The Myth we Ever Needed the Polio Vaccine

"But we wiped out Polio with vaccines!" As if the shot was never needed.

Now look at the side effects is using a 300 year old homeopathic remedy in the age of molecular biology and quantum chemistry:

  1. The least few accessions of wild polio virus are laboratory made strains. It's replaced the original wild polio in the ecosystem. In the end all we've actually accomplished is replacing the wild type virus with a laboratory strain in nature. At what cost? Ref:

  2. HIV was spread during polio vaccine campaigns with used needles, seeding the Congo withe th HIV virus. Instead of Polio now two million people year die of the HIV virus the polio vaccine helped spread. This is not cheap. it does not cure the disease, kill the virus or help the immune system to clear the virus.

  3. Would Marburg virus ever have come into existence if it were not for the polio vaccine? Not really. We owe the discovery or perhaps appearance of filoviruses to this. It is shrouded in mystery and not possible to say why or how this virus appeared with certainty. Our fundamental knowledge of this is but a guess. We're THAT careful. Lab leaks are common. The black hole of calcutta is cakewalk compared to the leaky contaminated water flooding the basements of hospitals in Zaire, where rats eat the stored samples full of all diseases known there.

  4. SV40. From 1953 to 1962 we made polio vaccine of all types with a cell line we did not know was contaminated by an SV40 oncogene, which immunized people now carry. In 2017 alone 11,300 papers in Google Scholar mention this gene as part of ongoing cance research to see why it causes cancer in vaccinates poeple. There are 291,000 papers on this gene in all as of April 2018.

  5. Recent evidence suggests the simple act of creating new flu vaccines drives flu virus evolution.
    Influenza vaccines seem to be modifying influenza into a dangerous dengue-like disease

We know that unless we take a homeopathic dose of vitamin C daily we die. It shown in the 1940s that intravenous therapeutic doses of C sure polio. Politics won over science ans we now live in a world that is the result of that decision a world where injections of man made psuedo-life forms is considered a normal occurrence but injection of a chemical already in the body used up by illness bu the very thing you need to recover from illness is somehow seen as abnormal. This has to and will be reversed, the only alternative being more disease and death. The body count from the vaccine experiment is iygh enough and does not need to be higher. The flu vaccine not working in 1947 was the beginning of the end for Salk's folly, Ebola cinched it.

"A polio vaccine tested in Central Africa in 1957 is very unlikely to have been the origin of the AIDS epidemic, according to a panel of scientists in the US. But the slim possibility that the vaccine contained a monkey virus related to HIV cannot be discounted, and the facts may never be known, members of the panel admit."

"Doubt remains because no one has yet carried out any tests on the bare teaspoonful of material left from the time of the African trials. "

"The second plank in the argument concerns the tests on the vaccine in Africa. The vaccine, made by Hilary Koprowski of the Wistar Institute in Philadelphia, went into field trials in 300,000 children in the countries that are now Zaire, Rwanda and Burundi between 1957 and 1959. HIV is now known to have been present in Zaire in 1959, because of tests on stored samples of tissue. Superficially, a link with the vaccine seems plausible."

From this, the panel concludes that ‘it can be stated with almost complete certainty’ that the trial was not the origin of AIDS.

It is perfectly possible, however, that HIV came to humans from monkeys in more than one place and by more than one route, admits Frank Lilly, a member of the panel at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine. Most scientists believe a small and isolated population in Africa must have been infected with HIV decades or even centuries ago. The virus could have come from monkeys, perhaps in a splash of blood while butchering an infected animal. At first, it would have spread slowly, only reaching an epidemic pace when people moved to the cities – or even, Myers suggests, through shared needles during mass vaccinations in the 1960s.

The panel recommends that an independent laboratory should test material from the Wistar Institute which is believed to be linked to the Central African trials.

Cecil Fox, an HIV researcher formerly at the National Institutes of Health and known for his controversial views, criticises the report. Given so little evidence or testable material, the panel is ‘amateurish’ to draw such confident conclusions, he says.

On one issue, the panel is emphatic: monkey kidneys should no longer be used to make vaccines. Cultured human cells are a better alternative and are already used by one manufacturer, says the report.

Polio vaccine ‘did not cause AIDS epidemic’

Not it did not cause AIDS, it merely spread the disease in the worlds poorest population. Most people survived Polio btw.

Read that again: "through shared needles during mass vaccinations in the 1960s."

UN Polio vaccination programs did spread HIV in Africa.
Richard J. Sexton, April 6, 2018