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The science of influenza

The science of influenza
How we picked the homeopath instead of The Doctor

This is not a simple subject and there's a lot of background here. To summarize:
  1. Immunization and vaccination came from the homeopathic school in the early 1700s.
  2. Ascorbate therapy was investigated by many researchers in the 20th century and found to work by the Nobel winning founder of molecular biology
  3. Because of the immense profits in vaccines these were chosen instead as public health policy.
  4. While ascorbate has no side effects, vaccines can have many.
  5. The flu shot does not save lives.
  6. Tamiflu is very nearly a placebo.
  7. Recently it had emerged that the flu shot seems to increases your risk of getting flu.
  8. Ascorbate therapy routinely saves lives when medical silence is literally read to pull the plug ona comatose flu patient.
  9. Every year in the US 30,000 people die of flu, many needlessly

  • Based on these facts it is logical that a single vitamin will do more for the flu than a shot will.
  • If you take enough C you are unlikely to even catch it.
  • It can not only reduce severity and duration of the disease
  • It has brought people back from near death.
  • Despite being broadcast on TV understanding of this by the public is still astonishingly meager.

In the 1930s and 1940s molecular biologists have figured out a lot of what we know about today about treating chronic disease and a very real failing of the patent medicine industry is tha they don't acknowledge where they steals their ideas from. In the last 5 years fish oils, niacin and gut flora "became mainstream" after years of being denigrated as "alternative nonsense" - it doesn't take 30 years to see if a treatment works or not. There's two ways of looking at that:

a) They didn't actually work in the 1930s when they were claimed to have, and only began working when they were tested very recently.

b) For whatever reason, we understood it worked but it was quietly never mentioned or suppressed, or it was c claimed to not work or to have horrible side effects when none of the things were ever true. These were lies, slander and commercial slander. Two out of those three things are a crime and this was done for personal financial gain and at the expense of the public health. The source of the information was in every case traced back to a pharmaceutical company. Besides being one of the most corrupt industrious and a major part of the reason the medical system itself is the third lading cause of death in America today

It's a terrible problem doctors complain about:

And a huge industry:

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Marketing to Doctors (HBO)
Published on Feb 8, 2015

It pollutes our global medical encyclopedia; one meta study showed up to 90% of medical papers are fraudulent:

And its not like we don't know why - doctors are paid to sign theur names to reports they've never seen:

It's a pattern we see over and over again. Another pattern we see is impossible cases from Ebola to Killer flus using IV C to treat cases where conventional medicine has given up and literally ready to "pull the plug".

In the 1930s Influenza and polio were the model organisms used and new evidence shows the flu shot does more harm than good. I understand how this rankles the sensibility and my suggestion is to ignore all labels and examine the scientific evidence for yourself. Do not take my word for it by any means.

The flu shot's dirty little secret. - it doesn't save lives.

For some strange reason, US statistics for the flu shot show different results than when this is measured by Canadian scientists:


Worst of all, in some groups the flu shot makes you more likely not less likely to catch the flu. That is the immunized group caught the flu more than the group who had forgone inoculation.


If for any reason the flu show fails to prevent flu what options does medical science have in that case? Noting. Other than IV C:
"A New Zealand dairy farmer who caught swine flu and very nearly died was saved after his family insisted that he be treated with intravenous vitamin"

MD/Attorney followup: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z1kD3BolXnE
From the literature: http://insights.rs79.vrx.net/sci/med/c/klenner-1/

Origins of therapeutic use of ascorbate

Back when the first killer flu went through in 1918 certain families in the US survived in the same way South Americans did: in the tropics the acai fruit was uses and in the American Midwest another plant was. When assayed both were found to contain very high amounts of vitamin C.

Note this part or Klenner's paper:

    "Folklore of past civilizations report that for every disease afflicting man there is an herb or its equivalent that will effect a cure. In Puerto Rico the story has long been told "that to have the health tree Acerola in one's back yard would keep colds out of the front door." The ascorbic acid content of this cherry-like fruit is thirty times that found in oranges.

    In Pennsylvania, U.S.A., it was, and for many still is, Boneset, scientifically called Eupatorium perfoliatum 2. Although it is now rarely prescribed by physicians, Boneset was the most commonly used medicinal plant of eastern United States. Most farmsteads had a bundle of dried Boneset in the attic or woodshed from which a most bitter tea would he meted out to the unfortunate victim of a cold or fever. Having lived in that section of the country we qualified many times for this particular drink. The Flu of 1918 stands out very forcefully in that the Klenners survived when scores about us were dying. Although bitter it was curative and most of the time the cure was overnight. Several years ago my curiosity led me to assay this “herbal medicine†and to my surprise and delight I found that we had been taking from ten to thirty grams of natural vitamin C at one time. Even then it was given by body weight. Children one cupful; adults two to three cupfuls. Cups those days held eight ounces. Twentieth century man seemingly forgets that his ancestors made crude drugs from various plants and roots, and that these decoctions, infusions, juices, powders, pills and ointments served his purpose. Elegant pharmacy has only made the forms and shapes more acceptable."

Note than Boneset is a native American remedy for "colds and fevers". So both vaccines and ascorbate have origins in more primitive pharmacopoeias - the vaccine came from noticing that girl who worked as milk maids sometimes caught cowpox and ended up with cowpox pustules on their fingers and if they did they never ever caught smallpox.

This bolstered the homeopathic principle that a "small amount of something gives resistance to larger dose of a like compound" which of course has very little to do with the training of the immune system but was a suitable explanation in a 17th century world that had only recently crawled out of the dark ages.

Flu used to kill the young and the old who we rationalized had weaker immune systems with no real explanation why those immunes systems were compromised.

More recently we've seen flus killing more young adults than either the young or old. One possible explanation to this is we do a pretty good job as a society at giving vitamins to kids. Older adults as well who routinely develop B vitamin deficiencies with age and the FDA reviewed the RDA for vitamin C and increased the dosage 10X in soma cases - an order of magnitude - when they came to understand efficiency of nutrient absorption decreases with age and decreases greatly with great age. So for an 18 year old male they recommend 30mg but a 75 year old female is told to take 300mg. Health care facilities that with monitor vit C in their meal or test for scurvy routinely probably account for more adequate (yet still sub optimal) amounts of serum ascorbate.

Why should young adults die more than any other group from flu? Lousy diet of fast food, not enough sleep or exercise the the young adult feeling of invincibility with perhaps a mindset that says vitamins are for babies and old folks. It's not hard to imagine sub clinical scurvy in this siltation especially once you add the massively oxidative effects of air pollution and especially smoking - the latter alone can remove up to 7g of ascorbate from the body per day.

Method of action

The people who die of flu will all be found on autopsy to all have scurvy. That's why it causes alarm when it kills healthy young adults and not the young and old like its supposed to. As a society we're finally learning that the very young and very old need extra vitamins to be healthy and that makes all the difference in the world. But the type a personality rat racer who drinks too much, doesn't sleep enough and eats badly, is franky: doomed.

Naerly all toxins work the same way, in essence they oxidize your cells more quickly ("oxidative stress") and all that means is they take an electron from your cell. Ascorbate (vit c) simply puts an electron back undoing the damage. That's why it's called an "antioxidant" and ascorbate is one of the most potent and the best tolerated - it's an important molecule, one of the building blocks of life and is shared by all living things, even viruses. In fact when viruses make new viruses C is one of the raw materials they use and they take yours as well to make matters worse.

The greater the damage the greater the need for C up to very very high doses - which is fine as it's literally safer than water; water has an overdose potential ("hyponatremia") , vitamin c has no lethal dosage known, even hundreds of grams an hour are well tolerated as shown my numerous studied including ones the US NIH has recently performed. The treatment was ready adde d the legal therapeutic registered drugs New Zealand having proven safety and efficacy beyond the shadow of a doubt backed up by literature going back 75 years. Treatment of influenza was one of the first discoveries made in the 1930s.

"We screamed our fears at Benjamin Krishna, a Wellcome Trust PhD student currently working on human cytomegalovirus at the Department of Medicine at Cambridge University, and he calmly and sensibly explained the different kinds of viruses that pose a potential threat to mankind."

"A lot of viruses become incredibly aggressive for people who have weakened immune systems. Not so much someone on vitamin supplements "

Also: (OMNS, March 19, 2008) Vitamins fight the flu by boosting the body’s own immune response and by accelerating healing. Individuals can be better prepared for an influenza epidemic by learning how to use vitamin supplements to fight off ordinary respiratory infections. The most important vitamins are vitamins C, D, niacin, and thiamine.

The flu shot ties to prevent it by raising your immune system. That's fine but without the raw materials to power the immune system that training does no good.

Plus it's starting to have the opposite effect, the host doesn't save lives and it's starting to kill people:




http://www.cbc.ca/news/health/flu-vaccine-only-23-effective-in-u-s-even-less-effective-in-canada-1.2902091 If you think she's an expert on the molecular biology of complex human physiological reactions look at her "credentials". I've tried to talk to these "skeptics" before and and in every case they run away screaming when it becomes clear they don't actually know anything and are just parroting bad medical opinions. The Casual observer that looked like some smart young chick that shreds some freak, Reality is it's corporate ste by a person with dubious credentials that makes a good PR case but if you look deeper you'll see she's wrong in every case. This thing took a team a few weeks to write so dont expect a comprehensive rebuttal today but you will get one. The orthomolecular people have figured out most of what we know about treating chronic disease today and the real failing is that the patent medicine industry doesn't acknowledge where it steals its ideas from. In the last 5 years fish oils, niacin and gut flora "became mainstream" and there's two ways of looking at that: 1) They didn't actually work in the 1930s when they were claimed to have, and only began working when they were tested very recently. 2) For whatever reason, we understood it worked but it was quietly never mentioned it claimed to not work or to have horrible side effects when none of the things were ever true. The source of the information is in every case traced back to a pharmaceutical company. It's a terrible problem dotors compain abot: http://www.ted.com/talks/ben_goldacre_battling_bad_science https://www.ted.com/talks/ben_goldacre_what_doctors_don_t_know_about_the_drugs_they_prescribe And a huge industry: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQZ2UeOTO3I It pollutes our global medical encyclopaedia: http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/print/2010/11/lies-damned-lies-and-medical-science/8269 And its not like we don't know why: http://www.guardian.co.uk/society/2003/dec/07/health.businessofresearch http://www.plosmedicine.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pmed.1000230 It's a pattern we see over and over again. Just as we're also seeing impossible cases from Ebola to Killer flus using V C to treat cases where conventional medicine has given up on. In the 1930s Influenza and polio were the model organisms used and there is now proof the flu shot does more harm than good. I understand how this wrankles the sensibility and my suggestion is to ignore all labels and examine the scientific evidence for yourself. Do not take my word for it by any means. The flu shot's dirty little secret. - it doesn't save lives. http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2009/11/does-the-vaccine-matter/307723/ http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xh70sx_60-minutes-scoop-on-new-zealand-farmer-vit-c-miracle_tech "A New Zealand dairy farmer who caught swine flu and very nearly died was saved after his family insisted that he be treated with intravenous vitamin" MD/Attorney followup: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z1kD3BolXnE From the literature: http://insights.rs79.vrx.net/sci/med/c/klenner-1/ http://www.cbc.ca/news/health/flu-vaccine-paradox-adds-to-public-health-debate-1.2912790 http://www.cbc.ca/news/health/flu-vaccine-only-23-effective-in-u-s-even-less-effective-in-canada-1.2902091

The flu shot had never been shown to not actually save any lives: http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2009/11/does-the-vaccine-matter/307723/

In fact it works worse in Canada than i the US: http://www.cbc.ca/news/health/flu-vaccine-only-23-effective-in-u-s-even-less-effective-in-canada-1.2902091

Worse, it makes some people more, not less, prone to the flu: http://www.cbc.ca/news/health/flu-vaccine-only-23-effective-in-u-s-even-less-effective-in-canada-1.2902091

So a shot that never saved any lives is now making people more likely to die from flu? So glad the government pays a lot of money to make people sicker who thought they'd be less sick.

There's a new H5 super lethal flu on the fast track, what do researchers, not vaccines companies say: "We screamed our fears at Benjamin Krishna, a ​Wellcome Trust PhD student currently working on human cytomegalovirus at the Department of Medicine at Cambridge University, and he calmly and sensibly explained the different kinds of viruses that pose a potential threat to mankind." "​A lot of viruses become incredibly aggressive for people who have weakened immune systems. Not so much someone on vitamin supplements "

In the 30s shortly after Pauling's paper enabled the fields of molecular biology and biochemistry work was one on polio and influenza and he biochemistry said toxin damage from pathogens could be remedied by the electron donor ascorbate if given in high enough doses.

This information was suppressed because vaccines were far more profitable, but they are a preventative not a treatment for the disease.

Tamiflu is our sole last line of defense against fu and governments have spent billions and billions stockpiling thi on the promise it would reduce the rate of complications from flu.

There is no data that says it does and one medical epidemiologist has cause this shady industry behaviour "the largest problem in the medical field today."

http://on.ted.com/Goldacre @12:00

What do medical researchers say about the potential for H5 series superflus?

"We screamed our fears at Benjamin Krishna, a ​Wellcome Trust PhD student currently working on human cytomegalovirus at the Department of Medicine at Cambridge University, and he calmly and sensibly explained the different kinds of viruses that pose a potential threat to mankind."

"​A lot of viruses become incredibly aggressive for people who have weakened immune systems. Not so much someone on vitamin supplements "

Recently an NZ aman was in a code from swine flu, was near death and about to be unplugged from life support. His life was saved by intravenous C and recorded by the TV show 60 minutes:

Vitamin C: The Miracle Swine Flu Cure (60 Minutes) "Living Proof" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OpjikqBeJ78

An MD and attorney discuss how and why NZ became the first country i the world to have IV C registered and a safe and effective pharmaceutical therapy in NZ


Don't you dare talk to me about science and reason when it comes to the vaccine industry who have made trillions not saving lives the science they suppressed would have saved. how's the HIV vaccine coming after 35 years of work? How's the Ebola vaccine? Still only 25-75% effective at best? This is why a natural cure from the forests of West Gabon saved Africa not the vaccine industry:



They lied for material gain about public health. This is nothing less than treason and they've killed more than any spy or all the act of terrorism against the united states.

"Klenner's paper (Klenner FR. The treatment of poliomyelitis and other virus diseases with vitamin C. J. South. Med. and Surg., 111:210-214, 1949.) on curing 60 cases of polio in the epidemic of 1948 should have changed the way infectious diseases were treated but it did not." - Robert Cathcart

Vaccines came from the homeopathic school in 1720.

Just so there's no misunderstanding about this, vaccines are a homeopathic technique and he tuberculin skin test also came from homeopathy.

The discovery of the biomolecular dynamics of oxidative stress, a cell losing an electron and the subsequent discovery Vit. C puts that electron back cane from the understanding of the molecule Pauling's nobel winning thesis about the nature of the chemical bond provided and that is the more modern scientific remediation for the disease, not the other way around.

This is true of other diseases than the flu as well.