other or do we smile knowingly and shrug and say "in an emergency it's ok". Everybody holding a long straw will agree to this, as if for one moment consensus were truth.
The writer tells the tale, facts are plastic - all the more reason to ignore labels and examine evidence.
Another curiosity that nudges a the credibility of the narrative is from this seemingly bizarre factoid again about Midzumo and the alleged discovery that:
"It is worth noting that one animal study indicated vitamin D, when added to the diet of rats, prevented influenza but a subsequent paper reported it did not [83, 84]. Young et al also reported that a Japanese researcher, Midzuno, was able to reproduce influenza in rats simply by maintaining them on diets deficient in vitamin D, apparently part of Japan's World War II biological weapons research. (The American CIA confiscated Midzuno's papers after the war.)"
There are conspiracy theory websites that believe in a race of
Homo reptilius alien overlords that would be afraid to say sometihign this wacky, but this is in "Virology Journal"[1] in an article entitled "On the epidemiology of influenza".
What he's implying here is the CIA is sitting on a secret that influenza isn't really caused by the virus, it just kills you if your vitamin D drops and since we get it all from sun but only in the winter and since "flu does not exist in all tropical countries" the story is at least internally consistent. Which is more than one can say about the US information about Unit 731.
We're actually supposed to believe the enemy were experimenting with vitamins in a germ warfare plant? At the war crimes trial there were not prosecuted for this, the explanation given it they were given immunity for the data they had, of which there is no record today - of course. What a story. Michael Chrighton would be hard pressed to beat this, it's actually less believable than Andromeda Strain if you change "Space" to "Africa".
One interesting thing about this is what happened to the people after the war. Presumably Midzumo wasn't spending all his time infecting mental patients with typhus. The people that accused the Japanese of running a biowarefare camp went to publish papers in America along the lines of making anthrax more dangerous, of making new hybrid strains of anthrax, resurrecting the Spaish Flu, making Ebola into an aerosol and a number of other things along the same lines.
This pnly became public knowledge when Wikileaks leaked a cable around 2014 that showed the US was trying to smuggle a virus construction set of half a dozen of the worlds worst viruses into Germany from Australia on forged US Military letterhead. The cable was from a field agent addressed to the US Secretary of State. So that's the direction the good guys went.
Meanwhile in Japan, what horrors is Midzuno up to? No idea, he doesn't seem to exist except in the US accounts of Unit 731 there is however a Japanese worker named "Mizuno" (without the "d") that did publish a bunch of technical article about what happens if you manipulate certain vitamins.
"The data suggest that there is a correlation between vitamin A deficiency and the mechanism of asthmatic response. These data support that the mechanism of hypovitaminosis A in asthmatic children may involve not only the acute phase response but also the various degrees of chronic epitherial damage of airways."
"A case of peeling skin syndrome successfully treated with topical calcipotriol.
Mizuno Y, Suga Y, Hasegawa T, Haruna K, Kohroh K, Ogawa H, Ikeda S, Shimizu T, Komatsu N.
J Dermatol. 2006 Jun;33(6):430-2. No abstract available."
Serum vitamin A concentrations in asthmatic children in Japan.
Mizuno Y, Furusho T, Yoshida A, Nakamura H, Matsuura T, Eto Y.
Pediatr Int. 2006 Jun;48(3):261-4.
In-vitro uptake of vitamin A by Plasmodium falciparum.
Mizuno Y, Kawazu SI, Kano S, Watanabe N, Matsuura T, Ohtomo H.
Japanese fermented soybean food as the major determinant of the large geographic difference in circulating levels of vitamin K2: possible implications for hip-fracture risk.
Kaneki M, Hodges SJ, Hosoi T, Fujiwara S, Lyons A, Crean SJ, Ishida N, Nakagawa M, Takechi M, Sano Y, Mizuno Y, Hoshino S, Miyao M, Inoue S, Horiki K, Shiraki M, Ouchi Y, Orimo H.
Nutrition. 2001 Apr;17(4):315-21. Erratum in: Nutrition. 2006 Oct;22(10):1075. Hedges, S J [corrected to Hodges, S J].
PMID: 11369171
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Is there any evidence to suggest they are the same person? Difficult to say. What we know about this we know from a paper by Young in 1949 - "Vitamin D Intake and Susceptibility of Mice to Experimental Swine Influenza Virus Infection."), which is referenced referenced by Cadell et al in "On the epidemiology of influenza" in Virology Journal Feb 2008. Over time no doubt the declassification of documents may not be complete for no particular reason and the expectation they all be online may be just dreaming.
A search for "Midzuno" in google yields three hits, all technical papers by a physicist about radio.
"Midzuno" published in "Nagoya Igakkai Zasshi V53, 655".
Nagoya is the university Midzuno published through, "Igakkai" means "medical association" and "Zasshi" means "magazine", alterntively "publication" or "journal".
Thus it's the Medical Journal of Nagoya university.
A search of Google Scholar (suggests "mizuno" instead) shows:
>An outline of the theory of sampling systems
H Midzuno - Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 1949 - Springer
On the sampling system with probability proportionate to sum of sizes
H Midzuno - Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 1951 - Springer
H. Midzuno appears to be a mathematician, he is the Midzuno in the "Midzuno Sen sampling scheme" and the "Mudzuno Lahihi Sen sampling scheme".
This also shows up:
Article: Pharmacodynamics of TMX-67 (TEI-6720), a novel xanthien dehydrogenase/oxidase inhibitor, in man
J. Kubo H. Yonezawa H. Mizuno A. Ohnishi N. Kamatani
Article · Apr 1997 · Clinical Biochemistry
TEIJIN PHARMA LIMITED | News | TMX-67 (ULORIC®) Launches in ...
Oct 27, 2010 - Takeda Pharmaceutical's wholly owned U.S. subsidiary Takeda Pharmaceuticals North America, Inc. (TPNA), which has an exclusive contract with Teijin Pharma to develop and market TMX-67 in North America, received approval for TMX-67 from Health Canada prior to the launch. In the U.S. market, TPNA ...
But the rest is nuclear and high energy physics from SLAC o the Japanese accelerator.
Conference Paper: X-band klystron development at KEK
K. Takata Y.H. Chin H. Mizuno S. Fukuda S. Kazakov
Abstract: X-band klystrons (XB-72K) designed for the Next Linear Collider (NLC) are described. Klystrons having traveling-wave output structures in order to reduce the electric fields and an RF output power of around 70 MW have been obtained. A new klystron-simulation code using “MAGIC” has been developed at KEK, and the simulation results agree well with the experimental data. The next klystron was designed using the code; an RF output of 120 MW is obtained in the simulation. The klystron is being...
Conference Paper · Feb 1998
This is the last one:
"Conference Paper: X-band PPM klystron development for JLC
Y.H. Chin S. Matsumoto H. Mizuno Y. Morozumi V. Teryaev
Abstract: In this paper, we summarize the status of X-band PPM klystron development for the Japan Linear Collider (JLC) project. The periodic permanent magnet (PPM) klystrons are under development in the two-stage/two-year project with Toshiba. The goal is to produce 50 MW output power with efficiency >50% at 1.5 μs pulse length at the first klystron and then to advance to 75 MW with efficiency =55% at the second one. The first PPM klystron has been tested, and it achieved 56 MW power with 50%...
Full-text available · Conference Paper · Feb 2001"
Y. Midzuno begins publishing in 1954 with:
Statistics of two-dimensional lattices with many components
T Kihara, Y Midzuno, T Shizume - Journal of the Physical Society of …, 1954 -
The statistics of the two-dimensional Ising lattice, for which each lattice site may take one of
two states, has been partly generalized to the following model: each lattice site may take one
of s states and each pair of neighboring sites in different states has a common excess …
Cited by 167 Related articles All 6 versions
There us a reference to "(1) (a) Wohler, F. Liebigs Ann. Chem. 1844, 50, 1. (b) Tanaka, Y.;
Midzuno, T.; Okami, T. Yakugaku Zasshi 1930,50, 559." in a paper by Shirasaka in 1990
concerning the synthesis of an Esoteric organic compound a derivative of "narcopine" also
known as "noscopine"
This paper published in 1941 by Midzuno does not appear to be online anywhere.
In 1779 the french and Spanish launched an naval attack on England, but by the time they got to Portsmith that all had smallpox and were blown out to sea unable to man the boats. Curiously smallpox broke out in London and Glasgow at the same time. Which hasnever been explaied.
"The British colonial government in India pressed medical researcher Waldemar Haffkine to develop a plague vaccine. After three months of persistent work with a limited staff, a form for human trials was ready. On January 10, 1897 Haffkine tested it on himself. After the initial test was reported to the authorities, volunteers at the Byculla jail were used in a control test, all inoculated prisoners survived the epidemics, while seven inmates of the control group died. By the turn of the century, the number of inoculees in India alone reached four million. Haffkine was appointed the Director of the Plague Laboratory (now called Haffkine Institute) in Bombay.[16]"
So we have the paradox of the good guys talking making the worlds worst diseases even worse and the bad guys go back to investigating vitamins. It's interesting to noter that in Japan that ascorbate therapy is not rare.
Maybe it's not the same guy. Maybe he changed his name after the war, dropped a "D" and went back to researching vitamins. At any rate he began publishing in 1964 and still is. His counterpart in the west died of the worlds most virulent anthrax strain that he had invented. From this it's possible to include "evidence suggests a lifetime of studying vitamins is extends life when compared to germ warfare research baseline."
The guy that died of his own strain of highly virulent
Anthrax is a disease researchers, Mizuno is a health researcher. Perhaps some can rationalize being a war doctor makes sense in time of war, but the war is over and we research making diseases worse ("GOF" - Gain of Function") we do not do so in the name of "Doctor".
Richard Sexton. April 12, 2018
[1] On the epidemiology of influenza
John J Cannell1Email author,
Michael Zasloff2,
Cedric F Garland3,
Robert Scragg4 and
Edward Giovannucci5
Virology Journal20085:29
© Cannell et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. 2008
Received: 09 February 2008
Accepted: 25 February 2008
Published: 25 February 2008