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The PR campaign against this is paid for by a wheat industry association who stand to lose 1/3 of their customers once people figure this out. To give you an idea of the money the sugar lobby paid $2B keeping "miracle fruit" from ever being used as a sweetener which would help diabetics - it's non toxic with no side effects and just makes sour sweet. So you could use it and citric acid instead of sugar for no extra calories and no side effects. Not gonna happen now.
More so, grains in general are superfluous to a healthy diet. they're low on the thing that turned out not the be the reason for cholesterol, and high in the things that did turn out to be the thing that caused arteriosclerosis and low in the things that prevent it.
Plus the parts that do cause heart disease are simply not required - the only thing the are good for - carbohydrates - are sufficient and found in ample quantities in all other food does that not have other negative drawbacks. In addition phytates in grains inhibit the absorption of nutrients even in other foods. This Is why you can trace the incidence of heart disease diabetes and obesity from the middle east to Europe as it followed exactly the migration of grain helped along by human trade between 5,000 and 10,000 years ago.
You don't need a fancy blood test though, just don't eat any for a week. If you don't feel any different, go back to eating it and if you still don't feel any different they you carry the gene.
But if you stop eating it for a week and you notice a difference and it's honestly worse if you start eating it again then you almost certainly do not carry the gene and it's been making you sick your entire life.
A long time ago we figured out we need to eat lemon or oranges to not die. 30 years ago grains and seed oils were pushed for reasons that now turn out to be illegitimate. We've learned they were actually the cause of the problem we tried to avoid by switching to them: allergic reaction to grains with their lack of anti inflammatory and antioxidant nutrients and inflammation from high temperature processed oils that may as well be trans fats for all the good it does you. This further disrupts the Omega 3 and Omega 6 balance by up to 30X and in no small way added to the depression as well as obesity crises. The brain is 50% fat and 40% of that as two fatty acids, Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). They're also the dominant lipids in salmon and algae. Seed oils do not work the same way at the molecular level which is why they're classified as Omega 6 and not Omega 3 and our bodies biochemistry is such that the ratio of these two needs to be 1:1 and not the 1:30 it is now. So, not only are grains off the menu but so is canola oil. You might be surprised how much better you felt if you don't eat those two things *even if you can eat gluten* - just because you can eat it doesn't mean you particularly should - it's still as nutritious as Styrofoam.
In fact it's so badly compromised by industrial processing that a million opepe died before they figured out there were no vitamins left in it which is why now all four is "enriched" with the chemicals you'd go mad and then die without - and many did - that are supposed to be in our food.
Who does the paid PR flack that wrote this think they're fucking kidding?
Nobody gets paid to tell you to eat a healthy diet. Almost by definition any "article" you see in all the papers will be false and or misleading and will have come from a corporate marketing communications department. If a "doctor" wrote it, it might have been ghostwritten although many "health professionals" are paid to use their MD (or other 'Credentials' - 'ScienceBabe' and 'Mommypotamus' come to mind as other examples in the growing army of corporate shills in social media) than do nothing more than act as a corporate shills. It' is best if you look a the actual science and ignore labels.