Flu and Ebola have one common characteristic: they turn you into soup. With Ebola it takes a day, with flu it can take up to four days for some people to cough up blood, that's a sign you're being liquefied.
Oxidative stress is caused by toxins, which are an animal or plant product that cause harm to human cells. Flu and bacteria are a deadly combination: the virus per se doesn't make much waste. But the chemicals it builds it's children from are exactly the ones you need as raw materials for the immune system, and for the production of all energy in the body. If you were to review Krebs Cycle you might notice of 11 substances in that circular reaction, 3 are not made and we have to eat, and these are the same primitive molecules viruses will take from you to build other viruses. You isn't have enough of them in the first place, which is why you got the flu in the first place (healthy people do not get it).
The chemistry of this is even more simple all toxins have the same effect on living cells: electron theft, these substances literally rip electrons from substaces in living cells and is how the damage occurs.
This is what bacteria does, it's metabolites are what are toxic. One of these, Botulotixin is the most potent poisoin known to man according to the Guiness Book or World Record that points out one 55Gal drum is enough to kill everybody in Earth.
This is one makes flu season such a killer: the one two punch of the virus using up some chemicals the immune system needs, then a baterial infection that takes an already compromised