No no I've seen enough already
That's what all bugs including these are becoming resistant to.
A kibbutz in Israel figured out the olive oil method after finding mayo didn't work although it was better on lox.
The Mayo clinic (I did not make this up, I couldn't) validated it with the follow caveats:
1) One hour bad, two hours good. They just aren't dead after an hour because the little buggers take longer to drown. Keep in mind they're not that far related from that Tardigrade nightmare that can survive the desiccation and even radiation of space (how?). So have some patience, you're using marinade to do what gamma rays can't do in some cases. Give it time.
2) Best time is at the end of a shower. After normal shampooing half dry the hair, saturate with olive oil and put a clear shower cap on so you can see the little bastards writhe in agony as they try to breathe through their asshole and suck in Italian hair medicine instead, which kills them. You can still hear them scream no matter what color the shower cap is.
3) After two hours rise it out with vinegar. This dissolves the cement the eggs stick to the base of the hair shaft with.
Use a metal nit comb. The plastic ones break. Some woods maybe. Remove the nits.
If you're thorough, there's no nits there and if placed in an environments where there's no lices (not earth, try mars) then this one's clean now.
Anything made of cloth must be sterilized. Freezer or dryer doesn't matter. Get it hot enough and no insect can survive that. Hanging it to dry in the sun if it gets full sunlight all day for three days will work too. A freezer works. Moving somewhere else for a year is probably a better idea though, by then the bugs will all be dead.
My generation skipped this, it was bad in my parents generation and was killed of by chemical means after WWII so effectively that basically people have forgotten about bedbugs and eadline and not take normal precautions and they're baaaaaaaaaaaaack.
We forgot. Go us. I'd never seen one till my kids caught from a school bus. Kid infront had one. Great little pathogen concentrators those school buses. If I was trying to wipe out all the younglings that's what I'd do too. We think we're so clever and high tech yer we can't even stop bugs crawling on our kids in school really, and we'd licked that after we took care of Hitler. Now thanks to trumps candidacy both are back. Donny Darksoul's dad was in the Klan. No wonder he's twisted being brought up in a house like that. If I were him I'd have a sudden about face and love all minorities because he got a message fro Jesus an hour before the polls close. It might work but you're still electing the dad.
He's trying to make dad happy. And the president shouldn't make the KKK happy no matter what.