Bipolar disorder is cycles of mania followed by depression. It's a chemical imbalance in the brain. Schizophrenia is the same thing without the depressive after effect. Either or both can have hallucinations, only bipolar has the depressive after effect.
Here's the DO and DO NOT's of it:
- DO NOT STOP TAKING YOUR VITAMINS BECAUSE YOU FEEL BETTER. This is the worst of all. You may feel a lot better butthat'sbecause theyre working. Stop taking them and you're back to square one.
- Eat Sugar or stimulants in any form. It makes it worse. Chances are high this is how you got that way.
- Eat foods you're allergic to. One at a time cut out things for a week. Feel better? Never ea that again, ever. Most common food allergies in descending order: gluten (in all grains, wheat is by far the highest, rice is the lowest), dairy, soy, latex.
- Drink alcohol.
- Stay up. When you're tired, go to sleep. That second wind is adrenaline, and when that oxidises the oxidative products (adrenochrome, androlutein and others) are what make you crazy
- Eat processed foods. Buy only ingredients.
- Eat processed oils. The only safe fats are, in descending order of how good they are for coconut oil, olive oil, butter.
Exercise. Walk a mile a day. The legs produce glutamine when you use them, this destroys the chemicals that make you nuts.
Eat 3 meals a day. Control of insulin levels s critical. You may have noticed low blood sugar triggers this. A lot of people are ok when they get up by 4 or 5 is not good. This is why.
Supplements are critical. Buy and take as many as you can afford. Listed in descending order of importance:
- Niacin. Buy the non-flushing form which comes in 500mg doses. Take 2 after every meal, and never on an empty stomach, it's rather acidic and will mess you up a little but is absolutely fine after you eat something.
- Vitamin C. Either buy 1500mg (or 1000mg) pills and take 2 after each meal or from the canning aisle buy pure ascorbic acid crystals. Take a heaping tablespoon in warm water after eafh meal.
- Vitamin B6, 250 mg. One in the morning, one at night.
- Zinc. Get the highest potency you can find, aimd for 200-300mg a day.
- Magnesium. This comes in many forms. Magnesium taurate is the best but hard to find. Magnesium gluconate is good, Magnesium citrate is ok (but citrate is laxative) and Magnesium oxide is the least active. aim for 300mg a day.
- Calcium. Calcium/Magnesium/Zinc pills or Calcium/Magnesium. Take one day
- Fish oil pills. One after breakfast, one at night.
- B-100. One in the morning, one at night.
- Vitamin E. 400iu at night
- Halibut liver oil for vitamins A and D. They're tiny. 4-6 a day.
- Evening primrose oil, a source of Gamma Linoleic acid. One a day.
Just the niacin will work for most people. Others require B6/Zinc as well.
Those are a minimum. additionally you can also take the following if you want to, they help regulate mood:
- 5-HTP - this is a precursor to serotonin. As directed on the label.
- GABA -Gamma amino butyric acid. As directed on the label.
- Glutamine - as directed on the label.
- Eat the right meats. Less beef, but do not eliminate it. Lots Of oily fish, salmon especially not wild Pacific Salmon not that farmed Atlantic crap. Almost all Atlantic salmon is farmed and worthless - it eats the wrong things that fail to produce the right omega 3 oils. Trout, sardines, herring, mackerel. We used to say Tuna, but thee's so much mercury it now it's off the menu. Heavy metals can cause and worsen this condition.
- Brazil nuts. Two a day. For the Selenium.
- Almonds are quite good. No peanuts or peanut butter. Peanuts, unless organic, because they live in the egrons suck up every single plant there is in large quantities. Commercial peanut butter is half peanuts the rest is sugar and unhealthy fats. Almond butter is quite good as is hazelnut butter and hazelnuts.
- Leafy greens. Cabbage, parsley, cilantro. Eat lots. Learn to use cabbage instead of pasts. Blanch and braise it. We evolved eating nothing but fish and leaves and the more you can eat of this the better.
- Brightly Colored vegetables: beets especially,raw,cooked or picked. Red pepper, asparagus, carrots especially purple one if you can find them.
- Spices: garlic, chilis, ginger, cumin, turmeric. The more the better: Indian, Szechuan, Thai and Mexican. While Denmark is one of the better countries in the world, they also have the highest rat of cancer in the world because of their pr diet The nitrates in cured meat are largely responsible of this. No preserved meats.
- Dairy: full fat milk, cream, cheese (especially goat cheese). No processed cheese.
It's difficult to say how long this takes, 30% respond in 3 days, 30% respond in 30 days, the final 33% respond in 90 days. 10% never respond at all, but these are the "back wards" cases and if you're reading this then are not one of them. Think catatonic. Or just completely deranged, ie. Charles Manson.
I cannot be stressed enough that you have to take these every day. Never take a break just because you feel better and yes this is by far the hardest part.