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Marik Speaks

Vitamin C for the treatment of sepsis: The scientific rationale

Most vertebrates can synthesize vitamin C with synthesis increasing during stress. Humans, however, have lost the ability to synthesize vitamin C. Vitamin C is an important anti-oxidant and an enzyme cofactor for many important biological reactions. Sepsis results in the overwhelming production of reactive oxygen species with widespread endothelial, cellular and mitochondrial injury leading to progressive organ failure. Sepsis is associated with an acute deficiency of vitamin C. In experimental sepsis models, intravenous vitamin C reduces organ injury and improves survival. In addition, emerging evidence suggests that the combination of vitamin C, corticosteroids and thiamine may act synergistically to reverse sepsis induced organ dysfunction. These findings are supported by a recent observational study. Randomized controlled trials are underway to investigate this novel approach to the treatment of sepsis.

The Marik Protocol for Deadly Sepsis Is Already Saving Many Lives: The Roles of Vitamins C and B1 (Thiamine) - An Interview with Dr. Paul E. Marik, MD, FCCP, FCM, MBBCH

By Richard A. Passwater, Ph.D. - October 16, 2018

Marik: Dr. William Osler is quoted as saying, “Except for a few occasions, patients appear to die from the body’s response to infection rather than from the infection itself.” Sepsis results from the host’s response to infection being dysfunctional and going out of control resulting in damage to a variety of organs and ultimately resulting in organ failure and death.

Passwater: What causes sepsis? Why does an infection turn into deadly sepsis?

Marik: The most common causes of sepsis are pneumonia, urinary tract infection and intra-abdominal infection. An infection turns into sepsis because of a dysfunctional host immune system; this likely related to bacterial and host risk factors.

The Cure for Sepsis with Paul Marik (35 mins)

Paul Marik gives a brier talk, explains some early history and how he came about to develop his protocol then great attention is paid to the data and statistical analytics.

Marik 2018: Vitamin C for the treatment of sepsis: The scientific rationale

interview: The Marik Protocol for Deadly Sepsis Is Already Saving Many Lives: The Roles of Vitamins C and B1 (Thiamine) - An Interview with Dr. Paul E. Marik, MD, FCCP, FCM, MBBCH

talk: The Cure for Sepsis with Paul Marik (35 mins)