The discovery of Salvestrol Q40

In 1933 a guy discovered how atoms stick together to form molecules which led to biochemistry, molecular biology and quantum chemistry. I have no friggin idea what quantum chemistry is but it made it past the Wikipedia editors so one would presume it's real. At any rate he then spent a decade looking at cancer and concluded cancer organizations had no interest in curing the disease. That's a pretty outrageous statement, but I've come to believe it.

So there's there enzyme, a whole family of them you sometimes hear about when they talk about DNA analysis - Cytochrome enzymes. There's one group called the P450 family and within that there's a species called CYP17.

This enzyme only ever shows up in one place in the body, it's unique to prostate cancer cells and is therefor a marker for prostate cancer.

A clever drug designer for a pharmaceutical company named Gerry Potter reasoned out a clever treatment, he designed a drug that reacts with the CYP17 enzyme and turns into a chemical kills the cancer cell but doesn't harm the human cell. It worked in a lab dish, in mce and in monkeys and began trials in Dan Francisco a few years back and caused quite a stir because they stopped the trial halfway through because the placebo group wasn't getting any better and it was unfair to them. It works that well, it flat out kills tumor cells.

So instead of administering a drug that has an effect on the cell, a drug is administered that turns into another drug if the cell contains a certain enzyme and that's the active agent. That is a proto drug not a drug is what's being administered. This pro-drug paradigm is new.

The company he worked for sold this drug for $2B to some other company before the trials btw.

Then he went mad. diagnosed with bipolar disorder he checked into a funny farm and drew pictures of molecules for three weeks saying he had the cure for cancer and of course nobody believed him.

But it turns out he may be on to something. In 2003 they found another enzyme, CYP1B1 and this shows up in all cancer cells. Do the same trick with that enzyme and you have a cure for cancer. So he began designing a drug he thought would work and set about to begin making it and the first thing you do is look up in the big book of molecules to find the closest one, then you simply add or subtract parts until you have what you want.

The thing is, he found the exact molecular. It's an odd family of chemicals that plants make to kill mold.

around 2007 or so he convinced the British government to hand this stuff out free to everybody in Britain and they agreed and then the pharma companies lobbied and that plan was killed.

If you look up Potter in all the academic cancer journals you'll find this stuff.

I found out about it because I ran into this guy in a Starbucks and he was from Newport and we got talking:

Both he and Potter started of in the conventional medicine industry but were now all about vitamins and this stuff to cure cancer, claiming the body can fight it off just fine if it has the correct raw materials and that appears to be the case. We know gene P53 is inactive in cancer patients and these plant sterols Potter found reactivate this gene and the body kills cancer cells. They may have found it. It's sold OTC as an antioxidant and cannot claim to cure cancer (even though biloba have been made because it *does*) because the molecule isn't patentable - it occurs in fruit and vegetables. It's in the highest concentration in tangerines (and go figure, in Tangier, if you look it up they're an outlier in world cancer stats. Not only are they the lowest in the world (which ranges from 253 - 375 per 100L, Denmark to South Africa respectively) but they're nearly a third: ~100 per 100K - you can find these on the Moroccan government site and nowhere else I can find and they hold for all of Morocco, a country notorious for chain smoking)

If you were to plot on a graph the astronomic rise of cancer since 1900, when it was so rare many doctors would never see it, to the rise in use of antifungals, that became ubiquitous after WWII to feed all the boomers" they said, you'll notice they're the same curve and the reason is obvious: the raw material our bodies use to kill cells that have divided incorrectly is the very one plants make to defend against mold and when we spray antifungals - no mold and the plant doesn't make anything in response to a mold it never say and concentrations of this phytoalexin is up to 90 reduced in sprayed fruit and veg. There is not enough of this stuff (it's bitter and we've bred bitter out, go us) to do any good if you already have a massive tumor but if you were to eat organic tangerines (prune plums, asparagus and strawberries also contain a lot) then your chances of your body being able to kill that first arrested cells that divided improperly are a whole lot better than if you don't eat them.

So, back to these cancer agencies... every time a prostate cancer organization pays to slip an "article" asking for money I post the story above and ask why are they claiming to look for a cure when we found it 3 years ago and they always say "it needs more work we still need to look for a cure". Dafuq? No, dude, they found it... and you don't even know? Lemme get this right, you know absolutely nothing about the disease you're claiming to need money for to find a cure?

Breast cancer is down 30% in the last few decades. They found vitamin D was deficient in large number of women with breast cancer, so take halibut liver oil. The graph takes a sharp drop after that book that talked about this came out. Breast cancer is also one of the easiest ones to cure so when Angelina Jolie cut her tits off as a preventative measure it seemed a little abhorrent given survival rates now are close to 100% if you know what you're doing.

What is it they need money for exactly?

The Cytochrome P450 enzyme CYP1B1 [1]only occurs in cancer cells [2][3]. When certain phytoalexins such as resveratrol and salvestrol are ingested these phytoalexins are converted by the P450 enzyme intopiceatannol [4], which is fatal to cancer cells but not human cells [5][6].