Here's what we found that helps.

Treatment of any viral respiratory disease, even COVID is really pretty easy. You have to kill the virus, and repair the damage it has done. It's nonsense you can not kill viruses, these exist in a narrow range of serum selenium levels. Too little, they then lack a vital substance essential to their lives. Too much and they can neither live nor reproduce. The harm they have done results in "oxidative stress" and this can be addressed, if things have not gone that far (this is also known as, variously, a fever, shock or sepsis) the symptoms themselves can be addressed and remediated while the selenium kills the virus.

If you can only get one thing, get selenium, that kills the virus, everything else is supportive. If you can only get 1 more of these, get the Vit-C, next Glutathione. But of course, if you get all of them it makes the most difference. Get the Liposomal (Ribosome encapsulated) versions of these if you can afford it, Liposomal C, for example, is 10X more potency gram per gram than any non-liposomal form.

It's important to take the right dose of the correct form of each.

There's only one B100

This is easy, get any B100 you can. Take 3 - 7 a day.

Supports the chest

Ginger tea during this illness makes it almost tolerable. Take a piece the size of your hand, grate it, place in a heatproof large bowl and empty a fill boiled kettle of water on it. Let sit covered overnight (although it's ready to drink in 15 mins) Pour through a strainer in the morning and place in a bottle in the fridge. It's good to add half a teaspoon of vit-c crystals. It tastes string but affords instant relieve from chest dryness and also nausea. 5-6 cups a day should be taken, especially first thign in the morning and lat thing at night.

One of the most important substances in the immune system

Glutahione is the base for a series of substances of which Glutathione Peroxidate III ("GPx3") is the most important as the primary "protectant" againt viral damage. When you "feel sick", that is you can tell you're sick but don't have serious symptoms yet, it's because GPx3 has dropped. We only take it when ill or the onset of illness. We take 1 to 4 twice a day depemding on the severity of illness. It can only be had in the Liposoman form as it's a very delicate and unstable molecule.

After WWII it was foud this is 10x as potent as cod liver oil

Source of essential vit a and vit d, the latter has been lonf known to helo flus, and anecdotal evidence was found during WWI that shows enough D prevents respiratory infection. Vit-a was, when it was discovered, call "the infection vitamin". We take 4-5 a day, 2-3-4x that many if ill.


Infection wips our your magnesium levels, it comes in many forms, we ure citrate or bisgycinate. The oxide ones are not absorbed well. Liposomal is the best.


I only found this recently, it's an old English farmers cura for sinus mucus. Make tea with sage. Drink it. The snot in your sinuses will dry up. It takes about 15 minutes and you have to drink at least 1 full cup. We take it morning and night and twice throughout the day. Get organic sage, it seems to be much stronger.


Selenium inhibits the reproduction of viruses. To reproduce they must make contact with a human cell with ont of theit "spikes" which cover the viron. When this contact happems a chemical reaction occurs where by the tip of the viral spike opens up a hole in the lipid bilayer surrounfing the cell. If you picture droping a single drop of dish soap into a sink full of turkey washing up where these is a layer of fat on the surface and watching a hold in the fat layer form and expand, you'll have a good idea how viruses Selenium inhibits this reaction.

We used to eat brazil nuts (one for every 50 pounds of body weight per day) but it's cheaper to take pills. we take 600 msg a day of selomethionene.

Steven Fowkes (who has given man good talks at the goog on nutrition) takes 100 mcg of Sodium Sekenuite a day and 100 mg of selenomethionene once a week. Both regiument seem to work. Lipinski did the seminal work here, he last two papers explain 1) the "mysteroious" immunity to Ebola that was unearthed in 2012 ans 2) Why selenium kills the covid virus.

Supports Epithilai cell repair

Epithilian cells are the lining to the mucous membrane, this is what the virus targwets. Zinc is a protecttan and needed for repair. 100 mg a day.

Primary Anti Oxidant

Oxidative stress can be remediated by the introduction of antiosidants and C is by far the best and most well tolerated. You will need both C crystals (get a big bottle) and liposomal C, which, which still pricey, is a fraction of what it was a decae ago when it was new.

The C crystals are to make a gargle. A half teaspoon of C in a glass of warm water with ther juice of half a fresh lemon (honey is needed, it's awful). Gargle with that, it kills pain, strips away mucous and repairs epithilain cells. That kind of acid can occasionally be hard on the stomach. Milk or bicarb fixes that.

I can't say enough good things about Liposoimal C. Via the oral route, regular c is only absorbed by at moth 10%, so to get a gram of C in the body would require 10 grams of C which would give you the runs. One Liposomal C gram gets as much into you as 10 grams of crystals but without any upset.
We take 1 or two grams a day when healtjy and up to 10 a day when ill. At that level it'll treat Ebola according to once source who did cure Marburg with it. (Cathcart/Klenner)