Extensive use of monosodium glutamate: A threat to public health?

MSG has been linked with obesity, metabolic disorders, Chinese Restaurant Syndrome, neurotoxic effects and detrimental effects on the reproductive organs.

In conclusion we would like to state that although MSG has proven its value as an enhancer of flavour, different studies have hinted at possible toxic effects related to this popular food-additive. These toxic effects include CNS disorder, obesity, disruptions in adipose tissue physiology, hepatic damage, CRS and reproductive malfunctions. These threats might have hitherto been underestimated

Deciphering the MSG controversy

Monosodium glutamate (MSG), a common flavor enhancer found in various canned food and stereotypically associated with food in Chinese restaurants [1, 2], has been claimed and tested to have various side effects including headache and dizziness [3–5]. A double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized study has confirmed the link between MSG usage and these various symptoms [4]. Case studies were also presented in which the elimination of all food sources of MSG resulted in decreased headache frequency

Questions and Answers on Monosodium glutamate

The FASEB report identified some short-term, transient, and generally mild symptoms, such as headache, numbness, flushing, tingling, palpitations, and drowsiness that may occur in some sensitive individuals who consume 3 grams or more of MSG without food.