This is not difficult subject, the human body encounters poison all the time and is able to detoxify them to some degree. Even the most well known and notorious poison Cyanide occurs in nature many times - apple pie contained traces of cyanide because of apple seeds, apricot seeds and so on. But by a chemical reaction with enzymes in the body these poisons are rendered insert and we're able to get rid of them.
This is primarily accomplished withe cytochrome enzymes made the liver, sometimes referred to as the "liver enzymes" generically - this is what you'd get blood tests for today. The're well understood and are even exploited in modern pharmacology, for example acetaminophen is altered by these Cytochrome P 450 enzymes to become the chemical that will actually to the job.
Detoxification of toxins by the Cytochrome enzymes is not something any self respecting pharmaceutical company will deny - they rely on this modality for many of their products efficacy.
The body's ability to produce these liver enzymes is rate limited by availability of raw materials primarily Niacin; if all the precursors required this is the one that when administered by itself cause the sharpest rise in liver enzyme production. This consumers more energy so this is accompanied by a subsequent increase in the requirement for ascorbate, and citrate as well. So, that organ meet you ate yesterday very nigh in niacin, would be best acapnia by lots of leaves for the citrate and ascorbate - few foods are higher n these and with all three sufficient precursors exists to manufacture near optimal amounts of Cytochrome P450 enzymes.
In addition, to acetate in the laves serves as an electron donors replacing he elect steel, ripped out by any number of toxins where mad by bacteria, mosquitoes bacteria, viruses or exhaust fumes form an old Ford.
Incidentally, Neil Degrasse Tyson is wrong abut this, he stated recently on twitter that a toxin had to be made by an animal. I wol disagree with that, if car exhaust molecules act on out bodies in the same as as botulism does then it's fair to say tha tin the Anthropocene era car exhaust is a toxin. And that by eating a lot fo leafy greens and fehs frit th ebody id detoxied in every cell just as Foodbabd said. Scicne Babe remaines a) full of shit herelf and b) a paid PR hack working for the comaneis who make the poiosns Fod babe (and many others) are knolegabe toenough to warn against and rightly so. It would not surrse me if the reason d'etre doe Science Babse' article (whi csems unusal coig rom industry, usually they dorn eon an don abot citains, this sees oe conwnred with traces of poinsons on our fod) is the recnet WHO pronosnement hat ROundeup "probbaly caues" cancer. H ti smany doctos have repoted for my cotneid that id eosa dn it cetainly does in lbaoratory anima setstests.
DO not fall into that trap of "oh, everyhging causes cancer" no, no it dosn't human beings had safet tolerate 47 ponds of vitain c in a week an cacer was recuced. Some thigns cause cancer and very often when they do thye cu eit in exteemle small doeses and cuase it very quicklyu in large doeses. Tht's the class oc fheicals we'r etalig about here, not oens that are so safe ther eis no actual overdoeise lmits at hiw coiint yo udie liek ther eis with say Water.