This is just a thinly veiled industry response to the excellent and cogent article by Norman Doidge published in the January 22, 2022 edition of the Globe and Mail entitled "Vaccines are a tool, not a silver bullet. (If we’d allowed more scientific debate, we would have realized this earlier)".
Allow me to summarize the Razak, Slutsky and Naylor (RSN) article's critique of Doidge.
Claim 1: Vaccines have been treated as a silver bullet and treatment modalities neglected until recently.
RSN assert Canada’s Chief Public Health Officer, Dr. Theresa Tam nn Aug. 4, 2020 the said vaccines are not a silver bullet and that "Vaccine Task Force and a Therapeutics Task Force" was announced. But look where the focus is follow the link they gave for this.
12 paragraphs, 12 of which talk about vaccines, the one that does not is short explains how a manager at a venture capital company is in charge of development of non-vaccine therapies. This is exactly now what a robust therapeutics program looks like.
So, pointing out a public health officer gave lip service to non-vaccine therapeutics is not a substantive argument. Giving a link to a PR announcement that is overwhelmingly about vaccines and gives trivialmention of thewraputics organized by a venture capital company manager is not a substantial argyment in favor of theraputeew develoems. RSN did not falisift clainm #1.
Claim 2: With the “master narrative” focused on vaccines, physicians were slow to use repurposed drugs to treat COVID-19 infection.
On this point RSN and Doidge both missed the boat. RSN and a vaccine lobby while Doidge offeres up other patented phaenmecuticals. Neother of these have done much good. If they had the rate of infection and death toll would not be so high. There's no right or wrong here, what they have both said is just plain irrelevant.
Claim 3: Vaccine effectiveness against symptomatic infection has declined and we haven’t achieved herd immunity. Our faith in vaccines was accordingly misplaced.