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Gloom and doom. Funny how if you poke your nose into Google Scholar searching for "shigella oregano" you find a dozen papers from outside the US that say things like:
"A decrease of the shigellae was observed after washing with 0.5% (oregano oil) while at 1% Shigella numbers dropped below the detection limit"
" Thyme and essential oils and thymol and carvacrol (the active ingredient in oregano oil) showed inhibition of Shigella sp. in the agar well diffusion method (MIC 0.1-1.0%) and they have potential to be used as a desinfectant in the washing water "
"A growth-inhibitory effect on Shigella sonnei was also noted."
Feeling dodgy because of something you ate? 6 drops of oregano oil and I betcha it'll stop. Vitamin C has the same effect, one is water soluble the other oil soluble, together they'll kill just about anything an even better, reverse the damage they do because all bacterial toxins works the same way, they steal an electron and antioxidants as free electron donors put them back.
The reason the Mediterranean "diet" is so damn healthy isn't just the diet, the study didn't emphasize these people work hard outside in strong sun each day (and thus get what the west would call a dangerous overdose of vitamin D - 10,000 IU/hr) or that they drink home made booze - unpasteurized it contains the probiotics we call "healthy got flora" or that they consume mas quantities of potent mediterranean oregano that not only kills bad bugs and repairs the damage but does so in absurdly small quantities. The stuff even kills MRSA which no antibiotics does any more:
And typhoid, another nasty bug in the Salmonella genus: