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"Sepsis" is a fairly meaningless and archaic non-technical term ("Derived from a Greek word meaning "rotten," septic can indicate that something is infected. When a hospital patient goes into "septic shock," it means that their body, wracked by an infection, is starting to fail. People in septic shock are victims of a condition called sepsis." - vocabulary.com).

Mostly bad definitions are given in lay-press, this one from the Mayo clinic, very vague, can be found in many places: "Sepsis occurs when the body's response to these chemicals is out of balance, triggering changes that can damage multiple organ systems."

Healthline.com offers: "Sepsis is a life-threatening illness caused by your body's response to an infection. Your immune system protects you from many illnesses and infections, but it's also possible for it to go into overdrive in response to an infection."

Still vague. This says more but still doesn't explain much but at least hints at the actual problem:

"Survival from severe sepsis: The infection is cured but all is not well
Nov 6, 2010 - Severe sepsis is a syndrome marked by a severe infection that results in the failure of at least one major organ system: "

Even Wikipedia does better than this. The technical term for "sepsis" also called "septicemia" is "reactive oxidant stress" ("ROS") ans is eaisly explained. Pathogens and poisons make work in different ways bit all have one thing in common: oxidation. The body fights this chemically not biologically with antioxidants, nore the plural. While L-Ascorbate (erroneously referred to as "Vitamin C, is it not actually a vitamin in thw strict sense, being secreted y the adrenal gland making it a stress hormone) is by far the most important note tht the ancient system is actual ya handful od chemicals ad we are not able ot make most of them and have to eat them.

Typically there are more antioxidants that oxidative stress in healthy person. When the amount of oxidative species of "ROS" is the same as the level of antioxidants this is a critical juncture. If the ROS continue to increase and increases to the point where it exceeds the body's ability to compensate with appropriate levels of antioxidant then death occurs. Thus the key pint it so always have more antioxidants than the you need at any point in time.

Look at it this way, if you feel a bit ill, especially in cold weather, take some C.

If you do not and you get a cold, take some C.

If you do not and it's really flu, take some C.

If you do not it's a bad flu and you feel like you're dying, take some C.

If you do not and you end up in the emergency ward of a hospital, then if you're lucky they will stick a needle in your arm and give you C intravenously and then you will be ok as the levels of antioxidants is high enough to finally to reverse the damage.

what needs to be understood is A) the C sill kill the virus in large enough dose and B) it repurs he damages. The damage is oxidative stress and it does not mater one bit if it was from Pneumonia, Ebola, a urinary tract infection or the result of enhanced vaccine disease is the the same thing in every case - the ROS/antioxidant balance can be tipped th worng way and if it does does death is injectable.

We have to distingihs between a pathogen and a condition here: a cold is a condition, any number of viruses can produce these styumpns. Ebola "Reston" strain does this in some but not all poeple. Pnuemonia is a condition not a pathogen, there is no Pbuemona bateria or virus, many of then can do it.

Inlfuenxa is a virus or family of viruses really.

So, if we look at all the oeple that died in ER of sepss from flu we can not ignore the othee ones thar die din ER of pneuemonia.

Even if wee had a shot that eorked peretly we don't) ther eis stil non-inlfuenrza pnuemeons fro mbrochjtits, aahtrma, copd and lots ofd other causes.

Curing pneiumos s more imspotrent aht a flu shot. Curong it with axontiaa is expeiuclaa ttac tnecaus rwat cires it will also prevfent it.

Oxidatative stress and the Ebola virus.

Curiously flu and Ebola cause death in the exact dame way, Ebola is just faster. Hi dose Vit C was used during the Ebola pandemic but this was not very well known as it was only mentioned exactly once in the media and not emphasized.

Flu and upper respiratory infections

Take everyone that died of pneumonia. Some had influenza, others have other diseases that led to this. It we had a magic cure for flu this would only prevent a fraction of deaths from pneumonia. This is perhaps the reason why when flu inoculations went up so did the date of death from flu: it's pneumonia not flu we need to conquer and a less refined an earlier and more primitive version of Marik's protocol has already proven it works on even hopeless and comatose cases of flu induced sepsis.

Enhanced Vaccine Disease.

There is some evidence vaccines are making flu worse.

  • Flu mutates in conditions of low selenium.
  • Vaccines are turning flu into a dangerous Dengue like disease
  • The perfect storm of flu vaccines can work against you
  • Enhanced vaccine disease