Considered harmful: The flu shot doesn't work.
Yeah actually it can hurt and it just is not effective. Now that we immunize 65% the rate of death from flu went up not down. But The vaccine industry was finally profitable, the rest is just marketing.
There are claimed this study has been "debunked". Check the math, they lie about that. Keep in mind 9 out of 10 medical papers are "not true" (false or indeterminate) and are ghostwritten.
What does work?
Two papers by doctors published in the last 5 years, Marik 2017 and Lipinski 2015 have changed things a bit. The latter is a researcher at Harvard, the former being the director of medicine at the hospital In Virginia.
Lipinski showed the correct level of serum selenium inhibits all enveloped viruses as they are unable to make the initial chemical bond to the host. Marik showed when the virus drastically depletes your supply of key micronutrients, putting them back prevents death from flu, with a commensurate 7500%rate if increase in survival for ER sepsis.
Here's the paper that points out the numbers:
Impact of Influenza Vaccination on Seasonal Mortality in the US Elderly Population
Lone Simonsen, PhD; Thomas A. Reichert, MD, PhD; Cecile Viboud, PhD; et al William C. Blackwelder, PhD; Robert J. Taylor, PhD; Mark A. Miller, MD
Arch Intern Med. 2005;165(3):265-272. doi:10.1001/archinte.165.3.265
"we conclude that observational studies substantially overestimate vaccination benefit."
Here's The Atlantic covering this paper in 2009, nearly a decade ago:
"Does the flu vaccine really matter"
Here's where the CBC covered it a few years ago:
Here's where it legitimized the vaccine industry in the business world:
How vaccines became big business
Tuesday, Dec. 29, 2009
The catch is, once enough people find out about Lipinski the demand for vaccines not only goes to zero but explains why they never could make a shot for hiv or ebola: it's all fine to program the immune system to it's ready which is what a shot does but the fatal flaw in that argument is the immune system needs certain raw materials to do it's job and when the virus takes those out as they have been found to do, it's game over for that method. The trick is to put them back, then the immune system works properly, even on ebola and all other lessor viral diseases.
I would not say they've kept it a secret that some poeple can't catch ebola but now that we now why it appears they ever bothered to mention they also don't catch any other viral diseae. They can't. This has been in the literature since 1976 btw but is not mentioned in the one book about Ebola, "The Hot Zone" nor in the authoritative book on Marburg, it's little brother.
Here's the one place it was mentioned, in 2010 in the NYT:
Here's Lipinski's paper that explains why:
Here's what I can find to to be the only paper in the world to cover it, one in Africa:
"29 Jan 2015 - Liberia: Harvard Scientist Claims Selenium Can Treat Ebola"
Note also:
"29 January 2015 Last updated at 00:55 - We've now seen several cases that don't have any symptoms at all, asymptomatic cases," said Anavaj Sakuntabhai.
Here's the info on Marik's work.
Smithsonian: 7500X improvement in survival rates of sepsis with C
"More than a million Americans fall ill from severe sepsis annually, and between 28 and 50 percent of them die"
"sepsis patients often have undetectable levels of the nutrient"
"Four of the 47 patients Marik documented in his paper died in the hospital. But their deaths, Marik reported, were from underlying diseases, not from sepsis. By comparison, 19 of the 47 patients he’d treated before trying vitamin C and steroids had died.
So far, he’s treated more than 150 patients with the protocol and he says only one has died from sepsis.
Hydrocortisone, Vitamin C, and Thiamine for the Treatment of Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock, Marik et. al. 2017
Now here's the bad news about the flu shot:
"Influenza vaccines seem to be modifying influenza into a dangerous dengue-like disease"
"Selenium deficiency increases the pathology of an influenza virus infection"
"Selenium Deficiency Causes Flu Virus To Mutate Into More Dangerous Forms"
Most people don't get flu:
"An eighth conundrum – one not addressed by Hope-Simpson – is the surprising percentage of seronegative volunteers who either escape infection or develop only minor illness after being experimentally inoculated with a novel influenza virus. The percentage of subjects sickened by iatrogenic aerosol inoculation of influenza virus is less than 50% [3]
Just sick people do, and being the sick ones in society, it doesn't go well for them. A well maintained immune system is resistant oti t. A sick person and a flu shot is like a germ warfare experiment.
"ABSTRACT The 1977-1978 influenza epidemic was probably not a natural event, as the genetic sequence of the virus was nearly identical to the sequences of decades-old strains. While there are several hypotheses that could explain its origin, the possibility that the 1977 epidemic resulted from a laboratory accident has recently gained popularity in discussions about the biosafety risks of gain-of-function (GOF) influenza virus research, as an argument for why this research should not be performed."
Here's the worst part any why risk to health is proportionate to injections received:
How Swine Flu Killed the Healthy
""The reason, according to Polack, is that their immune systems' programming backfired. After looking at lung samples from 75 young and middle-aged adult victims of the 2009 pandemic, they found an uncanny amount of a protein called C4d, a molecule that normally binds to antibodies to form virus-fighting immune complexes."
"When antibodies fight a virus under normal conditions, Polack says, they call in C4d, a compound that can destroy viruses. In the case of flu, most people had antibodies to seasonally circulating influenza strains, but these antibodies were a poor match to the pandemic virus. Although they recognized the virus and latched on to it, they weren't able to stop it from replicating, says Polack. When the antibodies and the C4d formed the immune complexes, Polack speculates that the system spiraled out of control. Instead of punching holes in the viruses, the immune complexes punched holes in the victims' veins and flooded their lungs with water and plasma. "The immune system gets fooled into activating this particular immune defense, and it causes harm,"
"The immune system's overreaction, says Reichert, is "kind of a last-ditch way of handling something. ... If we can't identify you specifically enough, but we know there's a lot of you, we're just going to blow the whole damn place up."
There is no logical reason to get a flu shot. There are rational reasons to avoid it.
The people in Africa that are immune get this from the equivalent of two Brazil nuts a day. Selenium pills are easier though, each brazil nut has about 100 mcg of Selenium in it. Of course Brazil and Africa were connected once and the same tree grows in both places, it's called a Gabon nut in Gabon and grows throughout west Africa. There's a BBC documentary on these people, in theur dialect they are called "Fika" nuts and are mentioned towards the end of this:
"3. Yes, the flu vax saves lives."
Not according to this. This was covered by the Atlantic and recently the CBC. Is you have a rebuttal, write them. It stands to this day.,
The unarguable bottom line there is now that we vaccinate 65% of all people for fu yet the rate if death from flu is now higher than before. It was supposed go down not up. The flu shot only worked the first year it was out, 1946 with 100% success. In 1947 it did not work at all. Since then it's never worked well again and each year actually makes it worse.
The more shots you get the greater the risk of death.
The reasons can be found here: