Also, chicken eggs contain an enzyme called Thiaminase which destoys thiamine, Thiamine or Vitamin B1, was the first of tyhe B vitamins found abd was nicknamed the "anti-infection vitamin" because many infections cleared up quickly when B1 was taken as aell, and more importantly, rate of recovery increased in proportion to the amount taken. You can't OD on vitamins, you piss any excess out. Back then, people would take a 10X or greater dose during an infection. This was rediscovered during cvid by trhe director of the Bethesda Naval Hospital who found that adding Thiamine and Vitamin C to the standard cortisone drip for Sepsis, he reduces the rate of death from 50% to zero.
So, it is big deal that chicken eggs contin thiaminase which drives doen the amount of thiamine you hve. Duck (and quail) eggs do not contain thiaminase, instead thy contain thiamine. In that sense they are really much better for you than chicken eggs.
Note also that as a waterfowl with a diet of algae, their body fat is the right kind (light, full of omega 3, digestible) in sharp congtradiction to chicken fat.
"The French Paradox" where they eat more bacon, fried food nd win than nybody yet are healthier and have lower cholesterol than anybody whioch broke all our ideas about eatig fats and serum cholesterol levels.
In the end the solution to the French Paradox was: 1) duck and marine fats, 2) the reservetrols in red wine (these substances are the subject of some very promising anti aging research), 3 low sugar - it was a math error in a single linear regression that led us to believe, falsly, that eat fas gave you cholesterol, which actually the bad c holesterols (the VHLDL's) are made in the lilver from excess sugar) and finally 4) fresh fruits and vegetable and note France practices organic methods almost soley.
So sure. More duck and less chicken. Start with the eggs. They're also prettier and in recipes that call for raw eggs (ie real French Mousse) duck eggs are far far safer choice than chicken eggs. Especially in larger amounts.