Why do Selenium, Ascorbate and Tocopherol improve chances of survival with sepsis?
Sepsis can be regarded as toxins killing the body or looked at as a failure of the immune system which is itself a failure of the antioxidant system. It is not true that the body can produce all the substances required to, in effect, "recharge" the antioxidant system.
There are three substances that already occur in the body (which is highly associated with minimal to no side effects) that we can not make that are vital to the antioxidant system: Selenium, probably regarded by most practitioners as a poison, and certainly as an element it's not something we can make. Ascorbate is not something we can make either, we lost that ability 20mya. Tocopherol can be regarded as the lipid ("fats") version of water soluble C. This the entire cascading set of failures resulting in death can be theorized to keep the antioxidant system at high efficiency. This is easy to do in a healthy patient! But when disease strikes 1) more of these substances are required 2) they get used up more quickly than the body can replenish them. The various stages of the standard inflammatory response, whether flu or Ebola are the same: 1) "a cold" 2) "A fever" 3) Septic shock. It matters little id the patient is coughing up blood or bleeding through the eyeballs, they're under a cytokine attack, in the final stages of shock and are near death.
What seems miraculous to some is just how it's supposed to work when people first begin improving peoples health with these three substances and administer quickly they will undo the damage, the bleeding should stop and return to a fever which will yield go cold symptoms and finally the toxins, various molecules from viral and bacterial infections, are cleared. This is a function ofd how long the person was sick, if it' been weeks, it may take weeks. If it's been half a day and cold symptoms are noticed it can work very very quickly.
The fact a person has a disease in the first place means one or both failed before this, if the antioxidant system failed after the immune system fails, sepsis can set in, this is fatal 50-70% of the time.
You can think of E as the oil version of C, it can be considered the primary lipid ("fat") antioxidant in the human antioxidant system. It can not be stressed enough that E, C and Glutathione (which has an absolute need for Selenium in its synthesis) work together. E recharges C, C recharges E while Glutathione only recharges C. It's recycled via selenium based catalyst, selenocysteine (in theory Tellurocysteine would work,
again, in theory! and could potentially be more efficient but this remains to be tested.
Thus if you run out of E can not not be recharged and this Glutathione now does all the work and if that runs out you are in big trouble. Long recovery times might be explained by a loss of selenium from body stores, if the illness is of sufficient duration it is possible this can happen. With that gone the chances of survival are slim.
This may even explain the stages of illness common to many infectious diseases which can be speculated as follows:
- A pathogen attacks unnoticed. Ascorbate is used and used up, you get a cold.
- Tocopherol and glutathione recharge c, one of these will be depleted before the other.
If glutathione gets used up first it can make it until selenium runs out
- Tocopherol can only be ingested, not eaten and is only recharged by C which can not be recharged by Tocopherol, it's out, so now it all depends on glutathione.
- Since it all depends on glutathione which depends on selenium ultimate it all depends on selenium.
- Thus, Ascorbate, Tocopherol and Selenium work together.
- Think of them as the the chemicals that make up a battery. It takes all three to make it work.
- This is why tests of a single of these didn't do much good, the law of minimums applies.
- Consider a car drained of all fluids, if you only fill up the transmission fluid will you really wonder why the brakes don't work?
Selenium improves sepsis recovery by 10%
"The primary end point was 28-day mortality; secondary end points were survival time and clinical course of APACHE III and logistic organ dysfunction system scores. In addition, selenium levels in serum, whole blood, and urine as well as serum gluthation-peroxidase-3 activity were measured. From 249 patients included, 11 patients had to be excluded. The intention-to-treat analysis of the remaining 238 patients revealed a mortality rate of 50.0% in the placebo group and 39.7% in the selenium-treated group (p = .109; odds ratio, 0.66; confidence interval, 0.39–1.1). A further 49 patients had to be excluded before the final analysis because of severe violations of the study protocol. In the remaining 92 patients of the study group, the 28-day mortality rate was significantly reduced to 42.4% compared with 56.7% in 97 patients of the placebo group (p = .049, odds ratio, 0.56; confidence interval, 0.32–1.00). In predefined subgroup analyses, the mortality rate was significantly reduced in patients with septic shock with disseminated intravascular coagulation (n = 82, p = .018) as well as in the most critically ill patients with an APACHE III score ≥102 (>75% quartile, n = 54, p = .040) or in patients with more than three organ dysfunctions (n = 83, p = .039). Whole blood selenium concentrations and glutathione peroxidase-3 activity were within the upper normal range during selenium treatment, whereas they remained significantly low in the placebo group. There were no side effects observed due to high-dose sodium-selenite treatment."
Hydrocortisone and Ascorbic Acid Synergistically Prevent and Repair Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Pulmonary Endothelial Barrier Dysfunction.
LPS alone induced profound hyperpermeability, as reflected in decreased values of transendothelial electrical resistance. vitC alone did not exhibit barrier enhancement properties nor did it affect the LPS-induced hyperpermeability. Similarly, HC alone exhibited only a minor barrier-enhancing and protective effect. Conversely, the combination of HC and vitC, either as before or after treatment, dramatically reversed the LPS-induced barrier dysfunction. The barrier-protective effects of HC and vitC were associated with reversal of LPS-induced p53 and phosphorylated cofilin downregulation and LPS-induced RhoA activation and myosin light chain phosphorylation.
These data provide a novel mechanism of endothelial barrier protection and suggest one possible pathway that may contribute to the therapeutic effects of HC and vitC in patients with sepsis.
Tocopherol improves Neonatal sepsis recovery by 10%
Bodenstein reports on the anomaly if improved chances for surviving sepsis in neonates with the addition of Tocopherol tp an IV and wuestions the use of Polysorbate 60 as a preservative.
Ascorbate-dependent vasopressor synthesis: a rationale for vitamin C administration in severe sepsis and septic shock?
Severe systemic inflammatory response to infection results in severe sepsis and septic shock, which are the leading causes of death in critically ill patients. Septic shock is characterised by refractory hypotension and is typically managed by fluid resuscitation and administration of catecholamine vasopressors such as norepinephrine. Vasopressin can also be administered to raise mean arterial pressure or decrease the norepinephrine dose. Endogenous norepinephrine and vasopressin are synthesised by the copper-containing enzymes dopamine β-hydroxylase and peptidylglycine α-amidating monooxygenase, respectively. Both of these enzymes require ascorbate as a cofactor for optimal activity. Patients with severe sepsis present with hypovitaminosis C, and pre-clinical and clinical studies have indicated that administration of high-dose ascorbate decreases the levels of pro-inflammatory biomarkers, attenuates organ dysfunction and improves haemodynamic parameters. It is conceivable that administration of ascorbate to septic patients with hypovitaminosis C could improve endogenous vasopressor synthesis and thus ameliorate the requirement for exogenously administered vasopressors. Ascorbate-dependent vasopressor synthesis represents a currently underexplored biochemical mechanism by which ascorbate could act as an adjuvant therapy for severe sepsis and septic shock.
Comment in
Adjuvant vitamin C treatment in sepsis-how many oranges a day keep (vasopressor-dependent) septic shock away? [J Thorac Dis. 2016]
Hypovitaminosis C and vitamin C deficiency in critically ill patients despite recommended enteral and parenteral intakes.
Vitamin C is an essential water-soluble nutrient which cannot be synthesised or stored by humans. It is a potent antioxidant with anti-inflammatory and immune-supportive roles. Previous research has indicated that vitamin C levels are depleted in critically ill patients. In this study we have assessed plasma vitamin C concentrations in critically ill patients relative to infection status (septic shock or non-septic) and level of inflammation (C-reactive protein concentrations). Vitamin C status was also assessed relative to daily enteral and parenteral intakes to determine if standard intensive care unit (ICU) nutritional support is adequate to meet the vitamin C needs of critically ill patients.
Forty-four critically ill patients (24 with septic shock, 17 non-septic, 3 uncategorised) were recruited from the Christchurch Hospital Intensive Care Unit. We measured concentrations of plasma vitamin C and a pro-inflammatory biomarker (C-reactive protein) daily over 4 days and calculated patients' daily vitamin C intake from the enteral or total parenteral nutrition they received. We compared plasma vitamin C and C-reactive protein concentrations between septic shock and non-septic patients over 4 days using a mixed effects statistical model, and we compared the vitamin C status of the critically ill patients with known vitamin C bioavailability data using a four-parameter log-logistic response model.
Overall, the critically ill patients exhibited hypovitaminosis C (i.e., < 23 μmol/L), with a mean plasma vitamin C concentration of 17.8 ± 8.7 μmol/L; of these, one-third had vitamin C deficiency (i.e., < 11 μmol/L). Patients with hypovitaminosis C had elevated inflammation (C-reactive protein levels; P < 0.05). The patients with septic shock had lower vitamin C concentrations and higher C-reactive protein concentrations than the non-septic patients (P < 0.05). Nearly 40% of the septic shock patients were deficient in vitamin C, compared with 25% of the non-septic patients. These low vitamin C levels were apparent despite receiving recommended intakes via enteral and/or parenteral nutritional therapy (mean 125 mg/d).
Critically ill patients have low vitamin C concentrations despite receiving standard ICU nutrition. Septic shock patients have significantly depleted vitamin C levels compared with non-septic patients, likely resulting from increased metabolism due to the enhanced inflammatory response observed in septic shock.
C-reactive protein; Critical illness; Enteral nutrition; Hypovitaminosis C; Intensive care; Parenteral nutrition; Sepsis; Septic shock; Vitamin C
Oxidative stress causes reversible changes in mitochondrial permeability and structure
" Electron microscopy revealed a loss of matrix density and disorganization of inner membrane cristae upon oxidative stress. Notably, the changes in permeability and in structure were rapidly reversed when the oxidative stress was relieved"
Ascorbate and Thiamine improve sepsis recovery by 7500%
"The fall in serum and cellular levels occurs too rapidly to be explained by decreased gastrointestinal absorption or increased urinary losses. Indeed, in a guinea pig model, myocardial ascorbate was depleted within hours of endotoxin administration "
Doctor—your septic patients have scurvy!
"Scurvy is a disease of antiquity described in Egyptian Hieroglyphics and responsible for the deaths of thousands of sailors during the Renaissance. Today, clinicians consider scurvy a very rare disease seen only in patients with extreme dietary deficiencies. They would undoubtedly be shocked to learn that about 40% of the patients in their ICU with septic shock have serum levels of vitamin C supporting a diagnosis of scurvy (<11.3 u/mol/l). The remainder of their patients with sepsis are likely to have hypovitaminosis C (serum level < 23 u/mol/l). Half of their nonseptic ICU patients also have hypovitaminosis C. These are the findings recently reported by Carr et al. [1]. Surprisingly, these astonishing observations are not new. It has been known for over two decades that acute illness results in an acute deficiency of vitamin C with low serum and intracellular levels [2–4]. Low plasma concentrations of vitamin C are associated with more severe organ failure and increased risk of mortality [5]. The most likely explanation for the acute vitamin C deficiency (acute scurvy) in patients with sepsis (and other critical illnesses) is a consequence of metabolic consumption [1]. The fall in serum and cellular levels occurs too rapidly to be explained by decreased gastrointestinal absorption or increased urinary losses. Indeed, in a guinea pig model, myocardial ascorbate was depleted within hours of endotoxin administration [6].
Most clinicians are likewise unaware that primates and guinea pigs are the only mammals that are unable to synthesize vitamin C (in their livers) and that all other mammals increase the synthesis of vitamin C during stress (vitamin C is a true stress hormone). Anthropoid primates and guinea pigs have lost the ability to synthesize vitamin C due to mutations in the l-gulono-γ-lactone oxidase (GULO) gene which codes for the enzyme responsible for catalyzing the last step of vitamin C biosynthesis [7]. The inability to synthesize vitamin C may partly explain why humans and guinea pigs have an increased vulnerability to sepsis and to dying from sepsis [8].
The inability to generate vitamin C makes humans very susceptible to dysfunction in a variety of biochemical pathways that are vital for surviving a critical illness such as sepsis."
NPR and Smithsoian Magazine, among others, reported on this at the time.
They report how a doctor who only lost 1 out of 150 patients (a seventy five fold increased chance of survival) by using ascorbate (and thiamine). The medical industry, who loses 50-70% of sepsis patients responded by saying it will ignore it until proven by a double blind test.
They really said that. They want to run a test guaranteed to kill patients before they stop killing patients, over something well understood in medical literature since the 1940s.
You know who says doctors who say this are sane? Other doctors.
Future directions:
1) What could be referred to as "Malik's Lactate" would would work even better if Selenium and Tocopherol were added. A previous atttempt as intravenous Tocopherol resulted in deaths because a poisonous preservative was used. Ascorbate is itself a preservative and there is no reason why this alone would not work. Calcium gluconate should be added to prevent cell stripping.
Magnesium as citrate should be added as well. Magnesium is in the biochemical pathway for the production of Glutathione and is in addition a rate-limiting factor.
Niacin and citrate are required in addition to ascorbate for ATP production and should also be added.
The confusion and poor memory caused by severe inflammation can be caused by lack of Zinc and Pyridoxine,
both of which are used up by the immune system, can not be made, and are essential for the biochemical pathways of thought ad memory just as Ascorbate, Niacin and Citrate are for ATP.
2) It's all very well that we can by using the appropriate precursors to the appropriate biochemical reactions make profound changed to the body. While this may seem a bit much consider the effect on the body by the additions of one extra chromosome. That infinitesimally tiny bunch of molecules could not have a more profound effect on the body; certainly the substances discussed here have far more mass than an extra chromosome. If levels of these substances are kept at optimal levels in the body resistance to disease and sepsis is far far greater. "The dose dictates the poison" applies here: while the body detoxifies Cyanide when found in small amounts occurring naturally in foodstuffs (apple seeds being the most well known example) this is a function of the dose size, in larger doses death results. The advantage of a well optimized antioxidant system not only makes it more difficult to die of sepsis but would prevent it in the first place. In fact if these levels were always maintained at optimal levels, even Ebola is not able to infect you. The Baka tribe in the Congo have been known since the beginning to be immune to Ebola, Lipinski 2015 shows why, Taylors showed how in 1995. Thus it must be stressed these must be taken every day for optimal health. Not only will this help with scurvy patients in ICU but will be of more help in preventing disease with a method that helps alleviate and not exacerbates the flu genome pollution we now live with. It's low selenium that causes viruses to mutate, with high enough Selenium the virus can't even attack the host cell.
Angstwurm 2007: Selenium improves sepsis recovery by 10%
Barabutis 2017: Hydrocortisone and Ascorbic Acid Synergistically Prevent and Repair Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Pulmonary Endothelial Barrier Dysfunction.
Bodenstein 1984: Tocopherol improves Neonatal sepsis recovery by 10%
Carr 2015: Ascorbate-dependent vasopressor synthesis: a rationale for vitamin C administration in severe sepsis and septic shock?
Carr 2017: Hypovitaminosis C and vitamin C deficiency in critically ill patients despite recommended enteral and parenteral intakes.
Cole 2010: Oxidative stress causes reversible changes in mitochondrial permeability and structure
Marik 2017: Ascorbate and Thiamine improve sepsis recovery by 7500%
"The fall in serum and cellular levels occurs too rapidly to be explained by decreased gastrointestinal absorption or increased urinary losses. Indeed, in a guinea pig model, myocardial ascorbate was depleted within hours of endotoxin administration "