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AIDS as a nutritional deficiency

AIDS as a nutritional deficiency
"The problem isn't scientific, it's political" - Abraham Hoffer

Well this is awkward. In the late 80s and 90s progress was reported very well each time there was even a minor advancement in the understanding of HIV. Remember what a big deal it was when they actually found the virus?

But that stopped in the 2000s, you won't find any news of it since and notice there's still no vaccine? What is this particular virus so different in a world obsessed with producing vaccines easily for nearly every virus known?

The answer was in a 1992 sci.med.aids post by Dan Greening <1992Sep15.201748.16602@cs.ucla.edu> when they began to notice massive deficiencies in the bodies of aids patients not in the bodes of early stage HIV infected people.

Fast forward 20 years and cut to the chase, the answer turns out to be the same as the causative factor in Keshen's disease (see Wiki).

In nutshell, the virus encodes for 3 key nutrients: selenium, glutamine, tryptophan and cysteine, that it uses to make new copies of itself. The problem is these 4 are required by the body to make a critically important component of the immune system called GPx3 (Glutathione peroxidase) vital to the body's defense from viral attack.

So, this is exactly how the virus uses the immune system against us, but taking away the chemicals we need to kill it.

The work of Taylor and Foster in this area yielded the obvious solution: eat a lot of the four chemicals high in these four nutrients which turn out to be beef, cheese and brazil nuts. Those rare individuals that did this regularly and contracted HIV were the ones that never progresses to AIDS and this is why the problem is so prevalent in Africa in poorer nations who subsist primarily on yams and maize.

Antiretroviral drugs are a $13B/yr industry. Two million people a year die of HIV.

It's shocking to think the answer is ignored because a sustaining but not curative treatment is very profitable and an extraordinary claim... which would require extraordinary proof.

Here it is.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u73EcF_75W8 (9 mins)

Full work, with 400 references written both for the lay person and scientist alike, it's explained that well. (198 pages)


This is not a failure of science who cracked the case in 2007, this is a failure of communications. I'm telling you flat out a cure exists and it's trivial. Clinical trials at the Mengo clinic in Uganda were overwhelming positive and to date 30,000 people have been made virus free using this protocol.

One the relationship between polio vaccine and the HIV virus.

One side says HIV infected needles for polio vaccine spread the disease, the other side said it caused it. Neither has absolute proof.

"This new information does not prove that CHAT vaccine started Aids, but it does significantly strengthen the OPV hypothesis. Over the last three years, various ‘disproofs’ have been put forward, but none stands up to scrutiny. One claim involved an attempt to calculate whether a potential contaminating virus such as chimp SIV could have survived the vaccine-making process, and concluded that the chances were trillions to one against. This is wrong. The tissue cultures used in Stanleyville, at least until mid-1958, were clearly of a primitive type that would have provided ideal substrates not just for attenuated polioviruses, but also for SIVs. At least some of these cultures also employed chimpanzee sera to nourish the cells, which means there was substantial potential for recombination (the exchange of fragments of DNA) between different SIV strains in vitro."

The Truth About AIDS

Harold Foster, 2007.

Foster's thesis is the HIV virus uses four substances needed by the immune system to make new viruses. Keep in mind HIV is a little different, it makes new viruses continually, not the usual way they infect a cell, make more then the cell bursts. HIV infected dells are massive viral factories. Because they use up nearly all of the tiny amounts of trace substances disease sets in when raw materials needed by the immune system are not available.

If this is indeed the case then supplementation of the missing nutrients should have some effect and it does. AIDS reverts to HIV then HIV is cleared as if it were the flu. The four substances are Glutamine. Cysteine, Tryptophan and Selenium. The people that contracted HIV but never progresses to AIDS happened to have a diet with enough of these they carry the virus with impunity. The key factor here was selenium, not only because of it's vital role in other places in the human immune and human antioxidant systems byt also because of it's ability to block all viral infections, proven many times and always ignored, the most recently in 2015 with Lipinski's paper.