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Observations on the 2019 - 2023 SARS-CoV II pandemic

For Christmas in 2019 the world got Covid, the disease caused by the SARS-CoV-II virus. Similar to the 1918 "Spanish" flu, the most deadly in history, it lasted about 3 years then just went away - having mutated into far less pathogenic strains, which is fairly par for the course as these things go. It was indeed horrifying to hear of the discovery in 2019 of the virus, which was like SARS from a decase prior but that iet was a more pathogenic andf contagious form. By January of 2020 cases were showing up in North America. First 1 case, then 4, then 7, then 21 and those first few days set the tone for the next few years as the d0isease spiked, at its peak, killing 3000 people a day in New York City alone, for weeks if not months. For reference, 3000 people died in the 911 disaster, and 3000 people were killed each night in the London Blitz.

Vaccines are not a silver bullet

Doidge wrote an article in the Globe & Mail suggesting vaccine were a tool and not a silver bullet. Industry response was swift and dammning.

Epidemiologcal comparison of H1N1 in 1918 and SARS-COV-II in 2019

The sars2 virus first showed up in Spain in April of 2019 (26/06/2020 Recerca,Medrxiv), then italy in September (doi/10.1177/0300891620974755) and then on Nov 16 in France (rfi fr/en/france/20200520), and finally China on November 17.

The "spanish flu" was called that for political reasons as it had nothing to do with spain (but the brits/us were annoyed at them at the time). It ended up being blamed on Chinese railroad workers but it turns out the disease had shown up first in Paris the previous spring of 1917.

In both cases the spread of the virus from Europe to China and then the world. But in 1918 China lost 5M lives, whereas with cvid, a little over 5000 (worldometers dot info/coronavirus/country/china) - and that's with a much larger population 400 MIllion vs. 1.408 Billion.

Joe Rogen's Spotify podcast in 2020 was under fire for "misinformation"

Neil Young pulled him music off Spotify over COVID-19 "misinformation". Crosby, Stills and Joni Mitchell followed (you can't make this stuff up). Thousands of articles exist talking about how these 80 year olds pulled their music because of "misinformation" but very very few articles exit that talk about what the "misinformation" really was. Also, is it called "misinformation" because it would not be true to call it "lies" as some have suggested. Here we look at the claims, and which media outlets focused on which ones, and how thee claims hold up to scrutiny. While one is laughably absurd, others are actually true and it's unclear why they're leveled as "misinformation".

Here's what we found that helps.

Covid, flu and any respiratory RNA virus have the same treatment. The (ancient) Chinese treatment for these (what thay call 'spring fevers') are exacly the same things but as botanical tinctures.