Is 'Mommypotamus' is a shill for the pharma industry?

"MOMMYPOTAMUS" gives a worthless recipe for gummy vitamin C candy that is near useless, while providing patently false information about the vitamin itself. This isn't just wrong it's morally reprehensible.

This woman appears to be a fraud.

"Several studies indicate that high doses of isolated vitamin C – which has been separated from its natural cofactors – may have some negative effects."

Cofactors? Does your mum use that work when talking about cooking? This doesn't smell right. Reality: if you have chronic kidney disease you should do this under expert medical guidance but you should still do it. If you don't, then water has a greater overdose potential - if you dilute your serum sodium enough your heart will stop. There is no upper limit of ascorbate that is unsafe, the record is 47 pounds in a week. A large number of clinical studies report it is "remarkably well tolerated" the most recent having been done by the US NIH as they finally begin to investigate it's uses in breast cancer, efficacy aginst which has been documented into the public record by numerous MDs and has been known since the 1930s.

But no. That is so wrong it borders on being criminally insane. do you know what the actual bad things about vitamins are? Not everyone can afford them and two, ascorbate and niacin(b3) are acids and ay upset an empty stomach.

If you ever see anything negative about these substances that we would die without, please understand they're flat out lying to you.

Deaths from prescription drug: 60,000 a year.

Death from vitamins: zero in all of history.

Here's an ascorbate molecule. Can you tell if it came from natural sources or was synthetic? Of course you can't and your body can't either. There's no magic here, how on earth is it supposed to know?

Think about that.

The punchline and red flag is the oranges and honey this dimwit adds.

Sugar *blocks* the absorption of vitamin C. What she's giving you a recipe for is candy. Who benefits from that?

Those things do little or nothing. She may just be stupid but there absolutely is a well funded pharma war on vitamins, you can look them up and find all sorts of doctors complaining about it.

This woman is not a scientist or a nutrition expert, in fact if you run a google search on her with the word "vitamin" what you find is a consistent attitude that vitamins are harmful to you with such bizarre arguments as "too much can cause a deficiency". No, too much extends your life, unlike synthetic medicine they work better the more you take *in every case for every vitamin*. Take more prescription drugs than you're supposed to and you die. In every case..

If I had to guess I'd say somebody is paying here to spread misinformation because without exception, every single thing she says about vitamins is arguably incorrect. And really, who is that perfect and slick looking? This just does not pass the sniff test at all.

In fact if you look it up, the domain name she uses is registered to an address that also has in the same city a lot of head offices of a number of pharmaceutical companies. What a coincidence. This is thinly disguised commercial propaganda posing as health advice and it is anything but. Somebody should file a formal document getting her to disclose the source of her funding. She says right on her website:

    "PAID ENDORSEMENT DISCLOSURE: In order for me to support my blogging activities, I may receive monetary compensation or other types of remuneration for my endorsement, recommendation, testimonial and/or link to any products or services from this blog."
- now ask her, under oath, where that money comes from. Then you'll know which pharmaceutical company is lying to you.

You Know what you find when you look into people like this? They die in their 50s and 60s.

You know what you find when you look into people that advocate taking vitamin supplements? They die in their 90s. There are decades of this you can check out for yourself.

Whether she's a fraud or just incalculably stupid is up to you to decide.

Here's the people that funded and had ghostwritten those erroneous studies, this is very common they do it all the time, 90% of all medical papers are not true, references and citations can be found below. Please educate yourself on this extremely important matter.:

Are Your Medications Safe?
The FDA buries evidence of fraud in medical trials.

Lies, Damned Lies, and Medical Science

15 Dirty Big Pharma Tricks That Rip You Off and Risk Your Health for Profit Even during a recession, pharma is still the nation's third most profitable sector. Here are some of the dirty tricks it employs to stay on top.

When a new drug gets tested, the results of the trials should be published for the rest of the medical world — except much of the time, negative or inconclusive findings go unreported, leaving doctors and researchers in the dark. In this impassioned talk, Dr. Ben Goldacre explains why these unreported instances of negative data are especially misleading and dangerous.

Every day there are news reports of new health advice, but how can you know if they're right? Doctor and epidemiologist Ben Goldacre shows us, at high speed, the ways evidence can be distorted, from the blindingly obvious nutrition claims to the very subtle tricks of the pharmaceutical industry.

Pharmaceutical giants hire ghostwriters to produce articles - then put doctors' names on them

Ghostwriting at Elite Academic Medical Centers in the United States
Jeffrey R. Lacasse , Jonathan Leo
Published: February 2, 2010DOI: 10.1371/journal.pmed.1000230 Featured in PLOS Collections

Klenner's 1971 paper summarizing decades of therapeutic use of vitamin c is a benchmark against which all other therapeutic treatments must be measured. Nothing else works as we and its not difficult to understand. All toxin remove an electron, vitamin C gives an electron. This is why it can neutralize poisons, toxins and why it can kill bacteria and virus. If you read nothing else about Vitamin C please read this.

Observations On the Dose and Administration of Ascorbic Acid When Employed Beyond the Range of A Vitamin In Human Pathology
Frederick R. Klenner, M.D., F.C.C.P. From The Journal of Applied Nutrition, Winter 1971, Volume 23, Number 3 & 4, pp. 61-88

Dr Thomas Levy: Vitamin C & The Great Supression

Andrew Saul explains the science of Vitamin C and how it has been used in therapeutic doses by doctors for decades