This is a shocking lack of awareness of recent developments in science. Worse, these were Canadian discoveries actively suppressed bu US pharmaceutical companies. How could Canada let US business subvert Canadian advances in biotech?!?
This is, no doubt, an extraordinary claim and requires extraordinary proof. Please read on.
"The virus, which weakens the immune system, is not curable, but can be managed with treatment. It can lead to AIDS — a deadly syndrome that occurs when the immune system has been severely damaged. "
It's not "damaged", nothing is broken, it just lacks the raw materials it needs and in this day and age we actually know what HIV does to the immune system to render it ineffective: it gives you what you might call a form of scurvy, but instead of it being a lack of Vit C, it it a lack of four less well known substances, utterly vital to the immune system. Without these you have acquired an immunity deficiency syndrome - which is the very definition of AIDS - "acquired: immunity deficiency syndrome" a term that might as well apply to scurvy, beriberi and pellagra, the more famous deficiency diseases solved in the 20th century after the founding of Biochemistry and Molecular biology in 1933
Actually AIDS and HIV are both quite curable, and a paper published by Lipinski in 2015 explains why this leads the way to prevention cheaply and safely with a proven method that oh, by the way, works against Ebola as as well as all other viral diseases known, it's too recent for many to have have had time to notice it yet perhaps. Let's back up a but.
By 1991 it was clear Selenium had something to do with the HIV crisis, Dan Greening's message in the Usenet newsgroup relayed the research from the French.
By 1995 Will Taylor showed some (notable coxsackie and filoviruses, which includes Hep, Hiv, Ebola, Keshens and many others) viruses sequester Selenium by encoding for it via UGG codons thus making it unavailable in the body. The problem here is the lipid antioxidant protectant Glutathione Peroxidase III ("GPx3") needs that selenium so that is can make a selenoenzyme required for the manufacture of GP3x in the body, GPx3 is the chemical that does the "heavy lifting" in protecting cells from this virus, when it drops, you get sicker as the immune system has been down regulated by a lack of this, and absent remediation of this plunging level that the immune system crashes and this is exactly how the immunodeficiency is acquired. Fortunately it's a reversible process.
This is in fact how HIV the virus turns into AIDS the syndrome: first it takes out your selenium then over time take out the other three essential (in the sense we have to eat them and can not make them) nutrients: glutamine, tryptophan and cysteine. Simply put those back and AIDS reverses to HIV and HIV is cleared like a flu.
Harald Foster did this in a clinical setting and wrote a book about how and why it works. It was part of AIDS research that Taylor's hypothesis about Ebola, a related virus (Ebola does in a day what HIV takes ten year to do) was formed. A tribe in Africa, the Baka had an innate immunity to Ebola and provided valuable clues; this fact has been known to science since 1976 but never explored and all attempts in the other direction to make a vaccine have failed so far in 35 years of trying.
There can in face be no vaccine - let us say you did train the immune system like a vaccine should. Now it sees the Ebola virus and knows what to do but the problem is it does not have the raw materials now to do it's job. The whole idea won't work, nothing will, until the immune system scurvy, for lack of a better phrase, is corrected.
The problems curing and preventing AIDS are not scientific they are political. A Canadian scientist said that about this and the problem here is the political aspect because the Canadian government, well meaning as it is, it parroting US pharmaceutical; industry propaganda and is woefully unaware of the progress against this terrible disease made in Canada by Canadians.
It's quite a stretch to tell somebody "your doctor is not up to date and those pills don't and can not work and everything you need is in the vitamin aisle of the local Shoppers" but it's true. as proof, consider we found out why the Baka, that tribe in Africa are immune to Ebola. There's a single chemical reaction that has to occur for the virus to infect the host cell. In the presence of sufficient serum selenou that biochemical bond simply cannot occur. That is the source of the innate immunity the Baka poeple have anf the kickr is ut works on all enveloped viruses which is nearly all of them, from AIDS to Zaire ebola and includes flu, measkes, chickenpox, zika, mers, sars.. youname it, they're all enveiloped viruses, most viruses are. It's also been provem to work on some unenveloped virs and some bacteria like trhe one that causes plague. Perhaps it's no surprise thi very thing has been in both the Chinese and Indian pharacopis for 5000 and 7000 years resectively, while we have an ec;plaation of wha the molecules aee oding now it does' tvhange the fact these both infct had valid cures for ebila all along?
So how does that mean it works on HIV? Well, if it didn't work on Ebola, you'd be dead now, that's why. In the fall of 2014, October
to be exact, the World HEalth Organization relayed some projections that showed if a cure was not found that month then all of africa could be dead by the end of the year and then the rest of the world would follow by next xmas. Those who somehow survived the disease would due of dysentery and cholera with nobody left to bury the bodies.
But that didn't happen. In fact in one day, seemingly overnight, the "r-naught" factor ("R0") which is a measure of how many people on average an infected person will infect, dropped from 2.0 to 0.2 and then a "mysterious" immunity began spreading, some thought the virus has changed, but in fact it had not, poeple had as the immunity spread as more and more became aware of it. If anybody bothers to check, you'll find selenium in the blood of immune people and these, not the antibodies is what helped those victims who receive transfused blood. Selenium is the only known inhibitor of the Ebola virus, and it also inhibits all other virtues, and we know it inhibits HIV. So, just as with Ebola, the best way to inhibit HIV is a simple dietary supplement, which will give ou the same immunity true BAKA have: they don' get ebola. They do't get any viral disease. This is known, in another forms by all of India and China and western medicine only found out why three years ago after looking for three decades.
NY Times artiucle on the Baka tribes immuitu to Ebila
IRD ("Pasteur Institute" reportr on how they know this.
1976 dicoveryt of this innate immnity
1995 Paper by Will Taylor explaining how Ebov sequesnters Selenium
2015 paper by Lipinsku that explains:
a) preent ebic
b) al disese
HIV Resources
Clincicla poiers menga
gostefds book
fosters vifeo
3) Here is where Andrew Saul, a the US editor of the Journal in question interviewed Harald Foster, who made this discovery, where Foster points out how the Journal that was taken out of the US "MedLine" index. Luckly Google Scholar had it, luckily because it s ot clear that if it was not there, it would have been any use and Ebola might not have gone away like it did.
When curing disease, Canadian science shold trump US politics. Foster made his discovery in 2007. Two million people die a year from the virus that causes HIV/AIDS. That's 22 million pepople that didn't need to die, while industry peddles expensive driugs that mag but f not cute the diease and have made a fifth of a trillion dollars doig to. In the popular curlture, the film "The Constant Gardner" is about exactly this, not "an antibiotic".