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Anxiety disorders are just the first symptom of Pellagra. You'd think in the 21st century people wouldn't die of scurvy any more but all these "mysterious" deaths recently have one thing in common: a recent chest infection and zero ascorbate in the blood. The medical term for no ascorbate is "scurvy" a disease we've been fighting for as long as we have been eating grains instead of leaves, between 5 and 10,000 years depending on location - grain originated as a staple foodstuff in the mid seat 10K years ago and migrated t Europe over the next 5000 years.
100 years ago the US almost wiped out those it was trying to save by feeding them corn, but unlike the mexican and arizona corn, mulated to move the important enzymes we need available, the US fed plan corn. niacin deficiency se tin and millions died of pellagra.
in 1911 there was a "infantile scurvy epidemic when middle class mothers, afraid of the recent discovery of Listeria bacteria i milk, began heating it to kill the germ. This denatured the ascorbate and a million babies died f scurvy. Once that was discovered fruit juice was substituted which some say was the origin f hr obesity crisis, but I'm getting off topic here.
So scurvy comes and goes. Our diet in generally ok and has enough dialy levy greens it not something most poeple have gto worry about. But it's not most poeple that are dying of trivial diseases such as flu. These are the crap diet people, in every case.
So, people still die of scurvy. A healthy immune system - and there's no content whatsoever the C is the most important molecule i the entire immune system, will prevent that. People that pay attention o this will never die of a silly deficiency disease as a result of an infection that followed an attack of the flu virus.
Similarly so, people still die of Pellagra. All those crazy poeple that shoot and bow up poeple and have crazy eyes in the photo like they took some bad acid? Same thing, they're acute pellagra cases:
In every case there's a cycle of anxiety --> depression --> mania and in each case remediation can be obtained 90% of the time by administering c and niacin, the remaining 10% "backward" cases, noting works on.
Clinical evidence of niacin remediating anxiety disorders was written up by Prousky who went in looking for why depression is treatable by this, found to be a precursor and also remediated by niacin. It considered now to be an early marker of pellagra.
It might help to work with your doctor to rule this out. Downregulate the ssri's, take a good dose of non flushing niacin, say 1000mg and 2000 mg of calcium ascorbate after every meal. This will take anywhere from 30 to 90 days to kick in and the doctor that created this protocol who is very critical of atypical antipsychotics does recommend ativan to control the symptoms of anxiety until the niacin kicks in. In 30% of poeple it takes 3 days, 30% more it takes 60 and in 30% - 90 days. Ativan works in lower doses than they suggest, you may find 1/2 mg every day days is enough or you may need 1 or 2 mg a day. You should explain to your doctor (who works for you not vice versa) what you want to to and you can work together on this. Blood tests to check serum levels of these would be helpful. He can look up Abraham Hoffer' work in the 1950s in Regina for references, they're in Medline which he uses.