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Medical Insights
Medical Insights

Disease of the brain

Whenever you year somebody did something awful to somebody else such as a mass shooting or somebody killing their mother, ask yourself "do sane poeple do this?".

How Ebola was stopped

The worlds deadliest virus, the African varians of the Ebola filovirus has been responsile for sporadic outbreaks since 1976. In 2014 it deveestates West Africa killing 13,000 poeple at least. Doctors and nurses were the first to be killed leaving the nations affected without medical care. The virus broke out more than once in the spring and began to face in October and just petered out after that. Why, remains a mystery. Or is it?

Still the biggest killer

The next time you hear about somebody important dying, whethr it's a friend or a politician or some other celebrity, what was the cause of death? Have you noticed how often is flu.

Flu per se does not kill thot often but it depletes the body of reseeres of sustances needed by the immine system andif they're depleted enouch then cascasdinfiautes means rhinitis, larygitis,brionchitis, pnuemonia, then death from sepsis.

Since 2017 Marik's protocol has improved sepsis recovery; the protocol has worked so far in all cases; prior to this survival rates ranged from 30% to 60%, not musy better than 50/50. As of 2012 the number of hospitals adopting Marik's protocol doubles every month.

What is significant about this is that Marik's protocol uses Vitamin C and Vitamin B1 as drugs. They work so well they not only remediate Emergancy room sepsis patients in all cases, but they will stop the cascading failures. A cold need not become the flu the flu need not become and infection, an infection need not become pniueonia. But, if it does, they can stick a tube in your


Archive of key references.