Report from a trained immunologist, one of many like this. Not interested in opinions or unverifiable fantasy but would be curious to hear from informed persons who think vaccines work better than simple molecules in the the body already. Let's start with polio,shall wel? You'll need to nuderstand this first, if you don't and only speak surface proteins please don't embarass yourself by opening your mouth: (Good luck, Even Einstein couldn't understand Pauling's work and the suddenly new field of quantum chemistry; keep in mind when this was written Pauling, who won his first Nobel for this very work, worked with Feynman who got his Nobel for quantum physics; Pauling was then able to explain the traditional chinese medicine idea of "Qi" - they're electrons and what we might call "oxidative stress" (se Wiki) would also be called "unbalanced Qi" in China. Molecular trivia, syntax and semantics, it describes the exact same thins, we just found it by another approach but there is nothing new in Pauling's groundbreaking and suppressed work, it's just a five sigma proof that Qi is electron flux, that how it appears to Chinese medicine while to Western medicine it appears to be about the geometry of bond angles. A this level of complexity, semantic overload potential is so high it enters the next quanta. See what I did there ? Now, in the 1940s scientists had texplain to policy makers the above. In 1945. Or we could use a needle - established technology* - and can patent it instead. That one decision changed (and stalled) medicine forever and America is stuck in 1948 as far as medicine is concerned and lags behind such more scientifically advanced states as the snail eaters of France and sheep people of NZ were they have actually managed to progress past 1948. *1720, the Homeopaths. No shit, look it up. It really did begin with forced inoculation with pus from cowpox sores and thus began 300 years of a forced and unsafe medical procedure. Until there are zero deaths from vaccines under any conditions they are as not as safe as a method that does not kill and his is not subject to debate or wiggle room, even one death can be your kid or parent and let's not forget the flu vaccine not helps increase, not decrease the body count. If you didn't know this, get out your wallet and lets wager shall we? Total deaths from vitamins in all of history: 0 preventable deaths from ignoring science? I don't know, it's a hard number to compute, the math is easy but every number is a face who had dreams that we killed because of a single scientificially incorrect decision made in 1948. "We chose a homeopathic cure with dangerous side effects over the more modern understanding of what exactly those molecules are doing down there because forties sensors couldn't understand quantum chemistry." This Is what a program I wrote that took 20 years came up with when I put 10 year of biochemical and molecular medical information into it. Dunning Kruger, meet my new friend: sigma five. What pharma may not know is Bernius is a vitamin guy and the reason I've been working on this for a very, very long time. What else would a kid that taught himself latin at 12 in a weekend do for fun pas the moon landing? Viruses, the final frintier. That's why 100,000 people in the US, 30,000 people in Canada still die of flue each year and not one needs to. A bold claim to be sure but it's not like anyone can alter that figure. Or can they? Why yes, yes I can. Don't think so? Watch me. I figured out a way to do it because of a second hidden root in John nash's crazy mathematics and found it is possible to change this figure to 0 pretty much overnight. If you don't know any quantum chemistry this sounds crazy in exactly the same way fprintf (htmlsteam, "%02x %4.9f", (portbuf ? legacy : not), prptpcol_version->offset); seems a little odd to a 60s cobol programmer. Similarly so it seems odd there's no five sigma threshold for evidence in medicine. That can't go to Mars, so we need an acurate medical manual. Im updating the manpaages. The first thing I'll put in there is how to cure ebola, with a five sigma proof. The first hint is Africa isn