“We are all concerned. There are two reasons why: there isn’t a link between depression and aggressive suicide, if that is what this is. There isn’t normally such a link. And second, because of some of the ridiculous things that are said." http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/mar/28/germanwings-plane-crash-alps-depression-doctor?CMP=fb_gu |
And the world is getting warmer too if you believe this newspaper, that explains the cold weather perfectly. I know climate isn't whether but when it's so cold for thirteen years and getting colder every year what is it exactly you call climate?
It's warm (for some definition of "warm" we can certainly argue that too) but not "warming" it's getting colder every year very consistently.
The failure of the press and the public to look at recent data is appalling. Almost as appalling is the misleading statements and charts being passed off as fact by those whose paycheck depends on misleading the public.
Scientists told to 'cover up' the fact that the Earth's temperature hasn't risen for the last 15 years
Warm for one year, that's climate, cooling for 13 that's weather, is that what you're saying? Is ketchup a vegetable, too?
![]() 140 years of NASA/NOAA Data taken from climate.gov.
![]() 2000 years of data ![]() 4.5 Billion years of data |
If we'd spent half the money on mental health as we spent in 35 years coming up with the wrong answer about climate, the pile of dead bodies would be lot smaller. Worrying about climate is killing us, climate is not.
So far global warming hasn't killed anybody and in fact the closest to death anybody's been from climate change is nearly freezing to death in the arctic when some idiot believed Gore's Nobel acceptance speech for global warming where he said the arctic would be ice free by now, but who instead almost got stuck in the ice and nearly froze to death when this proved to be another in an utterly perfect track record of completely failed predictions.
Gullible Green sailors trapped in the Arctic
The same class of geniuses, after 80 years of studying the problem have concluded mental illness a "biochemical condition of unknown origin".
80 years and no progress despite trillions of dollars spent in "research" which has included such "lad gear" as booze and hookers while paying doctors to sign off on papers they've never seen which becomes "scientific evidence" to backup a position for which they have financial interests in and ones that kills a certain number of the people it's supposed to help every eyt of the tune of tens of thousands.
Instead by use of expensive synthetic compounds from a corrupt industry getting fined, a cure rate of only 0.2%.
22 MIllion For Each Mental Health Recovery
Big Pharma’s Big Fines
... is offered as justification of horrific and sometimes fatal side effects.
The fact is all the mass shooters are schizophrenic and that neither foreign terrorists nor weather/climate are actually alarming in comparison to how we've badly managed this issue while we've also forgotten about pollution.
Is Pellagra the Root Cause of Violent Shooting Rampages?
While so far this year the most Canadians have died from a whale attack than terrorists so far this year:
Canadian tourist, 35, who was killed when her boat was hit by a breached WHALE in Mexico
More Americans have died of mentally unwell good guys with a gun in the past 3 months than died on D-Day.
Germany's greatest mass death since you know when has been because of failure to recognise and confront the problem, one that is so well understood it's talked about in movies of Germany going back to the 50s.
It's bad enough some people are in such pain they decide to end their lived but the greater problem is the effects on the lives of others.
In the first few decades of the 20th century 30,000 people died a year of Pellagra, a type of scurvy caused not by lack of vitamin C, but by lack of vitamin B3, the symptoms which were the famous thee D's: "dementia, dermatitis and death".
Today we would call these symptoms schizophrenia, eczema and, well, still death. Don't kid yourself that these are Victorian era problems, to this day roughly 20% of admissions to London hospital for shiztpohrnia are simply because of classicalvitamin C scurvy.
Pellagra went on killing people for two decades until an obscure 1850s German biochemical paper was uncovered that proved Pellagra was a simple nutrient deficiency as therefore we added B3 to all flour in the 1930s and people stopped dying. This is what "enriched" flour was when introduced decades ago - out attempt to put back a chemical vial to our sanity ware industrial processing of food had taken out.
The levels of what we add to flour have not changed up or down and are still state of the art 1930 levels. Time's 1938 "Man of the year" was to the scientist that roved to America B3 cured and wold prevent Pellagra. The open question is, did we add enough. The one person in the world who has studied the effect of B3 on the brain says no, not by a factor of 10, a number that not coincidentally matched paleolithic era levels of this important brain enzyme.
In that ninety year span there have been investigations taken unto this and to summarize, two schools of thought emerged: one school whose work created the disciplines of biochemistry and molecular biology and studied the neurochemistry of the brain and the way B3 affects it in great detail over decades and concluded the levels we were adding are not high enough and the other school of thought that said the levels are fine but the answer to the problem was a pill that we happen to make that makes more people ill than better.
The problem is the side effect of antidepressants is you just don't care and have little or no empathy which explains not only the conservative governments around the world but the pilot in this case as well.