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It may pass casual inspection by the uneducated but it does not hold up to rigorous scrutiny
Science Babe took the word "Science" for her moniker in an attempt to gain credibility in the same way "Creation Science" uses the term in an attempt at legitimacy. This looks to me like a corporate PR effort and not some smart girl with a blog and no bills to pay.
If you think she's an expert on the molecular biology of complex human physiological reactions look at her "credentials". A BA in theater and a masters in forensic science. That means she can look up reports that say something is either true or false but she doesn't necessarily know anything about what she's "studying".
That is, at best she can relay consensus but is unable actually distinguish consensus from truth: never mistake truth for consensus. Where's the organic chemistry? Where's the molecular biology? Where's the medical and nutritional training? Her qualifications are for writing ad copy not adjudicating complex biochemical reactions in the human body that affect long term health.
In her words:
She's paid to say it's safe. That's why this report is all about the poisons and doesn't throw in the old chestnut "...you get all the vitamins you need from food and don't need to take any". Unless you want to live 20-30 years longer that is.
From here below it's a work in progress. Some sections are complete, others not so much. I got distracted on the history of scurvy which is a little mind-blowing, we actually as a society, completely forget what cures it an dhave done so at least half a dozen times in the last 5000 years. But just so thee's no mistake here, a pesticide company put somebody through college, paid them to tinker in a lab maybe and now pays them to preach the holy gospel of Roundup recently felt to be a "probable" carcinogen that we've now sprayed over half the world because her company said it was "safe".
People exactly like her, told us this was safe and now groups of doctors from different countries all report the same thing - it looks like this stuff causes caner in people just like it's been proven to in laboratory animals. It's killing the bees, it's killing us and she has the unmitigated gall to take money and accuse somebody that warns you to avoid her company's product is "full of shit"? How about you shut your corporate whore mouth instead?
This is simply somebody from the moral equivalent of the "Merchants of Death" from the film "Thank you for smoking" being and to defend their toxic product. As a chemical analyst she may be able to detents the presence of a chemical very well but so can a glorified lab technician, she has zero training in how that affects human physiology or what that does in term of complex human biochemical pathways and the no mare qualified than my aunt Bertha to comment on this. While it's true Food Babe doesn't do the best job articulating the proof of her assertions and she may not even know the molecular mechanics that doesn't mean Science Babe gets a pass and can say "it's wrong". It's not wrong it badly explained and there's a difference and and what she did there, dismissing the idea because of a faulty explanation of the science was a logical fallacy. How can you pretend to be a science writer if you do that?