So... they're giving up? Pills don't work and after 30 years the suggestion is "try more exercise" ?
You don't have a whole lots to lose by trying.
At least rule out the possibility it could be a micronutrient deficiency. Maybe it's not but out of 100 people some would almost certainly benefit from at least trying it. Get the strongest form of each one (be sure to get non-flushing niacin or niacinamide) and work with your doctor. It had helped other kids.
If a child can concentrate it's certainly not from a deficiency of ritalin, a molecule the body has never seen before (and thus will produce side effects). "Back in the day..."
Back in the day you got what you paid for when you bought food. There's an enzyme called pyridoxine that helps other chemical reactions in the brain work more quickly or work at all. It's not one of the chemicals we can make and we have to eat it. It's B6 and has been reduced by up to 90% in green beans alone - modern industrial processing has been chipping away at important micronutrient for ages.
We add Niacin and thiamine (and not enough by a factor of 10) to all white flour because our processing of the grain destroys these nutrients and a million people died until we figured the south.
At the turn of the 20th century scurvy had come back because the new practice of warming the milk destroys the vitamins and thousand of babies died. We processed lime juice in copper kettles which neutralized the vitamin sea and polar and marine explorers died.
And now rickets is back - another vitamin deficiency. We used to take cod-liver oil for this to get less colds - what happened to that?
All we need now is Pellagra and Beriberi and that'l be every common vitamin deficiency disease known to man.
Keep telling yourself "we get enough vitamins from our food each " day. We don't. We just don't. Even if you ate really well instead of eating junk there's still not what there was "back in the day"in terms of nutrients in produce.
To think this will have no effect on people who consume it, getting less and less of these key enzymes all the time is just foolish.
We use B6 and zinc together for a couple of the biochemical reactions we know have to do with thought and memory. Besides these two, niacin, citrate and C are used for energy production which the brain does a lot of being the single largest consumer of it. So it's probably a good idea to take those two and a citrus fruit every day even if it's lemon juice (which would be the best any way - this is why we squeeze lemons on salad - for thousands of years we did this to avoid scurvy. We didn't know why we were doing it but every mum was trained by her mum to say "eat your vegetables or you'll get sick" in the same way Navajo women say "you must treat the corn with lime or you'll get sick" (lime makes the niacin bioavailable, it's useless otherwise, and pellagra, characterized by the "three D's" - dementia (today we call this"schizophrenia"), dermatitis and death. (today we call this"schizophrenia") will certain result.
One of the things the Paleo people go on about is how the levels of vitamins and minerals were 5x higher when Britain was first populated and that the RDA numbers are levels to prevent death and do not represent figures for optimal health, also no to people have the same DNA and therefore the same bios chest. Some may need more. High functioning people in particular need more as they tear trough more rawmatielas than other people do.
Given that argument and the depletion of these vital nutrients in the brain - not hard to conceive given the history, it seems to me it would be prudent to try this first rather that dope kids up or make them suffer; it's not like they have any other options and am surprised they did't suggest this.
When we know what one of the raw materials to the act of thought actually is the presumption that everybody has enough of them it just laughable given what industrialization has historically done with our food supply.